chia是什么意思 chia的中文翻译、读音、例句

chia是什么意思 chia的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 植物:"chia"是北美洲墨西哥一种草本植物,常用于健康食品中。

例句:I always add chia seeds to my morning smoothie.(我每天早上都会在奶昔中加入奇亚籽。)

2. 缩写词:"chia"可以代表"California Hemp Industries Association",这是一个位于加州的大麻产业协会。

例句:The chia has been lobbying for legalized marijuana for years.(这个协会已经游说多年,争取合法化大麻。)

3. 地名:"Chia"是哥伦比亚一个小城镇的名称。

例句:We're planning a trip to Chia next summer.(我们计划明年夏天去趟恰镇。)

4. 神话生物:"Chia"也是中南美洲的一种神话生物,被认为是某些部族的守护神。

例句:According to local legend, the Chia would protect travelers on their journey through the jungle.(根据当地传说,恰神灵会保护穿过丛林的旅行者。)

5. 意大利语:在意大利语中,"chia"是"你呀"("你啊")的缩写形式。

例句:Chia stai?(你好吗?)





1. Toma agua con semillas de chía para mejorar la digestión.(西班牙语,喝带奇亚籽的水可以改善消化。)

2. Eles misturam as sementes de chia no suco de laranja todas as manhãs.(葡萄牙语,他们每天早上都将奇亚籽混入橙汁中。)

3. Chia-Samen sind ein guter Ersatz für Eier in veganen Rezepten.(德语,奇亚籽在素食食谱中是鸡蛋的很好替代品。)

4. En México, la chía se ha utilizado como alimento desde la época prehispánica.(西班牙语,奇亚籽在墨西哥自古以来就被用作食物。)

5. Chia-Samen werden oft als Superfood bezeichnet.(德语,奇亚籽通常被称为超级食品。)

6. O consumo de chia está aumentando em todo o mundo devido aos seus benefícios à saúde.(葡萄牙语,由于其对健康的好处,全球吃奇亚籽的人越来越多。)

7. Chia-Samen werden oft in Smoothies und Müslis verwendet.(德语,奇亚籽常常被加入到冰沙和麦片中。)

8. Puedes preparar pudín de chía con leche de almendras y frutas frescas para un desayuno saludable.(西班牙语,你可以用杏仁牛奶和新鲜水果制作奇亚籽布丁作为健康早餐。)

9. Die Aussprache von Chia ist im Deutschen meistens "Tschia".(德语,奇亚的发音在德语中通常是“Tschia”。)



1. I like to sprinkle chia seeds on my oatmeal for extra nutrition. (我喜欢在燕麦片上撒一些奇亚籽增加营养。)

2. Chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. (奇亚籽富含纤维、蛋白质和ω-3脂肪酸。)




例句:The large, wide-brimmed straw hat on the tea table by her side was of course hers and made the small parasol in Jou-chia's hand seem an age behind The Times. (手边茶几上搁一顶阔边大草帽,当然是她的,衬得柔嘉手里的小阳伞落伍了一个时代。)


例句:Sue Shen Qiyi, Jou-chia dimension, courtesy, early support is, flower, children have to shift for loyalty, filial piety. (淑慎其仪,柔嘉维则相夫以礼,早膺殊渥之花,教子有成,俾移孝以作忠。)


例句:Anan ATHIGAPANICH Vice Chairman Chia Tai Group AGRO-Industry and Food Business China Area (黄业夫正大集团农牧食品企业中国区中国区副董事长)


例句:To me, the exam was more like a test for Shen Chia-Yi's special training programs rather than an exam for college. (翻译:对我来说 联考好像不是去考大学 而是验收沈佳宜对我的特训成果)


chia一般作为名词使用,如在terebinthina chia([医] 希沃斯岛松油脂, 笃耨香)、nien chia shan(念家山)、Wu Chia Pee(n. 〈汉〉五加皮)等常见短语中出现较多。

terebinthina chia[医] 希沃斯岛松油脂, 笃耨香
nien chia shan念家山
Wu Chia Peen. 〈汉〉五加皮
wu chia pi五加皮


1. Anan ATHIGAPANICH Vice Chairman Chia Tai Group AGRO-Industry and Food Business China Area (翻译:黄业夫正大集团农牧食品企业中国区中国区副董事长)

2. To me, the exam was more like a test for Shen Chia-Yi's special training programs rather than an exam for college. (翻译:对我来说 联考好像不是去考大学 而是验收沈佳宜对我的特训成果)

3. The girl's called Wong Chia Chi, once written up for her performance. (翻译:那个女的叫王佳芝 在港大演话剧还上过报!)

4. Shen Chia-Yi was only slightly prettier than the other girls. (翻译:沈佳宜只是比一般的女生还要再漂亮一点点而已)

5. One of the resort employees, Su Ying-chia, designed the flytrap using a net. (翻译:这个捕蝇器由度假村员工苏盈嘉用网子设计作成。)

6. Friday, network mob too much, Chia-Hsiang Lin deeply hurt, the network required the order of govern-ment to rectify. (翻译:网络暴民太多,林嘉祥深深的受到伤害,网络次序需要go-vern-ment整顿。)

7. You need to feed natural fats, you find in avocados, chia seeds and flax or until salmon healthy fats. (翻译:需要养活 天然油脂 如发现 鳄梨 正大种子和亚麻籽)

8. I'm Chen Chia-chu, born 7-4-1958 (翻译:我叫陈家驹 xx年出世 xx月xx日生日)

9. Chia Lung Changchun China Southern VIP international airport has opened a dedicated security channel. (翻译:长春龙嘉国际机场开通南航贵宾专用安检通道。)

10. Such a one was Chia Pao Yu, and we follow him to his tragic end in Hung Lou Meng. (翻译:小说中的贾宝玉就是这样一个男儿,而其悲剧式的结局,我们可从《红楼梦》里看得到。)

11. Mr. Chen and Miss Chia of our troupe were married a while ago (翻译:刚才我们的团员陈子青和贾娟娟 举行了浪漫派的结婚典礼)

12. I could totally imagine Shen Chia-Yi being a teacher, it really suits her. (翻译:想到将来沈佳宜当老师的样子 就觉得非常适合她)

13. In fact, the Royal HK police are flying Chia-chu like a kite for this mission (翻译:其实这次的任务 香港皇家警察把家驹像风筝放了出去)

14. A nerd like Shen Chia-Yi likes to poke her nose into other people's business whenever she gets a chance. (翻译:像沈佳宜这种好学生 逮到机会 就喜欢多管闲事)

15. (Shen Chia-Yi would be kind of cute if she wasn't such a prude) and live up the true meaning of its dream. (翻译:沈佳宜如果不是那么假正经 其实还满可爱的)

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