sand leek是什么意思 sand leek的中文翻译、读音、例句

sand leek是什么意思 sand leek的中文翻译、读音、例句

sand leek在中文中有"葫蒜"的意思,作为名词时有"葫蒜"的意思,读音为[sandleek],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到20个与sand leek相关的例句。

Sand leek的翻译


例句:Whether the sand is liquefied or not, the acceleration law of the pile and the sand maintains consistent. (无论砂层液化与否,桩与砂层加速度反应规律保持一致;)


sand leek一般作为名词使用,如在leek(葱 )、green leek([网络] 绿韭菜)、Japanese leek([网络] 日本韭菜)等常见短语中出现较多。

green leek[网络] 绿韭菜
Japanese leek[网络] 日本韭菜
leek moth葱谷蛾
leek moths[网络] 韭菜飞蛾
leek oil韭葱油
Leek Wootton[地名] 利克伍顿 ( 英 )
meadow leek[网络] 草地韭菜
rose leek[网络] 玫瑰韭菜


1. I want your drama, the touch of your hand ? ? (翻译:* I want your leather studded Kiss in the sand* 我想要你沙漠中如镶钉皮革般的狂吻)

2. As they break out of all the soft sand, they hit the hard sand and that's where the real sprint takes place. (翻译:they hit the hard sand)

3. Donna deserves more than that. Right, Sand? Mm-hmm. (翻译:Donna值得更好的人 对吧 Sand?)

4. They have pepper trumpets, leek violins, celery bongos, pumpkin drums, and so on. (翻译:他们有辣椒喇叭、韭葱小提琴、芹菜手鼓、南瓜鼓等等。)

5. Your bones will turn to sand. (翻译:你的尸骨将成为尘土 Your bones will turn to sand.)

6. This is the greatest expanse of sand in the world. (翻译:此地是世界上最广阔的沙漠 {\3cH202020}This is the greatest expanse of sand in the world.)

7. I have this memory of her in the sand. (翻译:她在沙滩的样子 I have this memory of her 我一直记得 in the sand.)

8. It's like this: first you heat the oil, and then put into the seasoning, and then put leek into the pot. (翻译:是的:你先把油给热了,然后放入调味品,然后把韭菜放进锅里。)

9. Or you could spill my guts in the sand (翻译:要么在这沙漠中把我给劈了 or you could spill my guts in the sand)

10. ♪ The water and sand in our eyesight (翻译:# The water and sand in our eyesight)

11. Why would Leek go to so much trouble to try and kill me? (翻译:为什么Leek要如此大费周章 只为杀我?)

12. If Leek wanted to kill you, he could've pushed you down a lift shaft but he didn't. He studied the anomalies. (翻译:如果Leek真想杀你 把你从电梯上推下来就行)

13. ♪ Throw my toes in the sand ♪ (翻译:Throw my toes in the sand)

14. We have got cabbages, a leek, three medium carrots. (翻译:我们有洋白菜、一棵葱 三根中等大小的胡萝卜)

15. Pack of smokes and the lighter. (翻译:一包烟和打火机 {\3cH202020}Pack of smoke -sand and a lighter.)


sand leek作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、sand、leeks等。

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