scherbet是什么意思 scherbet的中文翻译、读音、例句

scherbet是什么意思 scherbet的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:I'm the brother of Lee Jae Kyung of SC, Lee Hee Kyung. (哦,我是SC集团李载经常务的 弟弟,李辉京)


例句:SC1 sub-technical committee responsible for the development of terminology standards, France as secretary of state; (SC1分技术委员会负责制订术语标准,法国为秘书国; )


1. Conclusion Transnasal endoscopic frontal Surgery for sphenoid sinus diseases is a sc we and nine operation. (翻译:结论:经鼻内镜治疗孤立性蝶窦疾病是一种安全、有效及微创的手术方式。)

2. Patricia's headquarters in Madagascar is the Centre ValBio... a state-of-the-art research station perched on the edge of Ranomafana National Park. (翻译:帕特里夏﹑马达加斯加sheadquarters是中心ValBin ... 一个国家的最 -SC的...)

3. SPARTANBURG, SC 30 draftees. (翻译:南卡罗来纳州 斯巴达堡 30人被征召入伍)

4. Are you scared because your first marriage failed? (翻译:你就打算整天工作 不结婚了吗 SC的继承人 就因为去过一趟 就怕了吗)

5. Guayaquil's Barcelona SC is still Ecuador's most popular club, but it has tanked after overspending on foreign stars in the 1990s. (翻译:瓜亚基尔的巴塞罗那SC一直是厄瓜多尔最受欢迎的俱乐部,但它在20世纪xx年代购买外籍球星超支后受到重挫。)

6. I heard SC2 USES a new graphics engine. Can you tell us the specifics? (翻译:我听说星际争霸2使用了新的图像引擎?可以告诉我些细节么? )

7. The control effect of 25% Amistar SC on apple Alternaria leaf spot were tested in field. (翻译:通过对2 5 %阿米西达SC防治苹果斑点落叶病进行田间药效试验。)

8. We sail to the meeting of following convoy, the SC-130, with a feeling of great confidence. (翻译:我们在大浪之上 开向下一个护航船队,SC -130,)

9. I noticed that when I played the original StarCraft again last summer, there was a big emphasis in the cut-scenes on the cigars. (翻译:我注意到去年夏天我再次玩SC1时,注意到了一大段对于雪茄剪片的强调。)

10. In both original SC and SCII, there is not any melee unit in Terran. Will you consider of introducing a melee unit into Terran units in the future? (翻译:在《星际争霸》和《星际争霸ii》中,人类没有任何的近战系单位。你们会考虑今后给人类种族加入一种近战单位吗? )

11. Overall, 'turtling' is a bit harder in StarCraft II since every race has new ways to keep them mobile. (翻译:在SC2中龟缩战术更难了——因为每个种族都有新办法来赶你。)

12. Application of FTW Mode in Solving SC financial Restraint (翻译:融通仓模式在解决供应链资金约束问题中的应用)

13. Camera SC-29 can be installed whereever you want: (翻译:摄像机SC -29 可以随你所愿安装到任何地方:)

14. Guide for use for cine-camera SC-29 for secret surveillance (翻译:隐蔽监视电影摄像机SC -29 使用指南)

15. Let's initialize the memory wipe on SC-1, start crunching the data. (翻译:初始化一号系统的记忆消除装置,准备清除数据)

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