例句:Senor e Senora Joao de Camoes. (祖昆先生 夫人 Se? or e Se? ora Joao de Camoes.)
例句:Where does The Butcher live? (屠夫家在哪 Où se trouve la maison du boucher?)
例句:To kill oneself, To behead oneself (开枪自杀 割掉脑袋 Se trucider, se décapiter)
例句:And well ent another 30 years on the new WTC! (翻译:之后再花个xx年建新的世贸中心好了! )
1. To kill oneself, To behead oneself (翻译:开枪自杀 割掉脑袋 Se trucider, se décapiter)
2. And well ent another 30 years on the new WTC! (翻译:之后再花个xx年建新的世贸中心好了! )
3. I could beat a senorita or a lady of fame (翻译:我能打败小姐或名媛 I could beat a señorita or a lady of fame)
4. We're going to Switzerland to see the CERN supercollider! (翻译:我们要去瑞士看欧洲核子研究中心的 超级对撞机!)
5. Might as well blow his brains out. (翻译:比得过开枪自杀 Autant se faire sauter le caisson)
6. Nothing like the resources of a CERN or a DARPA or an IBM or a Dupont. (翻译:它不像欧洲核组织,国防先进研究计划局,IBM或者杜邦那样资源丰富♪)
7. Then we finally get to laugh. (翻译:真好笑 On va se marrer pour une fois.)
8. Or what's not happening in the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. (翻译:或者欧洲粒子物理研究所的大型强子对撞机没有发生什么事情。)
9. My kids got a little carried away with their digging. (翻译:Pardon me, señorita. My kids got a little carried away with their digging.)
10. I found three in Chiago, one an ENT, one a podiatrist, so.... (翻译:我在芝加哥找到3位 一位是耳鼻喉科 一位是足科,所以...)
11. They put their makeup on with lipstick... (翻译:她们化了妆 Elles se sont maquillées.)
12. This was the case with the W and Z bosons, particles discovered at CERN in 1983. (翻译:这是xx年欧洲原子核研究组织发现的W和Z玻色子情况。)
13. Like you said, the higher the hill (翻译:Che se ci sta una salita dicevi tu...)
14. Nothing like the resources of a CERN or a DARPA or an IBM or a Dupont. (翻译:它不像欧洲核组织,国防先进研究计划局,IBM或者杜邦那样资源丰富♪ )
15. - Well that's me. - Listen, Pierre. (翻译:别又开始了 On ne se refait pas.)