surrounded是什么意思 surrounded的中文翻译、读音、例句

surrounded是什么意思 surrounded的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Definition: 'surrounded' is a verb that means to enclose on all sides or to be situated around something.

2. Synonyms: enclosed, enclosed by, encircled, encompassed, circled, and bordered.

3. Antonyms: unarmed, open, unguarded, and exposed.

4. Usage: This word is commonly used in both written and spoken English, and can be applied in a wide range of contexts, such as geography, politics, sports, and military.

5. Examples:

- She had a feeling of safety surrounded by her friends. (Emotional context)

- The castle was surrounded by a moat. (Geographical context)

- The army surrounded the enemy's stronghold. (Military context)

- The politician was surrounded by supporters during his speech. (Political context)

- The basketball player was surrounded by defenders. (Sports context)


- 她感到安全,因为身边都是朋友。(情感背景)

- 城堡被护城河包围着。(地理背景)

- 军队包围了敌人的据点。(军事背景)

- 政治家演讲时被支持者包围。(政治背景)

- 篮球运动员被防守球员紧紧包围。(运动背景)




1. The house was surrounded by a beautiful garden. (这所房子被一个美丽的花园包围着。)

2. The city was surrounded by a high wall for protection. (这座城市被一道高墙保护着。)

3. We were surrounded by a group of curious children. (我们被一群好奇的孩子围绕着。)

4. The company is surrounded by rumors of bankruptcy. (这家公司被破产的谣言所围绕着。)

5. She felt surrounded by love and support from her family and friends. (她感到被来自家人和朋友的爱和支持所环绕着。)




例句:You are surrounded with the strength of your fellow Bellas and the support of a proud female tradition. (你们有身边伙伴们的力量 You are surrounded with the strength of your fellow Bellas 还有巾帼传统的支持 and the support of a proud female tradition.)


例句:But, captain... we're surrounded! (谁回司令部报告情况? 但是队长,在这重重包围中)


例句:The park created to protect them is now surrounded by farmland. (为保护他们而建立的国家公园被农田包围 {\3cH202020}The park created to protect them is now surrounded by farmland.)


例句:That being surrounded by protestors was like Anne Frank? (翻译:你被示威者包围看起来像Anne Frank?)


surrounded一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在embankment surrounded region(圩)等常见短语中出现较多。

embankment surrounded region


1. The park created to protect them is now surrounded by farmland. (翻译:为保护他们而建立的国家公园被农田包围 {\3cH202020}The park created to protect them is now surrounded by farmland.)

2. That being surrounded by protestors was like Anne Frank? (翻译:你被示威者包围看起来像Anne Frank?)

3. This is the police. You are completely surrounded. (翻译:我们是警察 你已经被包围了 {\3cH202020}This is the police.)

4. Then one night the Russians surrounded the castle. (翻译:然后一天晚上俄国人包围了城堡 我们准备好了应付这种紧急的情况,在这个大厅里)

5. Do I enjoy working surrounded by these vultures? (翻译:你觉得我会喜欢在周围都是秃鹰的情况下工作吗?)

6. and surrounded by a sticky trap. (翻译:and surrounded by a sticky trap. 而且周围布满陷阱)

7. The aero is commonly known as the great surrounded, basically include the inlet grille, car side spoilers, surrounded and tail etc. (翻译:这种空气动力套件就是俗称的大包围,基本上包含了进气格栅、车侧扰流板、后包围以及尾翼等。)

8. There's a tiny bandstand surrounded by trees. (翻译:有一个微小的esdrada, 周围的树木。)

9. Everyone is surrounded by the invisible dreams. (翻译:为何如此悲伤 谁都无法捕捉到的梦 谁都无法捕捉到的梦)

10. Surrounded by your Voltron, and your Bernadette and your me. (翻译:Surrounded by your Voltron, and your Bernadette and your me.)

11. I have lived most my life surrounded by my enemies. (翻译:我大半辈子都在敌人中生存 I have lived most my life surrounded by my enemies.)

12. The building is surrounded. (翻译:8点30分 伯根布朗贝勒啤酒店 这栋建筑已被包围了)

13. Police surrounded the building. (翻译:警方包围了那栋房子。)

14. It is surrounded by 62 acres of farmland. (翻译:它被62英亩的农田环绕着。)

15. Look around you, we are surrounded. (翻译:看看四周 我们已经被包围了 Look around you, we are surrounded.)



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