1. 意义解释
2. 使用场合
3. 语言特点
4. 文化背景
1. 妈妈们快来这里聊聊吧,大家都是'b9'的孩子家长。
Moms, come chat here, we're all parents of children under 9.
2. 这个玩具适合'b9'的宝宝玩。
This toy is suitable for babies under 9.
3. 该公司推出的所有产品都是以'b9'为主要市场。
All products launched by the company are aimed at the 9-and-under market.
4. 儿童书籍要注意满足'b9'阅读习惯,避免使用难懂的词汇。
Children's books should pay attention to meeting the reading habits of under-9s and avoid using difficult vocabulary.
5. 妈妈们请注意,'b9'的孩子需要更多的关注和爱护。
Moms, please note that under-9s need more attention and love.
'b9'一般是指音乐术语中的“小降9度”(Minor Ninth),是指音程,音高差距为9个半音。
读音:[biː naɪnθ]
1. 这个和弦包括根音、小三度、小七度和小降9度。
This chord includes the root, minor third, minor seventh and minor ninth.
2. 在这首歌中用到了许多强大的和弦,如大七和弦、小9和弦和11和弦。
This song features many powerful chords like maj7, min9, and 11.