scalapino是什么意思 scalapino的中文翻译、读音、例句

scalapino是什么意思 scalapino的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Pino Cao in the Enchantments , he becomes a real boy , are everywhere in a sapphire adventures of the woods . (在皮诺曹的奇遇里,他变成了真正的男孩,在一个到处都是蓝宝石的丛林里历险。)


例句:Remember that the compiler can pull all sorts of tricks, just as long as the final result obeys the semantic meaning of the Scala language. (请记住,编译器可以容纳所有技巧,只要最终结果符合Scala语言的语义含义即可。)


1. My greatest triumphs were at La Scala in Milan and Madison Square Garden. (翻译:我最伟大的胜利 是在米兰的拉斯卡拉 和麦迪逊广场花园)

2. What it understands is scala. Iterable, which defines the basic behaviors for iterating across a collection. (翻译:它所了解的是scala.Iterable,scala.Iterable定义了在集合上进行迭代的基本行为。)

3. It's hard to imagine Pino as a caretaker, at 28 inches it's simply too tiny to push a wheelchair. (翻译:很难想象小匹诺能照顾别人,它才28英寸高,推轮椅它可不是个儿。)

4. Defining this unary "operator" in Scala is slightly tricky, but it's purely a syntactic nit. (翻译:在Scala中定义这种一元“操作符”需要一点技巧,但这只是语法上的问题而已。)

5. Seeing a Verdi opera here would be most magical of all, considering that many of Verdis most famous works including Otello and Falstaff received their premieres at la Scala. (翻译:威尔第很多有名的作品像《奥赛罗》和《福斯塔夫》都是在斯卡拉首次成功公演,在这里观看他的歌剧更是令人心驰神往。)

6. If I am trying to develop some software that works on binary data, I don't want Scala to optimize for me behind the scenes. (翻译:如果我要开发的某种软件是用来操作二进制数据的,我可不希望Scala在屏幕后面为我做什么优化。)

7. In fact, Scala eschews the use of "static" altogether. (翻译:事实上,Scala完全避开了static的使用。)

8. Pino's bored, brings me around the front, gives me the keys, says... (翻译:皮诺叔叔烦了,就把我带到车前,给了我钥匙,然后说:)

9. SUnit: Part of the standard Scala distribution, in the scala. testing package. (翻译:SUnit:scala.testing包中的标准Scala发行版的一部分。)

10. In this case, the object that stockPrice refers to can't be changed, because Doubles in Scala are immutable. (翻译:在这个例子里,stockPrice引用的对象不能被修改,因为Double在Scala里是不可变的。)

11. Listing 2. Hello, Scala servlet! (翻译:清单2 . Hello, Scala servlet ! )

12. In addition, the IntelliJ Scala plugin now understands implicits in nearly all cases, so if you're not sure what's happening control+click will take you to what's actually being called. (翻译:另外值得一提的是,IntelliJ Scala插件现在几乎可以理解所有的隐式转换了,所以如果你不明白到底发生了什么,control + 左键单击就能带你到发生调用的地方。)

13. For instance, starting with the familiar call to System. out. println demonstrates Scala's fidelity to the underlying Java platform. (翻译:例如,首先,对System.out.println的熟悉的调用演示了Scala对底层Java平台的忠诚。)

14. Scala combined with Spring makes it quite easy to transparently inject services into all kind of objects instantiated at runtime. (翻译:Scala与Spring的整合可以在运行期轻松将服务透明地注入到各种对象中。)

15. Objective:To determine the position of implanting electrode into the scala tympani . (翻译:目的:确定人工耳蜗电极植入耳蜗入口的位置。)

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