seizure quousque在中文中有"暂时没收土地"的意思,其中文解释还有"法"的意思,单词读音音标为[seizurequousque],seizure quousque来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到82个与seizure quousque相关的例句。
Seizure quousque的词典翻译
例句:When you have a seizure, it's a bit of unusual electrical activity, and it can be focal. (一旦遇到癫痫发作, 你的脑电波会有异常, 这可能就是病灶所在。)
例句:She may have had syncope or a seizure-- hey, mer. (- 当时她也许发生了昏厥或者抽搐... - 嘿 Mer)
seizure quousque一般作为名词使用,如在quousque([法] 多久, 多远, 直至)、seizure(抓住 )、epileptic seizure([医] 癫痫发作)等常见短语中出现较多。
quousque | [法] 多久, 多远, 直至 |
seizure | 抓住 |
epileptic seizure | [医] 癫痫发作 |
epileptiform seizure | 癫痫型发作 |
febrile seizure | [医]热性癫痫发作 |
focal seizure | 病灶性颠痫 |
free of seizure | un. 捕捉险不保\n[网络] 捕捉险不保捕捉不赔;捕捉不赔捕捉险不保 |
generalized seizure | 全身发作 |
heart seizure | 心脏病 的发作 |
1. A seizure or something like that because it was very radical body movement. (翻译:癫痫发作或 类似的东西 因为它是非常 激进的身体运动。)
2. VNS effects on seizure of rats with epilepsy induced by Kainic acid. (翻译:迷走神经刺激术对海人藻酸致痫的大鼠痫性发作的影响。)
3. Oh, little Seizure Boy want to try to rob somebody, huh? (翻译:哦,小男孩想抢劫某人,嗯? Oh, little Seizure Boy want to try to rob somebody, huh?)
4. There were no organizational generalized tonic clonic seizure and absence seizure in generalized seizures. (翻译:全身性发作中缺乏完整的全身强直阵挛性发作及失神发作。)
5. And somewhere in there, Fargo's having a seizure. (翻译:而且就在里面某个角落 Fargo正在抽搐)
6. He had an oxygen toxicity seizure and he drowned. (翻译:我展示这个的原因——绝不是要让大家沮丧 )
7. Results After single audiogenic seizure, there were a few dead cells in hippocampus. (翻译:结果听源性惊厥单次发作后,海马内未见明显细胞死亡现象; )
8. She just had a seizure. She can't breathe. (翻译:她做坏事了 以为你们要把她从妈妈身边带走)
9. After Justin was given anti-seizure medication, the change in him was amazing. (翻译:在治疗查斯丁的癫痫时, 他的变化很惊人。)
10. Oneoftheconditions ofmyvisit istorefrain fromanydiscussion aboutthed.H.S.Seizure, duetotheongoing investigation. (翻译:去拜见法胖 要绝口不提 美国政府有关部门冻结门头沟账户的事情,)
11. It's having somebody there at the time that you have a seizure. (翻译:也就是说在你发生癫痫时 有人陪在身边。)
12. You know, because of the seizure, you can't legally drive for six months. (翻译:由于突发性昏厥 你六个月之内不能合法驾驶)
13. Any chance this was a seizure, a stroke, anything that might help explain this? (翻译:有没有可能是癫痫啊中风啊 或者其他能解释这个的疾病?)
14. Sometimes crying soon after the seizure, attack mydriasis, nystagmus, sweating, pale or blue. (翻译:有时抽搐后哭叫一声,发作时瞳孔散大,眼球震颤,出汗,苍白或青紫。)
15. Autrey first noticed Hollopeter when he collapsed to the platform after the seizure. (翻译:奥崔第一次注意到何洛彼德是在他癫痫发作后倒在月台时。)