thicc是什么意思 thicc的中文翻译、读音、例句

thicc是什么意思 thicc的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 拼写和发音:thicc是缩写词,由两个c构成,拼写和发音上与普通英语单词“thick”类似,但“thicc”的发音更加重厚或强调。

2.起源和文化含义: “thicc”最初出现在非正式和口语化的网上论坛和社交媒体上,随着用户的使用和传播,它已经成为一种流行的文化现象。在互联网上,它通常与hip-hop culture或urban fashion相关联,也与观看或分享有关模特或艺人的图像或视频的社交媒体账户相关联。

3. 使用场景: “thicc”常用来描述女性身体丰满的外貌特点。但是,它也可以用来描述其他物体或环境的特点,比如:厚实的煎饼、浓郁的汤、酸甜可口的奶昔等。

4. 正式用途: “thicc”是一种非正式的术语,通常不适用于学术和正式场合。在正式写作中,应该使用适当的术语来描述身体的特点,如“well-proportioned”、“curvy”等。

5. 社会反应: “thicc”这个词可以被认为是一种性别歧视,因为它通常被用来形容女性的身体特征。因此,使用它时需要特别小心,以免造成不必要的误解和争议。


1. She is known for her thicc curves, which have made her a popular model on social media.(她以其曲线丰满的身材而闻名,成为社交媒体上一位受欢迎的模特。)

2. The waitress brought out a plate of thicc pancakes that were fluffy and delicious.(服务员端出了一盘厚实的煎饼,蓬松可口。)

3. I like my coffee thicc and creamy, with lots of milk and sugar.(我喜欢我的咖啡浓郁而奶味浓郁,加上大量的牛奶和糖。)

4. The car's thicc tires made it easy to drive on the bumpy roads.(汽车的厚实轮胎让它很容易在颠簸的道路上行驶。)

5. It's not polite to make comments about someone's body, especially if you're just calling them "thicc".(如果你只是说某人“丰满”,特别是关于身体的方面,这是不礼貌的。)




1. She's got a thicc figure that many people find attractive.(她有一个丰满的身材,许多人认为很有吸引力。)

2. He likes his steaks thicc and juicy.(他喜欢吃厚实多汁的牛排。)

3. The cream in this soup makes it nice and thicc.(这道汤里的奶油让它浓郁可口。)




例句:The default reports provided with this report include the summary and the 85th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. (它所提供的默认报告包括概要和85th、90th以及95th百分点。)


例句:The Mongol has been knocked back into the 14th century. (The Mongol has been knocked back into the 14th century.)


例句:The 65th precinct is in the crosshairs. (65辖区处于准星中间 The 65th precinct is in the crosshairs.)


例句:TH17 cells can cause autoimmune disease, and gut microbes can induce the production of these cells in the intestine. (翻译:TH17细胞可以引发自身免疫性疾病,而肠道微生物可以促进TH17细胞在肠道形成。)


1. The 65th precinct is in the crosshairs. (翻译:65辖区处于准星中间 The 65th precinct is in the crosshairs.)

2. TH17 cells can cause autoimmune disease, and gut microbes can induce the production of these cells in the intestine. (翻译:TH17细胞可以引发自身免疫性疾病,而肠道微生物可以促进TH17细胞在肠道形成。)

3. The drywall will be in by the 12th. Hey, Stan. (翻译:石膏墙板12号就会到 The drywall will be in by the 12th.)

4. Not like the 107th regiment. (翻译:Not like the 107th regiment.)

5. Miguel Fidalgo Marcos in 10th. (翻译:Miguel Fidalgo Marcos,10th.)

6. In the 18th and 19th centuries. (翻译:从尸满为患的公墓中掘出 in the 18th and 19th centuries.)

7. The ICC must decide whether to indict the suspects. (翻译:国际刑事法庭必须决定是否起诉这些嫌犯。)

8. H-Ho-How long do you th-think she'll last? (翻译:H -浩多久你 TH -以为她会持续多久?)

9. would you like a 9th portion? (翻译:would you like a 9th portion?)

10. It was the 40th anniversary of the day he got his job. (翻译:It was the 40th anniversary of the day he got his job.)

11. Tuesday, the 11 th of September. (翻译:Tuesday, the 11 th of September.)

12. I camp down on 14th Street. (翻译:I camp down on 14th Street.)

13. Okay, okay, May 17th Put down seven sheep. (翻译:Okay, okay, May 17th...)

14. Tristan Harris, thank you. TH: Thank you very much. (翻译:特里斯坦•哈里斯,谢谢你。TH:非常感谢。)

15. She has every reason to want Dr. Zuwanie tried at the ICC. (翻译:她有足够的理由希望 苏瓦尼到国际刑事法院受审)

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