ncre是什么意思 ncre的中文翻译、读音、例句

ncre是什么意思 ncre的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:ncre常用于词组开头作为前缀使用,例如:increase(增加),incredible(不可思议的),increment(增量),et cetera。


发音拼写:ncre的发音为 /ɪnˈkriː/,拼写为“n-c-r-e”。


1. The company's profits have increased by 20% this year.(今年该公司的利润增加了20%。)

2. It's incredible how fast he can run!(他跑得这么快,简直不可思议!)

3. The government has promised to make an incremental change to the tax system.(政府承诺对税收制度进行逐步改变。)

4. The company's revenue continues to see an upward trend.(这家公司的收入一直呈上升趋势。)

5. She incrementally improved her language skills by studying every day.(她通过每天学习逐渐提高了自己的语言技能。)



1. The company's financial statements were deemed unclear and ncre to investors.


2. The government's decision-making process is often criticized for being ncre and lacking transparency.





例句:The property rates are very high... (房产税很高的 The property rates re very high.)





1. Location: Cary, NC Employees: 5,629. (翻译:地点:卡里,北卡罗莱纳州雇员数:5629。)

2. Signature NC 70, Pro Series. (翻译:Signature NC 70, Pro Series.)

3. Retread using NC--the important way to the sustaining development of manufacturing (翻译:数控化翻新--制造业可持续发展的重要途径)

4. In continuous action against the plight of education (翻译:托马斯 你给莫里哀写信呢 Thomas, tu écris à Molière?)

5. Re-engage autopilot switches. (翻译:重新按自动驾驶开关 Re -engage autopilot switches.)

6. What happens at these re-enactments? (翻译:这些历史重现中都发生了什么呀? What happens at these re -enactments?)

7. Making him re-win the heart of the virgin? (翻译:Making him re -win the heart of the virgin?)

8. They completely re-rearrange this. (翻译:他们从头重放了一次 They completely re -rearrange this.)

9. I brought a 2005 Chateau de la Vere. (翻译:我带了xx年的Chateau de la Vère)

10. that he is not running for re-election. (翻译:提前到今天 that he is not running for re -election.)

11. Opening NC System for BKX-I Virtual Axis Machine Tools (翻译:BKX-I型变轴数控机床的开放式数控系统)

12. Do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. (翻译:Do Re Mi... 只是个来唱歌的工具)

13. Hundreds of residents are reporting strange lights in the skies of Brown Mountain, NC. (翻译:本地控制 数百名居民已经报道灯 在布朗山的天空奇怪。)

14. @ Do re mi fa so la ti do. @ (翻译:@ @ Do re mi fa so la ti do.)

15. NC must strike them out or else they will face Mr. Go on full bases (翻译:NC必须要逼斗山打者出局 否则就要在满垒情况和王牌巨猩对决了)

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