seizure of plunger是什么意思 seizure of plunger的中文翻译、读音、例句

seizure of plunger是什么意思 seizure of plunger的中文翻译、读音、例句

seizure of plunger通常被翻译为"柱塞卡住"的意思,其次还有"柱塞卡住"的意思,发音音标为[seizureofplunger],seizure of plunger是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到27个与seizure of plunger相关的句子。

Seizure of plunger的词典翻译


例句:When the old man was being thrown out, he had a seizure... (那老人被丢出去时, 引发了癫痫... 他昏了过去)


seizure of plunger一般作为名词使用,如在seizure(抓住 )、plunger(n. 跳水者, 潜水者, 活塞\n[电] 活柱)、epileptic seizure([医] 癫痫发作)等常见短语中出现较多。

plungern. 跳水者, 潜水者, 活塞\n[电] 活柱
epileptic seizure[医] 癫痫发作
epileptiform seizure癫痫型发作
febrile seizure[医]热性癫痫发作
focal seizure病灶性颠痫
free of seizureun. 捕捉险不保\n[网络] 捕捉险不保捕捉不赔;捕捉不赔捕捉险不保
generalized seizure全身发作
heart seizure心脏病 的发作


1. The centrifugal force developed by the rotating flyweight sis translated into an upward force that lifts the plunger. (翻译:旋转飞锤产生的离心力转换成一个向上的力,以便提起柱塞。)

2. Then her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body contorted in a seizure. (翻译:然后她的眼睛反转进头里,并且她的身体在扣押过程中扭歪。)

3. He suffered an epileptic seizure. (翻译:他经受了一次癫痫病发作。)

4. However, if you have a seizure where that little brush fire spreads like a forest fire over the brain, then it generalizes, and that generalized seizure takes your consciousness away and causes you to convulse. (翻译:然而,如果你的癫痫像小火苗触发的 森林大火一样在大脑中蔓延开, 这时,它就形成了一般意义上的癫痫。这种癫痫会带走你的意识 并且引起你的抽搐。)

5. This is a domicile, a residence protected by the Fourth Amendment from unlawful search and seizure. (翻译:这是处住所 一个住宅 因此非法的搜查和占有 是宪法第四修正法案不允许的)

6. Results After single audiogenic seizure, there were a few dead cells in hippocampus. (翻译:结果听源性惊厥单次发作后,海马内未见明显细胞死亡现象; )

7. After Justin was given anti-seizure medication, the change in him was amazing. (翻译:在治疗查斯丁的癫痫时, 他的变化很惊人。)

8. Autrey first noticed Hollopeter when he collapsed to the platform after the seizure. (翻译:奥崔第一次注意到何洛彼德是在他癫痫发作后倒在月台时。)

9. But arrange for forensic seizure and take any physical evidence into custody. (翻译:安排法医检验 But arrange for forensic seizure 扣留所有物理证据 and take any physical evidence into custody.)

10. Oh, little Seizure Boy want to try to rob somebody, huh? (翻译:哦,小男孩想抢劫某人,嗯? Oh, little Seizure Boy want to try to rob somebody, huh?)

11. She may have had syncope or a seizure-- hey, mer. (翻译:- 当时她也许发生了昏厥或者抽搐... - 嘿 Mer)

12. Odorization pumps are specially designed diaphragm plunger metering pump, plunger travel of the exercise machine lock, each time to maintain a constant output. (翻译:加臭泵是专门设计的隔膜式柱塞计量泵,柱塞的运动行程机械锁定,每次输出量保持恒定。)

13. VNS effects on seizure of rats with epilepsy induced by Kainic acid. (翻译:迷走神经刺激术对海人藻酸致痫的大鼠痫性发作的影响。)

14. Any chance this was a seizure, a stroke, anything that might help explain this? (翻译:有没有可能是癫痫啊中风啊 或者其他能解释这个的疾病?)

15. You the little seizure boy that was having them seizures all the time! (翻译:你那个小朋友让他们无时无刻都抓狂了 You the little seizure boy that was having them seizures all the time!)

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