acrid是什么意思 acrid的中文翻译、读音、例句

acrid是什么意思 acrid的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性


2. 词义


3. 词源


4. 同义词


5. 例句


- The acrid smell of burning plastic filled the air.(燃烧塑料的刺鼻气味弥漫在空气中。)

- The acrid taste of the medicine made the child gag.(药物的刺激味道令孩子想呕吐。)

- The acrid humor of the comedian offended some members of the audience.(这位喜剧演员刻薄的幽默令部分观众感到冒犯。)

- The acrid smoke from the fire choked our breathing.(火灾产生的浓烟令我们呼吸困难。)

- The acrid criticism of his work hurt his feelings.(对他工作的刻薄批评伤害了他的感情。)




1. The acrid smell of smoke filled the air.


2. She took a sip of the acrid coffee and grimaced.


3. The acrid taste of the medicine made him feel nauseous.





例句:Results:Herbs mainly occurs among the herbs that are cold or warm in property, bitter or acrid or sweet in taste, distribute to 1iver, lung channel. HTX Herbs trend it too. (结果:中药中寒温性药物、苦辛甘味药物、归肝肺经药物居多,有肝毒性中药也有这种趋势,肝毒性中药与一般中药在四气五味归经方面分布趋势大致相同。)


例句:An acrid fog from forest and peat fires has blanketed Moscow, as the Russian capital swelters in a record heat wave. (来自森林的浓雾和泥炭色的火光已经遮盖了莫斯科,就像俄国首都在创记录的闷热中!)


例句:We do not like his acrid temper. (我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。)

4.辛辣的 、辛辣的

例句:The bitter division in Labour produced acrid debate and raucous heckling at the party's hastily convened party conference in Tel Aviv. (翻译:在特拉维夫由工党仓促召开的党内大会上,其强硬分支制造了尖刻的辩论以及强烈的质询。)


1. We do not like his acrid temper. (翻译:我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。)

2. The bitter division in Labour produced acrid debate and raucous heckling at the party's hastily convened party conference in Tel Aviv. (翻译:在特拉维夫由工党仓促召开的党内大会上,其强硬分支制造了尖刻的辩论以及强烈的质询。)

3. - The acrid smell of gunpowder... and the stench of the dead. (翻译:- 比她讲的好多了. - 谢了, Julia. 葛底斯堡战役.)

4. Lying on the mattress in the hallway the odor of the germicide stifles me. A pungent, acrid odor that seems to invade every pore of my body. (翻译:躺在走廊里的床垫上,杀菌剂的气味叫我喘不过气来,这种刺鼻的辣味儿似乎钻进了我身上的每一个毛孔。)

5. Despite the warnings from officials not to spend time outdoors and avoid the acrid smoke, this man says he wants the warm weather back. (翻译:尽管有官员警告说,不要待在室外,避免呼吸到刺鼻烟雾,该官员说他希望能回到温暖的天气。)

6. ...something they had never seen, which liberated a yellow, very pungent and acrid vapor. (翻译:{\2cH0080FF}这份报告披露了从未被了解的情况... {\2cH0080FF}有关恐怖的暴力情况)

7. The air is thick with acrid smoke from the fires. (翻译:空气中充满了火灾产生的刺鼻浓烟。)

8. (HClO3) a strong unstable acid with an acrid odor found in chlorate salts. (翻译:一种强但不稳定的酸,带有氯酸盐中的酸味。)

9. This is an acrid and pungent substance. (翻译:这是一种辛辣而带刺激性的物质。)

10. Working amid acrid fumes, miners excavate chunks of sulfur from the base of the caldera of Mount Ijen in East Java. (翻译:矿工们冒着刺鼻的烟雾,从东爪哇伊杰恩火山口底部挖取大块的硫磺。)

11. HTX mainly occurs among the herbs that are cold or heat in property, bitter or acrid in taste, distribute to liver, spleen or kidney channel and their ac including alkaloids, glycosides, etc. (翻译:肝毒性主要集中在寒、热类,苦、辛类,归肝、脾、肾经类和有效成分中碱、甙类药物方面。)

12. The moment I stepped outside the city's vast international airport, I noticed an acrid hint of burning coal in the all-too-palpable air. (翻译:一走出北京庞大的国际机场,我立刻就能觉察到弥漫在整个空气中燃煤的刺鼻味道。)

13. An acrid fog from forest and peat fires has blanketed Moscow, as the Russian capital swelters in a record heat wave. (翻译:来自森林的浓雾和泥炭色的火光已经遮盖了莫斯科,就像俄国首都在创记录的闷热中! )

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