saleable height是什么意思 saleable height的中文翻译、读音、例句

saleable height是什么意思 saleable height的中文翻译、读音、例句

saleable height的中文解释是"商品材高度",还经常被翻译为商品材高度,在线读音是[saleableheight],saleable height来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到30个与saleable height相关的例句。

Saleable height的翻译


例句:And bend up every spirit to his full height. (And bend up every spirit to his full height.)


saleable height一般作为名词使用,如在saleable articles(畅销货)、saleable high(可售高度(指树高))、saleable output(净煤产量, 净矿产量)等常见短语中出现较多。

saleable articles畅销货
saleable high可售高度(指树高)
saleable output净煤产量, 净矿产量
height of……的高度
in height高度, 在高度上
on height在高处;向高处
the height[网络] 高度;展示犬的高度;顶点
the height of……的顶点\n……的高度


1. Bust: 110 cm Height: 1.72 m (翻译:胸围: 110 cm 身高: 1.72 m)

2. The banker complained sadly that Providence had not made sleep a saleable commodity, like edibles or drinkables. (翻译:银行家郁郁寡欢地抱怨上帝没有睡眠也制成一种像食品或饮料那样可以买卖的商品。)

3. The aircraft was gaining height. (翻译:飞机在爬高。)

4. What is your height and weight? (翻译:你的身高和体重是多少? )

5. Bandhavgarh, India, at the height of the dry season. (翻译:英国精密国际公司 为零下气温中作战的狙击手 开发出一种武器)

6. The conversion from ellipsoid to optometric height requires a geoid height model. (翻译:转换到视力测定身高要求椭圆球体高度模型。)

7. In addition, to make the bonds saleable, rating agencies were appointed to adjudge their creditworthiness. (翻译:此外,为了让CDO债券得到市场青睐,它们还委派评级机构评定这些债券的信用等级。)

8. For them, 1966 is the height of nostalgia. (翻译:昭和xx年那年 两个姐姐沉醉在怀念的青春岁月)

9. This is the subjective height -- the height you saw of these guys at various points. (翻译:这是主观高度—— 即你在不同阶段看到的高度。)

10. He was talking about the maximum tolerable height being eight. (翻译:可他说最高不许超过8层 He was talking about the maximum tolerable height being eight.)

11. If the professional is not smart property buyers to see the two prices and saleable compared can judge worth. (翻译:再不专业不精明的购房者,看看价格和实用面积的两相对比,也能判断值不值。)

12. In Listing 3, menubar, title, height, width, content, and visible are all attributes of the Frame object. (翻译:在清单3中,menubar、title、height、width、content和visible都是Frame对象的属性。)

13. The size of a view is expressed with a width and a height. A view actually possess two pairs of width and height values. (翻译:视图的大小以宽度和高度表示。一个视图有两对宽度和高度值。)

14. ..takes me to the height of ecstasy. (翻译:takes me to the height of ecstacy. 让我到达喜悦的最高点)

15. Prorate the height of the tidal waves. (翻译:按比例分摊海啸的高度。)

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