maximalize是什么意思 maximalize的中文翻译、读音、例句

maximalize是什么意思 maximalize的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:This phenomenon of extreme proximity, known as 'maximal perigee, ' only occurs once every 18 years. (这种被称为“近地点”的月球最大程度接近地球的现象每xx年才发生一次。)


例句:Further, if S is a semiprime ring, then every maximal kernel of M is a direct summand of M. (进一步,如果S是半素环,那么M的每个极大核是M的一个直和项。)


1. Beyond ize and weight aving, the ytem provide ynergy for pre-miion planning, miion execution and pot-miion training and maintenance. (翻译:除了减小了尺寸和重量,该系统还提供了任务前规划、任务执行以及任务完成后的培训和维护的协同作用。)

2. Public goods that can be offered are the amount limited by the maximal tax revenue implied in laffer curve. (翻译:能够提供的公共品是指征到拉弗曲线隐含的最大税收量所能提供的公共品。)

3. The generalized inverse of partitioned matrices and the expression of generalized inverse using maximal nonsingular submatrix are discussed. (翻译:摘要讨论了分块矩阵的广义逆,以及用矩阵的满秩子块表示广义逆。)

4. The same goes for the "American" -ize, which dominated in Britain for a long time, and which the Oxford University Press still uses. (翻译:同样的例子还见于主宰英国很长时间的美式拼写“-ize”,时至今日,牛津大学出版社仍在使用。)

5. Because maximal total light absorption corresponds to a pulse, the pulse oximeter also provides a figure for pulse rate. (翻译:因为最大的总光吸收与脉搏相对应,因此脉博血氧测定仪也提供了脉率的图形。)

6. Considering the favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions at present, we're not going too far by calling . IZE the best restaurant in Sanya. (翻译:如今的.IZE冰源餐厅可以说是集聚了天时、地利、人和,称之为三亚最好的餐厅一点也不为过。)

7. According to relevance theory, human cognition tends to be geared to maximal relevance, so the expectation is maximally relevant. (翻译:根据关联理论,人类认知是以最大关联为导向的,所以该料想即为最大关联料想。)

8. Beyond ize and weight aving, the ytem provide ynergy for pre-miion planning, miion execution and pot-miion training and maintenance. (翻译:除了减小了尺寸和重量,该系统还提供了任务前规划、任务执行以及任务完成后的培训和维护的协同作用。)

9. The rate of maximal pressure rising was lower with the mixing of biodiesel in the oxygenated fuel. (翻译:含氧燃料中生物柴油的加入使最大压力升高率减小,燃烧变得柔和;)

10. Maximal heart rate (MHR), double product of maximal heart rate and systolic blood pressure, and maximal endurance index (MEI) were measured during submaximal supine bicycle exercise. (翻译:在次极量仰卧运动中测量最大心率、心率血压双乘积、最大运动耐量指数。)

11. Further, if S is a semiprime ring, then every maximal kernel of M is a direct summand of M. (翻译:进一步,如果S是半素环,那么M的每个极大核是M的一个直和项。)

12. Public goods that can be offered are the amount limited by the maximal tax revenue implied in laffer curve. (翻译:能够提供的公共品是指征到拉弗曲线隐含的最大税收量所能提供的公共品。)

13. First, Rapoport has to determine Wyner's maximal oxygen uptake. (翻译:首先,拉波波特必须确定怀纳的最大氧气摄入量。)

14. A new algorithm based on bit objects, BFP-Miner, for mining maximal frequent patterns was proposed. (翻译:提出了基于位对象的最大频繁模式挖掘算法。)

15. the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next. (翻译:变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。)

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