selective ringing是什么意思 selective ringing的中文翻译、读音、例句

selective ringing是什么意思 selective ringing的中文翻译、读音、例句

selective ringing通常被翻译为"选择振铃"的意思,在英美地区还有"电"的意思,读音为[selectiveringing],selective ringing是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与selective ringing相关的例句。

Selective ringing的中文翻译


例句:Keep ringing inside my ears. ({\1cHFF8000}就写在我耳朵边上)


例句:Selective tibial neurotomy for relief of spasticity focalized to the ankle (选择性胫神经分支部分切断术治疗踝部痉挛状态)


selective ringing一般作为名词使用,如在harmonic selective ringing(【电信学】选频选择振铃)、ringing(a. 响亮的, 明白的, 清脆的, 干脆的\n[电] 振铃)、ringing in(na. 打铃上班;(鸣钟)迎进(新年);以不正当手段引入)等常见短语中出现较多。

harmonic selective ringing【电信学】选频选择振铃
ringinga. 响亮的, 明白的, 清脆的, 干脆的\n[电] 振铃
ringing inna. 打铃上班;(鸣钟)迎进(新年);以不正当手段引入
first ringingun. 初呼振铃
frequency ringing[电] 选频振铃
ground ringing接地振铃,地(回振)铃, 接地振铃,地(回振)铃
harmonic ringing[电] 选频振铃
intermittent ringing[电] 断续振铃


1. Let them continue ringing in your heart and your life. (翻译:让那些话一直在你的内心 和你的生活中响起。)

2. - No no, it must be a very big fish if they are ringing the cathedral bells. (翻译:- 不是,肯定是哪位大人物 如果他们敲响大教堂的钟)

3. Tinnitus: Ringing or other noises in the ear. (翻译:耳鸣:振铃或其他杂音在耳。)

4. Opening the beaches on the Fourth of July is like ringing the dinner bell. (翻译:如果你在国庆日开放海水海滩 就等于摇铃开饭一样)

5. (CELL PHONE RINGING) No! No, don't answer it. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}不 不要, 别接!)

6. And they rose with voices ringing (翻译:他们站起身来 陈词慷慨 And they rose with voices ringing)

7. When you hear Mother Freedom Start ringing her bell (翻译:When you hear Mother Freedom Start ringing her bell)

8. [ Alarm Ringing ] It's time for me to bounce. (翻译:[报警铃声] 现在是时候对我来说 反弹。)

9. Esterases - Industrial biocatalysts for mild and selective hydrolysis reactions (翻译:酯酶-用于温和的选择性水解反应的工业生物催化剂)

10. Well, my usual ringing tone is do do... (翻译:是这样 我电话平时响声是嘟嘟... 嘟嘟)

11. ♪ And setting the earlies ringing ♪ (翻译:*music* 听着早晨的吟唱 *music*)

12. My ears are ringing with sympathy, but it's not... (翻译:这几天同情之声一直在我耳边不断 但是...)

13. Oh yes, I guessed something was fishy (翻译:你认识那个不穿衣服敲钟的祭祀吗 You know the priest, who keeps ringing the bell without any clothes on?)

14. I think we need to be more selective with the events I do. (翻译:好好挑一下我该参加哪些活动 I think we need to be more selective with the events I do.)

15. Eventually, just ringing the bell made the dogs salivate. (翻译:最后,只要铃声一响, 这些狗就开始分泌唾液。)

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