sales price adjustment是什么意思 sales price adjustment的中文翻译、读音、例句

sales price adjustment是什么意思 sales price adjustment的中文翻译、读音、例句

sales price adjustment的中文解释是"售价调整",在英美地区还有"物价"的意思,单词读音音标为[salespriceadjustment],sales price adjustment常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到40个与sales price adjustment相关的例句。

Sales price adjustment的中文翻译


例句:I just need you to make that adjustment. (我只是需要你把它放好 I just need you to make that adjustment.)


例句:- Mr. Price. Nell Carver. - Hi, Nell. (﹣Price先生 我是Nell carver ﹣嗨 Nell)


sales price adjustment一般作为名词使用,如在sales price([经] 售价)、price adjustment(调价)、sales price prediction([物价] 售价预测)等常见短语中出现较多。

sales price[经] 售价
price adjustment调价
sales price prediction[物价] 售价预测
sales price quality售价品质
sales price size售价范围
price adjustment formula格调整公式
price level adjustment按物价水平调整
the salesn. 降价时期,打折时


1. It's fresh, and the price is reasonable. (翻译:and the price is reasonable.)

2. The present price fluctuation in the world market have necessitate the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel. (翻译:目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。)

3. Mr. Price. Mr. Price, if you could just come and stand next to me right here. (翻译:Price先生 Price先生 您能站到我边上来吗)

4. A summary calculation has been applied to the Year totalling the Revenue for all the Sales regions. (翻译:已将摘要计算应用以汇总所有Sales regions的Revenue的Year。)

5. – And the price you had to pay. (翻译:– And the price you had to pay.)

6. Did the boys from sales send you? (翻译:你是销售部的人派来的吗? Did the boys from sales send you?)

7. Price, call Swarek. Tell him we got his guy. (翻译:Price 联系Swarek 跟他说抓到嫌犯了)

8. Price check on register three, please. (翻译:Price check on register three, please.)

9. Please make the price adjustment on it to credit us for all of the capacitors that we received that we did not order. (翻译:请把上次我们没下单但是已收到的的电容器调整下价格。我之前已把详细信息发给你了。)

10. I found the perfect sales pitch. (翻译:因为我们的宣传标语给力 I found the perfect sales pitch.)

11. bullseye,business,entrepreneur,leadership,sales,selling,success (翻译:bullseye,business,entrepreneur,leadership,sales,selling,success)

12. My price is the best price. (翻译:我的价钱是最便宜的 My price is the best price.)

13. Before I did pharmaceutical sales, I was an actress. (翻译:做医药代表之前 我是个演员 Before I did pharmaceutical sales, I was an actress.)

14. So far Ireland and Latvia have been willing to take the pain of required economic adjustment as the price of euro membership. (翻译:迄今为止,冰岛和拉脱维亚都愿意承担加入欧元区的代价,进行必要的经济调整。)

15. As long as the price is right. (翻译:只要出价够高 As long as the price is right.)

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