salviol是什么意思 salviol的中文翻译、读音、例句

salviol是什么意思 salviol的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Salvage (拯救、打捞、救援)

- The divers worked tirelessly to salvage the sunken ship. (潜水员们不分昼夜地工作,将沉船打捞上来。)

- We were able to salvage some of the items from the fire-damaged building. (我们成功地从火灾中受损的大楼中救出了一些物品。)

2. Salvia (鼠尾草)

- Salvia is a popular herb used for medicinal and culinary purposes. (鼠尾草是一种常用于药用和烹饪的草本植物。)

- The bright purple flowers of the salvia plant attract many bees and butterflies. (鼠尾草植物的鲜艳紫色花朵吸引了许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。)

3. Salvo (齐射、猛攻)

- The enemy troops fired a salvo of missiles at the city. (敌方军队向城市发射了一波导弹。)

- The soldiers coordinated their attack and launched a salvo of gunfire at the enemy. (士兵们协同作战,向敌人发起一轮猛攻。)

4. Salivation (口水分泌)

- The smell of freshly baked cookies caused his mouth to water, triggering a salivation response. (刚出炉的饼干的香味让他垂涎三尺,引发了口水分泌反应。)

- A malfunction in the salivary glands can lead to a decrease in salivation. (唾液腺的功能出现故障会导致唾液分泌减少。)

5. Salve (橄榄油软膏)

- He applied a salve to the burn mark on his hand to soothe the pain. (他在手上的烧伤处涂了一些橄榄油软膏以缓解疼痛。)

- The herbal salve is made from natural ingredients and is gentle on the skin. (这种草药软膏是由天然成分制成的,对皮肤温和。)




例句:I'm sure Sal Geary here is real impressed... aren't you, Sal ? (我相信 榭儿・盖瑞 也会印象深刻... 对不对, 榭儿?)


例句:Sal awakens: she smells coffee. (Sal醒过来:她嗅着咖啡。)


例句:Well, Sal Perez did five years for a string of BE's. ( Sal Perez纯癣╬卖チГ5╟)


例句:Except use the time to get Sal Price off my back. (翻译:正好利用这段时间 让Sal Price不在纠缠我)


1. Well, Sal Perez did five years for a string of BE's. (翻译: Sal Perez纯癣╬卖チГ5╟)

2. Except use the time to get Sal Price off my back. (翻译:正好利用这段时间 让Sal Price不在纠缠我)

3. You can say, "Sal gave Jason a headache," but it's a bit odd to say, "Sal gave a headache to Jason." (翻译:你可以说:“Sal gave Jason a headache”, 但“Sal gave a headache to Jason”就很别扭了。)

4. And, Sal if you keep doing it, you're gonna wake up one day and be old. (翻译:并且,Sal ... 如果你一直做它,你将要 有一天醒来并且老。)

5. Neither the food deprivations nor the cellar confinements could overcome Toinette's frustration of being too small to play the viol. (翻译:不管怎样严厉的惩罚 都不能消除小女孩对演奏的欲望)

6. In the example, the format option is used to format varchar and decimal columns, ENAME, and SAL respectively. (翻译:在示例中,FORMAT选项分别用于格式化varchar和decimal列、ENAME和SAL。)

7. Deb's more right than she knows about what happened to Sal Price. (翻译:Deb不知道Sal Price的事她分析得很对)

8. But I'll be way worse than you, Sal, because you never had what I have. (翻译:但是我将是比你,Sal 坏的模式, 因为你从未有我有的。)

9. Hannah McKay killed Sal Price, and she's gonna walk. (翻译:Hannah McKay杀了Sal Price 她会没事)

10. Mm. Has anyone heard from sal? (翻译:萨尔有消息了吗 Has anyone heard from Sal?)

11. Sal, I think I took too many, (翻译:萨尔,我想我... - -我想我得到的太多了)

12. But we can't accept gifts, Sal. (翻译:不,我可以看得出来这是金牌约翰走路 但是我们不能接受礼物的,普西)

13. I mean, there's torches and there's these... more of these big scarecrows and there's this little guy. (翻译:大多数这些大的 稻草人和有一点点。和Sal。)

14. Sal, hey, it's Debra Morgan from... (翻译:Sal 嘿 我是Debra Morgan 来自...)

15. Well, then I guess I'll just be like you, Sal. (翻译:好, 然后我猜测,我将看起来象你,Sal。)

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