downplay是什么意思 downplay的中文翻译、读音、例句

downplay是什么意思 downplay的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义和定义:downplay指的是对某种事情或问题进行轻描淡写或淡化其重要性的行为或态度,通常是为了避免引发恐慌或不必要的担忧。

2. 用法和搭配: downplay常与事实、风险、危险、问题、影响等词搭配使用,表示在某种程度上贬低或削弱某种事物的重要性或严重程度。

3. 同义词和反义词:downplay的同义词包括:minimize, belittle, underrate, undervalue, play down等,反义词包括:emphasize, highlight, stress, exaggerate等。

4. 表达方式和技巧: downplay可以通过语气、表情、措辞等多种方式来表达,如使用客观、中性的语言,不过分渲染,不过分强调某些关键词汇等。

5. 使用场景和注意事项: downplay在新闻报道、宣传广告、政治演讲、商务谈判等领域常常被使用,但也需要注意不要降低事实的真实性和客观性,不要误导公众或欺骗他人。


1. The company downplayed the environmental risks associated with the new project. (公司淡化了这个新项目所带来的环境风险。)

2. The politician tried to downplay the importance of the scandal, but it had a huge impact on his reputation. (那位政治人物试图淡化这个丑闻的重要性,但这却对他的声誉产生了巨大影响。)

3. The company has been accused of downplaying the health risks posed by its products. (公司被指控淡化其产品所带来的健康风险。)

4. The doctor didn't want to downplay the seriousness of the disease, but he also didn't want to cause unnecessary panic. (医生不想淡化这种疾病的严重性,但他也不想引发不必要的恐慌。)

5. The media downplayed the impact of the storm, but many people were still affected by flooding and power outages. (媒体淡化了这场风暴的影响,但许多人仍然受到了洪水和停电的影响。)




1. The company tried to downplay the impact of the scandal on its reputation. (公司试图淡化丑闻对其声誉的影响。)

2. The candidate downplayed his opponent's achievements in the debate. (候选人在辩论中贬低对手的成就。)

3. Don't downplay the importance of exercise in maintaining good health. (不要低估锻炼对保持健康的重要性。)




例句:While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred. (虽然过度乐观可能会助长不良投资模式,导致房地产“泡沫”的出现,但这篇报告的作者对这种潜在后果只是一笔带过,认为它尚未发生。)


例句:CA: I mean, what would it take to persuade our culture to downplay it? (CA:我想知道, 要怎样去降低这种情绪呢? )


例句:And the chance exists -- I don't want to downplay it -- but I think it's remote, and it's not the thing that's on my mind these days, because I think the big revolution is something else. (可能性是存在的—— 我不想轻描淡写—— 认为它很遥远, 目前我脑子里不会想这个, 因为我认为 大改革是指另一回事。)


例句:Iran's main state television channels did not air today's ceremony in an apparent attempt to downplay the controversy. (翻译:伊朗的主要国家电视频道为了淡化争议没有对今天的仪式进行现场直播。)


1. And the chance exists -- I don't want to downplay it -- but I think it's remote, and it's not the thing that's on my mind these days, because I think the big revolution is something else. (翻译:可能性是存在的—— 我不想轻描淡写—— 认为它很遥远, 目前我脑子里不会想这个, 因为我认为 大改革是指另一回事。)

2. Iran's main state television channels did not air today's ceremony in an apparent attempt to downplay the controversy. (翻译:伊朗的主要国家电视频道为了淡化争议没有对今天的仪式进行现场直播。)

3. Ministry of Defence policy for many years has been to try and downplay this subject. (翻译:国防部多年来的政策当然就是 试图轻描淡写让其过去)

4. And unfortunately, the less control that we think we have, the more likely we are to downplay it or ignore it entirely. (翻译:不幸的是,我们越是这样想, 我们就越有可能对之不予重视, 甚至完全忽视它。)

5. Curved shapes will downplay the angles of this face shape . Frames that are flat along the bottom can look boxy . (翻译:太阳镜的曲线将会弱化脸部的棱角。镜架下方过平的话会使脸颊看起来更方。)

6. Meanwhile, while O'Donnell and Birge downplay the structural changes, they also view the initiative strategically. (翻译:同时,当O’Donnell和Birge对这一结构性变化轻描淡写时,他们同样将这一应用视作战略性的举措。)

7. Meanwhile, while o 'donnell and Birge downplay the structural changes, they also view the initiative strategically. (翻译:同时,当oDonnell和Birge对这一结构性变化轻描淡写时,他们同样将这一应用视作战略性的举措。)

8. They would downplay their sense of vulnerability by, for example, comparing their own weight and diet favourably with that of their friends. (翻译:举个例子,他们通过和朋友比较体重和饮食习惯来忽视自己弱点。)

9. I'm not saying it isn't, and I don't mean to downplay what you're going through here. (翻译:我不是说你没收到,也不是怀疑你经历的这些事)

10. He tried to downplay it, but when I pressed him, he admitted it didn't look good. (翻译:他试图轻描淡写 但是当我强迫他的时候 他承认看起来不是很好)

11. We tend to exaggerate spectacular and rare risks and downplay common risks -- so flying versus driving. (翻译:第一个,我们会夸大那些耸人听闻但少见的风险 并漠视常见的 比如像飞机和汽车的事故率)

12. We tend to exaggerate spectacular and rare risks and downplay common risks -- so, flying versus driving. (翻译:并漠视常见的 比如像飞机和汽车的事故率 )

13. As I said, physicists do not become scientists for the money, so I don't want to downplay the financial problems that you may face. (翻译:正如我所说,物理学家不会成为科学家们的钱,所以我不想淡化的财务问题,你可能面临。)

14. Aboard his plane, the secretary tries to downplay the importance of the budget votes. (翻译:在他的飞机上,部长试图淡化预算投票的重要性。)

15. So once you take up skydiving or smoking, you downplay the risks. (翻译:所以你在开始跳伞或抽烟后 会不再重视它们带来的风险 )



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