search processor是什么意思 search processor的中文翻译、读音、例句

search processor是什么意思 search processor的中文翻译、读音、例句

search processor在英语中代表"计"的意思,作为名词时有"检索处理处理"的意思,发音音标为[searchprocessor],search processor来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到34个与search processor相关的例句。

Search processor的翻译


例句:Tomorrow we will search for the farm. (明天我们去找那个农场 Tomorrow we will search for the farm.)


例句:Search for them among all the other bones (在其它人的骸骨中寻找 Search for them among all the other bones)


search processor一般作为名词使用,如在processor(处理器 )、search(搜寻 )、in search for(寻求;寻找)等常见短语中出现较多。

in search for寻求;寻找
in search of寻找
search for搜查
search in在...搜索\n[计] 在...搜索
search into调查
to search[网络] 寻找;搜寻;到处寻找
digital processor数字信息处理器


1. - Do you have a search warrant? (翻译:- 你们有搜查令吗? - 没有 - Do you have a search warrant?)

2. We need a graphics processor. (翻译:我们需要一个图像处理器 We need a graphics processor.)

3. Nobody leaves! Search this room! (翻译:这间也搜 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Search this room!)

4. We have a warrant to search the premises. (翻译:我们有搜查令 We have a warrant to search the premises.)

5. Jane and I will search the floor. (翻译:我和Jane搜索一下这里 Jane and I will search the floor.)

6. We have to search your apartment. (翻译:我们要搜查你的房间 We have to search your apartment.)

7. You stay here, search the property. (翻译:You stay here, 搜查一下 search the property.)

8. Did police search the Dehunger River? (翻译:警方搜索丹洛河了吗? Did police search the Dehunger River?)

9. A single IC-chip includes a video processor, a panel processor, an OSD circuit, a CPU, and a timing controller. (翻译:一个集成电路芯片包括一个视频处理器,一个小组处理器,具有OSD电路,一个CPU和一个定时控制器。)

10. Sheriff call for a search party? (翻译:警长喊来了搜救队? Sheriff call for a search party?)

11. E-mails, search histories. (翻译:邮件 搜索记录 E -mails, search histories.)

12. WorldCat search: Quickly find a book or download a video with this great search plug-in. (翻译:WorldCat Search:强大的内嵌式快速寻书、下载影片。)

13. Click the Search dropdown menu. (翻译:单击search下拉菜单。)

14. Search the place, top to bottom. (翻译:彻底搜查这里 Search the place, top to bottom.)

15. Search for your own blood and bones (翻译:寻找你们的骨与血 Search for your own blood and bones)

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