seizure resistance是什么意思 seizure resistance的中文翻译、读音、例句

seizure resistance是什么意思 seizure resistance的中文翻译、读音、例句

seizure resistance在中文中有"抗咬合性"的意思,还有抗咬合性的意思,在线读音是[seizureresistance],seizure resistance来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与seizure resistance相关的例句。

Seizure resistance的词典翻译


例句:Any chance this was a seizure, a stroke, anything that might help explain this? (有没有可能是癫痫啊中风啊 或者其他能解释这个的疾病?)


seizure resistance一般作为名词使用,如在seizure(抓住 )、epileptic seizure([医] 癫痫发作)、epileptiform seizure(癫痫型发作)等常见短语中出现较多。

epileptic seizure[医] 癫痫发作
epileptiform seizure癫痫型发作
febrile seizure[医]热性癫痫发作
focal seizure病灶性颠痫
free of seizureun. 捕捉险不保\n[网络] 捕捉险不保捕捉不赔;捕捉不赔捕捉险不保
generalized seizure全身发作
heart seizure心脏病 的发作
inventory on seizure[法] 查封物品清单, 没收清册


1. Apparently, you had a seizure. (翻译:很明显 你癫痫发作了 Apparently, you had a seizure.)

2. The Resistance will not be intimidated by you. (翻译:抵抗组织不会屈服于你的淫威之下的 The Resistance will not be intimidated by you.)

3. But then we met resistance. (翻译:But then we met resistance. 但是我们遭遇反抗)

4. Uh, and now for the piece de resistance. (翻译:马上 Uh, and now 现在介绍重点项目... for the piece de resistance.)

5. His staff knew for a long time that pills were going missing. (翻译:-seizure meds. 他的员工很早就知道 His staff knew for a long time)

6. Burt Lancaster plays this French Resistance guy. (翻译:毕兰卡斯特是一名法国抵抗军 Burt Lancaster plays this French Resistance guy.)

7. The effects of cavitation erosion resistance, abra - sion resistance and corrosion resistance of the cladding layer are reviewed. (翻译:并对激光熔覆层结构及性能作了较详细的介绍,阐述了熔覆层的抗空蚀性、耐磨蚀性和耐腐蚀性等。)

8. Conclusion EEGs were fundamental criterion in diagnosis of seizure. (翻译:结论脑电图是诊断癫痫的根本依据。)

9. You are with the Resistance? (翻译:你是抵抗组织的一员吗 You are with the Resistance?)

10. Look, he had a seizure today... at the bodega a couple of blocks from here. (翻译:他今天癫痫发作 Look, he had a seizure today -- 在几条街外的杂货店里 at the bodega a couple of blocks from here.)

11. The resistance to solvent and resistance to thermal distortion of TPV were determined. (翻译:测定了TPV的耐溶剂性能和耐热变形性能。)

12. VNS effects on seizure of rats with epilepsy induced by Kainic acid. (翻译:迷走神经刺激术对海人藻酸致痫的大鼠痫性发作的影响。)

13. You want to get BB-8 to the Resistance. (翻译:你想把BB -8送回抵抗组织 You want to get BB -8 to the Resistance.)

14. "It would be the equivalent of an epileptic seizure, " says Beggs. (翻译:“这就相等于癫痫发作一样,”Beggs说。)

15. It's having somebody there at the time that you have a seizure. (翻译:也就是说在你发生癫痫时 有人陪在身边。)

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