1. In seculo decimo quarto, artes mechanicae florebant. (14世纪,机械技术繁荣发展。)
2. Praescriptum secundum saeculum decimum septimum hic inscriptum est. (这篇文书是在17世纪写的。)
3. Virum secundi saeculi scio, qui totum mundum conquerebatur. (我知道一位二世纪的人,他要征服整个世界。)
4. Imperium Romanum in seculo quinto a Chr. n. usque ad saeculum decimum discessit. (罗马帝国从公元5世纪一直到10世纪衰落。)
5. Carolus Magnus in saeculo octavo imperator Romanorum dictus est. (查理大帝在8世纪被称为罗马皇帝。)
6. In saeculo undecimo, Europa magna mutationem passa est. (在11世纪,欧洲发生了巨变。)
7. In saeculo decimo tertio, dominus Franciae rex est Stephanus. (在13世纪,法国的国王是史蒂芬。)
8. Saeculum decimum quintum est Europae renaissans. (15世纪是欧洲文艺复兴时期。)
9. Seculo vigesimo primo, technologia in dies meliorat. (21世纪,技术日新月异。)
例句:There must be a way to beat Lo (我不相信凭我们的人力、智慧 不能消灭罗三炮)
例句:We actually helped you out with a few ECU modules a few years back. (几年前我们替你修好 几个引擎控制装置组件)
1. Hardware circuit and printed circuit board of the electronic control unit ECU and internetworking ECU had been designed. (翻译:论文对电子控制单元ECU和网络互连ECU进行了硬件电路设计和电路板制作。)
2. That's insane. You did all that just to find J-Lo and Ben's hideaway? (翻译:那太蠢了,你这么只是为了 找到洛佩茨和班的幽会地点?)
3. # Mi padre, mi madre, de lo viejo consejo vivo # (翻译:# Mi padre, mi madre, de lo viejo consejo vivo #)
4. - Tambien nosotros lo necesitamos. (翻译:-Lo necesitamos, -También nosotros lo necesitamos,)
5. His symptoms include lo of a etite, weight lo , exce ive fatigue, fever and chills. (翻译:他的症状包括没有食欲、体重headache减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。)
6. All these ECUs are connected by twisted-pair lines to form a low-speed network. (翻译:所有ecu经双绞线联接成网络,从而构成了汽车电器低速网络系统。)
7. ECU — TWO GOLDEN EYES, bright in the shadows. (翻译:特写-两个金色的眼睛,在阴暗处闪烁着光芒。)
8. It allows you to navigate through the hierarchy of software components, thus giving you a better perspective for software to ECU mapping. (翻译:它允许您通过软件组件的层次导航,因而让您更好地观察软件到ECU映射。)
9. # Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo # (翻译:# Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo #)
10. For Felipe it was a problem with the ECU, on the software side, that caused the engine to stop. (翻译:菲利佩呢,他是ECU出了问题,软件方面的问题,这让他的引擎停止了工作。)
11. The CAN bus operation adds the ability to display J1939 messages from an engine ECU. (翻译:CAN总线的运作,增加的能力,显示j1939邮件从一发动机ECU的。)
12. The result of ECU calibration on engine and the performance parameters of the engine are given. (翻译:给出该电控单元在发动机上的标定结果和发动机性能参数。)
13. There's an apartment at 24 Via Mincio in the name of Lo Piccolo Rosario. (翻译:明西欧街24号是洛•皮科罗•罗萨里奥名下的公寓)
14. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)
15. Lo siento, it's the first time my intuition has let me down. (翻译:我想他有个同伙 上回这里有个叫玛丽亚・冈萨雷斯的女人)