search option是什么意思 search option的中文翻译、读音、例句

search option是什么意思 search option的中文翻译、读音、例句

search option的中文解释是"计、查找选择",还有搜索选择的意思,发音是[searchoption],search option在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到99个与search option相关的例句。

Search option的词典翻译


例句:Search the place, top to bottom. (彻底搜查这里 Search the place, top to bottom.)


例句:That would be the other option. (作为另一个选择。That would be the other option.)


例句:Reasoning with them is not an option. (跟他们讲理根本行不通 Reasoning with them is not an option.)


search option一般作为名词使用,如在search terminal option([网络] 搜索终端取舍)、search(搜寻 )、in search for(寻求;寻找)等常见短语中出现较多。

search terminal option[网络] 搜索终端取舍
in search for寻求;寻找
in search of寻找
search for搜查
search in在...搜索\n[计] 在...搜索
search into调查
to search[网络] 寻找;搜寻;到处寻找
Digital Option数字期权


1. Reasoning with them is not an option. (翻译:跟他们讲理根本行不通 Reasoning with them is not an option.)

2. You going stag was not an option. (翻译:我不能放任你独身一人 You going stag was not an option.)

3. Do you want me to search you? (翻译:想让我搜身吗? Do you want me to search you?)

4. Rather than use a web, Portia ventures out in search of prey. (翻译:Rather than use a web, Portia ventures out in search of prey.)

5. Until there is a better option, yes. (翻译:在没有更好的战机前 是的 Until there is a better option, yes.)

6. - Do you have a search warrant? (翻译:- 你们有搜查令吗? - 没有 - Do you have a search warrant?)

7. And see if there's any other consistent patterns (翻译:帮助扩大搜索范围 help expand the search,)

8. You stay here, search the property. (翻译:You stay here, 搜查一下 search the property.)

9. Did police search the Dehunger River? (翻译:警方搜索丹洛河了吗? Did police search the Dehunger River?)

10. We have a warrant to search the premises. (翻译:我们有搜查令 We have a warrant to search the premises.)

11. Now, do we have any other option? (翻译:难道我们还有别的选择吗? Now, do we have any other option?)

12. You will not find someone like me no matter where in the world you search... search... search search... search (翻译:任你踏破铁鞋去寻觅 找不到像我这般的好 寻寻又觅觅)

13. But retreat is our only option right now. (翻译:但撤退是现在唯一的选择 but retreat is our only option right now.)

14. The other day I performed a search for an Imax theater in Santa Barbara, and it told me that the best option was a theater in San Diego. (翻译:有一天,我在圣巴巴拉搜索大银幕影院,搜索结果告诉我最好的选择是在圣地亚哥的一家影院。)

15. The safest option for your son is to surrender. (翻译:现在保护你儿子最好的方法就是让他自首 The safest option for your son is to surrender.)

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