sampling time是什么意思 sampling time的中文翻译、读音、例句

sampling time是什么意思 sampling time的中文翻译、读音、例句

sampling time在中文中有"计、取样时间"的意思,作为名词时有"抽样时间"的意思,发音音标为[samplingtime],sampling time常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到25个与sampling time相关的例句。

Sampling time的词典翻译


例句:She spent 2 weeks on the island of Islay sampling Scotch. (她在这个岛上带了两周。)


例句:This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit. (电路主要由周期计时电路、周期数据预置电路、运算电路及时钟和时序等电路构成。)


例句:I will never leave the past behind ♪ (♪No time for losers♪)


sampling time一般作为名词使用,如在time sampling(时采样,时间采样)、equivalent time sampling(等效时间采样)、sampling interval time(样间隔时间)等常见短语中出现较多。

time sampling时采样,时间采样
equivalent time sampling等效时间采样
sampling interval time样间隔时间
sampling time aperture抽样时间截口
time integration sampling积时取样
time sampling interval时采间隔
if sampling中频取样
sampling[计] 抽样; 采样\n[化] 取样
time to time[网络] 不定期;开始定时结束;时间之间


1. I will never leave the past behind ♪ (翻译:♪No time for losers♪)

2. Anyway, this predated the sampling era. (翻译:不管怎样,这是发生在音乐采样的年代之前 )

3. The module of data sampling uses for sampling data of every sensor, inspecting state of sensors and judging stop . (翻译:数据采集模块负责采集各个传感器的数据、检测传感器状态和判断停机。)

4. A time to mourn, and a time to dance. (翻译:哀恸有时 跳舞有时 A time to mourn,and a time to dance.)

5. Now, a scientist coming in and sampling this population discovers that green preferences are universal. (翻译:现在,一个科学家 对这些人进行抽样调查, 发现对绿色的偏爱已经非常普遍了。)

6. - We built a time machine. (翻译:- We built a time machine. - We built a time machine.)

7. At the risk of seeming prosaic, after sampling spiritual nourishment of such quality, (翻译:请恕我唐突 在大家刚刚尝过 如此美妙的精神粮食后)

8. This is no time to be funny! (翻译:This is no time to be funny!)

9. You know, last time was the last time. (翻译:the last time was the last time.)

10. Until the time that time stands still (翻译:Until the time that time stands still)

11. The data sampling include two kind: free sampling adapted to random signal and pretrigger sampling adapted to impact signal. (翻译:数据采集包括自由采集和预触发采集两种,分别应用于随机信号和冲击信号的采集。)

12. The Lab. must be able to carry out routine tests with a minimum of time lag between sampling and testing. (翻译:实验室必须能够在取样以后一个最小间隔时间内完成常规检验。)

13. Research on the Conversion Factors Between Risetime and Bandwidth of Broadband Sampling Oscilloscope (翻译:宽带取样示波器上升时间与带宽的转换系数的研究)

14. This was the first time such a comprehensive spatial sampling of an animal's sensory pathway had ever been performed. (翻译:那是头一回有人在一只动物的感觉路径中,进行如此完整的空间取样;)

15. Study on the Sampler for Radioxenon Isotopes and its Sampling Efficiency Calibration (翻译:放射性氙同位素取样装置的建立及其效率标定)

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