seine float是什么意思 seine float的中文翻译、读音、例句

seine float是什么意思 seine float的中文翻译、读音、例句

seine float的中文解释是"围网浮子",还有围网浮子的意思,在线发音:[seinefloat],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到95个与seine float相关的句子。

Seine float的释义


例句:It lies in downtown Paris, between the Seine River and the Rue DE Rivoli. (它座落于巴黎市闹区,在塞纳·马恩省河和里沃利路之间。)


seine float一般作为名词使用,如在float(漂浮 )、float into(慢慢产生)、float on([网络] 漂浮;浮在…上;飘浮)等常见短语中出现较多。

float into慢慢产生
float on[网络] 漂浮;浮在…上;飘浮
on the float漂浮着
to float[网络] 浮;飘浮;漂浮
the seine[网络] 塞纳河;赛纳河;塞那河
float on/float off浮装
direction float方向浮标


1. There is love on both banks of river Seine, in the middle, above and below! (翻译:在塞纳河两岸 河中央 桥上 桥下 处处有爱)

2. Slimes now float in water. (翻译:史莱姆现在浮在水面上。)

3. The second soldier was tag number 4077, also from near the Seine. (翻译:第二个编号4077号 来自赛纳的另一征兵处)

4. A candlelit dinner, fake gypsies, the boat goes up and down the Seine! (翻译:烛光晚餐、假的吉普赛舞者 渡船从头到尾行遍塞纳 -马恩省河)

5. Since they rescued me from the Seine, in Paris, back in May '68. (翻译:记得xx年在巴黎塞纳河的那一天 是人类在海洋拯救了我)

6. # And so the days float through my eyes (翻译:And so the days float through my eyes)

7. Root beer float, that sounds good. (翻译:根汁汽水,听起来不错。Root beer float, that sounds good.)

8. Numeric long, complex, float, and bool have an explicit adapter, but int lacks any. (翻译:float和bool类型的数字有显式的适配器,不过int一个都没有。)

9. They drowned about 200 Arabs in the Seine including Majid's parents most likely. (翻译:大约200个阿尔及利亚人淹死在Seine 可能也包括Majid的父母。)

10. How do the leaves of a waterlily float? (翻译:荷花的叶子怎么在水上漂浮? )

11. The French call the Seine le fleuve civilisateur, the civilizing river. (翻译:法国人把塞纳河称为“lefleuvecivilisateur”,即文明之河。)

12. I could float here forever. (翻译:我能永远拍浮酒瓶中 [ Chuckles ] I could float here forever.)

13. They had the young ones that they wanted in the corrals, so they dropped the seine nets. (翻译:他们已经有想要的幼鲸在围栏里了 所以们把围网拿掉)

14. Why? Was he about to arrive suddenly at the Seine? (翻译:这是为什么? 他是否突然会到达塞纳河? )

15. Otherwise, if the operand is of compile-time type Long, Float, or Double it is subjected to unboxing conversion. (翻译:否则,如果操作数的编译时类型是Long、Float或者Double,会经过拆箱转换。)

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