jacquard是什么意思 jacquard的中文翻译、读音、例句

jacquard是什么意思 jacquard的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Jacquard是一种由Jean Joseph Marie Charles Jacquard发明的一种自动编织机,能够根据程序自动编织复杂的花纹。也用于表示这种机器编织的图案和纺织品。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:Jacquard loom(雅各布织机)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[ˈʤækɑːrd]


1. The jacquard loom was revolutionary in the textile industry, making the production of complex patterns much quicker and easier.


2. The dress was made from a beautiful jacquard fabric that shimmered in the light.


3. The jacquard pattern on the curtains was intricate and detailed, showcasing the skill of the weaver.


4. The machinery used to make jacquard fabrics requires skilled operators who are able to program and maintain the machines.


5. The company produced a line of high-end jacquard bedding, which was highly sought after by customers.


'Jacquard'这个词语来源于法语,是一种机织品上的图案编织技术,由于发明人Joseph Marie Jacquard的名字而得名。



1. Le tissu jacquard donne à cette robe un air élégant et sophistiqué.(法语:这种雅各布织物使这件连衣裙看起来优雅又复杂。)

2. Jacquard機は、美しい柄織物を作ります。 (日语:雅各布机可以制作出美丽的花纹织物。)

3. Questi cuscini sono fatti di tessuto jacquard con bellissimi disegni floreali.(意大利语:这些靠垫是用亚麻绸缎制成的,上面有美丽的花卉图案。)

4. Die Karos auf diesem Hemd sind in Jacquard-Webung hergestellt.(德语:这件衬衫的格子是用雅各布编织法制成的。)

5. Este suéter de jacquard es perfecto para el invierno.(西班牙语:这件雅各布毛衣非常适合冬天穿。)

6. Jacquard kumaşın bu yastık kılıfında kullanımı, odanıza sofistike bir hava katar.(土耳其语:雅各布织物用在这个靠垫套上,为您的房间增添了浓郁的复古氛围。)

7. Этот жаккардовый гобелен является настоящим произведением искусства.(俄语:这件雅各布挂毯是真正的艺术品。)

8. Jacquard dokuma desenleriyle süslenmiş bu yastık kılıfı evinize şık bir dokunuş katacak.(土耳其语:这个靠垫套上的雅各布织物图案会为您的家增添一份优雅的感觉。)

9. 這件斜紋軟呢外套的設計使用了Jacquard紋織技術,使其在質感和風格上更加獨特。 (中文:这件斜纹软呢外套采用了雅各布织造技术的设计,使其在质感和风格上更加独特。)

jacquard是一种织物的加工方式,采用一种自动化的织布机进行生产,可以制造出复杂的图案和纹理。该技术由法国发明家Joseph-Marie Jacquard发明,于18世纪末期开始使用。




1. This fabric is made using jacquard loom.


2. The jacquard pattern on this dress is very intricate.





例句:The case of pad is made by natural fiber and high-quality jacquard weave, inbuilt exclusive, ventilative, soft, and cozy water pad. (坐垫为天然纤维及高级提花布、内置专利可透气的水垫体,透气。柔软。舒服。)


例句:The construction and the operation principle are introduced of Verdol Aneares 250-FO jacquard. (本文介绍了伏道尔-安泰里斯250-FO型高速提花机的结构和作用原理。)


例句:The loom was declared public property in 1806, and Jacquard was rewarded with a pension and a royalty on each machine. (xx年,该织机被宣布为公共财产,而雅卡尔被授予退休金并拥有每架织机的版权使用费。)

4.提花织物 、提花机

例句:The invention came to be known as the Jacquard loom. (翻译:这项发明被命名为雅卡尔织布机。)


jacquard一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在jacquard attachment(提花装置)、jacquard board([化] 茶版纸; 提花纸板)、jacquard card([化] 提花纸板; 茶版纸)等常见短语中出现较多。

jacquard attachment提花装置
jacquard board[化] 茶版纸; 提花纸板
jacquard card[化] 提花纸板; 茶版纸
jacquard cloth[纺] 提花织物
jacquard comberboard提花机目板
jacquard cord(提花机)纸板串连带
jacquard creel提花机刀架
jacquard cylinder提花机花筒
jacquard design提花意匠图


1. The loom was declared public property in 1806, and Jacquard was rewarded with a pension and a royalty on each machine. (翻译:xx年,该织机被宣布为公共财产,而雅卡尔被授予退休金并拥有每架织机的版权使用费。)

2. The invention came to be known as the Jacquard loom. (翻译:这项发明被命名为雅卡尔织布机。)

3. Doll wears a glorious gown of jacquard and burgundy panne velvet, inspired by Renaissance fashion. (翻译:葡萄牙公主身着提花织物及勃根第天鹅绒制成的长袍,款式来源于文艺复兴时期。)

4. Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics, Blend Fabrics, Cotton, Blends, Cotton, Jacquard, Knits, Novelties, Rayon, Strtch, Synthetics. (翻译:采购产品针织品和针织面料,混纺织物,棉,混纺,棉,提花机,针织物,新奇,粘胶,合成。)

5. So what would the Jacquard loom version of this idea look like? (翻译:那雅卡尔织布机版本的 这个想法会是什么样呢? )

6. Jacquard designs involve at least two of the basic weaves in various arrangements to form the pattern. (翻译:提花图案至少包括两种基础组织,基础组织采用不同的组合方式以构成花型。)

7. Houndstooth jacquard dobby sheer shirting can be the update to the dobby dot. (翻译:犬牙纹大提花的织物衣料可以更新为小提花园点。)

8. So there is an obvious idea in the 21st century that was as obvious as the idea of putting together a steam engine with a loom at the time of Jacquard. (翻译:所以在二十一世纪有个显而易见的想法 就跟雅卡尔时代把蒸汽发动机和 织布机结合在一起的想法 一样显而易见。)

9. Silk is plain woven into or to the end of Jacquard made plain formed by a silk fabrics. (翻译:绸是以平纹织成或以平纹做底提花而成的一种丝织品。)

10. Brocade is made of dyed latitude and longitude lines, which went through the jacquard weaving process of the fabric weave pattern. (翻译:织锦是指用染好颜色的彩色经纬线,经提花、织造工艺织出图案的织物。)

11. Materials for sling: terylen tape, nylon tape, elastomer thread, PVC tape, etc, having processes of noctilucence, fluorescence, repercussion, jacquard weaving by computer, etc. (翻译:吊带材料有:涤纶带、尼龙带、高弹丝、PVC带等,并有夜光、莹光、反光、电脑提花等工艺。)

12. Outdoor textile: Oxford cloth, polyester taffeta, nylon fabric, jacquard fabric series. (翻译:户外纺织品:牛津布,涤塔夫,尼龙布,提花系列布料。)

13. Contain Euro-American style series, chenille series, Jacquard series, Plain printing and dyeing series. (翻译:有欧美风格系列、雪尼尔绒类系列、色织提花系列、素色印花系列。)

14. Textile machinery and accessories. Machines for fabric manufacture. Lingoes for jacquard weaving. (翻译:纺织机械和附件。织物织造机。提花织造用铅锤。)

15. All-white jacquard thread Blankets, suitable for either Bedding or covering, accompany you to dreamland. (翻译:全白提花线毯,铺、盖两相宜,伴您入梦乡。)



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