schmidt optics是什么意思 schmidt optics的中文翻译、读音、例句

schmidt optics是什么意思 schmidt optics的中文翻译、读音、例句

schmidt optics通常被翻译为"施密特学光系统"的意思,还经常被翻译为施密特学光系统,在线读音是[schmidtoptics],schmidt optics常被用作名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到39个与schmidt optics相关的句子。

Schmidt optics的翻译


例句:But when the Berlin Wall came down, my war was over. So I went into the private sector like everybody else in the '90s, only not for a dot-com, doing data compression for fiber optics. (my war was over. 我为光纤传输做数据压缩 {\3cH202020}doing data compression for fiber optics.)


schmidt optics一般作为名词使用,如在Schmidt optics(施密特学光系统)、Schmidt projection optics(施密特光学投影系统)、schmidt(n. 施密特(姓氏))等常见短语中出现较多。

Schmidt optics施密特学光系统
Schmidt projection optics施密特光学投影系统
schmidtn. 施密特(姓氏)
eric schmidt埃里克-施密特(人名)
Gold schmidt铝热焊
Helmut Schmidt[网络] 赫尔穆特·施密特
Schmidt camera施密特望远镜;施密特照相机
schmidt cameras施密特照相机
Schmidt circuit【电子学】施密特电路


1. - Fraulein Schmidt, willkommen! (翻译:-施米特小姐 欢迎您[德语] -晚上好[德语])

2. Plus, the optics are a million times better. (翻译:另外 这里的影响也要好上一万倍 Plus, the optics are a million times better.)

3. # There goes Shane Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt # Dah dah dah dah dah (翻译:# There goes Shane Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt)

4. Whitney Rome along with Katie Lloyd of Crane, Poole Schmidt for the defense. (翻译:我们来自Crane Poole Schmidt律师行 代理被告诉讼)

5. So, you're Shirley Schmidt, of Crane, Poole, and... (翻译:你就是那个Shirley Schmidt Crane,Poole ...)

6. Paul Lewiston of Crane, Poole and Schmidt. (翻译:我是Poole Schmidt律师事务所的Paul Lewiston)

7. Do you want--do you want me to make a toast? (翻译:- Schmidt先生 - 喔 我只是... 只是看一下而已)

8. With the Brooklyn Bridge walkway, Schmidt upped the ante. (翻译:在布鲁克林大桥的移动人行道,Schmidt提高了他的赌注。)

9. I haven't even told you what it is yet. (翻译:我还没告诉你是什么事情呢 你好 我是Shirley Schmidt)

10. But silk is versatile and it goes beyond optics. (翻译:但是丝绸是广泛性 它能做的不仅仅是光学 )

11. This court is not going to admit rumors, Miss Schmidt. (翻译:这个法庭是不会承认流言的 Schmidt 女士)

12. Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. (翻译:施密特派一支部队去了阿沙诺 我们有两百人参战)

13. - Is Shirley Schmidt really back? (翻译:-Shirley Schmidt真的回来了?)

14. FIDE adjudicator, Wolfgang Schmidt, had this to say. (翻译:这3天比赛的裁判员沃尔夫冈。施密德这样说:)

15. Eric schmidt, the ceo of google, once said, (翻译:埃里克・施密特, 谷歌的CEO曾经说过,)

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