doorman是什么意思 doorman的中文翻译、读音、例句

doorman是什么意思 doorman的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义: 'doorman'是指门卫、门房或者看门人这一职业的人员。他们负责看守建筑物的大门,确保只有授权人员进出,同时还负责接待来访者、指引路线等工作。

2. 职责:Doorman的职责包括但不限于: 确保建筑物大门被安全关闭和锁上、协调和迎接来访者、保持清洁和整洁的门区域、监控大门附近的行人和车辆等。

3. 技能: 成为一名成功的doorman需要一定的技能。例如良好的沟通能力、行政管理能力、良好的工作态度和团队合作精神,以及处理紧急情况的经验等。


1. The doorman politely greeted the visitors and directed them to the reception area.(门卫礼貌地问候访客,并引导他们到接待区。)

2. The doorman is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the building by monitoring who enters and exits the premises.(门卫负责确保建筑物的安全和安保,监控谁进出建筑物。)

3. The doorman noticed a suspicious-looking person and immediately contacted the security team.(门卫发现了一个可疑人员,立即联系安保团队。)

4. The doorman is considered to be the face of the building, as they are often the first point of contact with visitors.(门卫被认为是建筑物的形象代表,因为他们通常是与访客接触的第一个接触点。)

5. The doorman's professionalism and courteousness leave a lasting impression on the building's visitors.(门卫的专业精神和礼貌会给建筑物的访客留下深刻的印象。)

doorman 的中文翻译是“门卫”,读音为[dɔrˈmæn]。


1. The doorman greeted us with a smile and opened the door for us.


2. The doorman refused to let anyone in without a proper invitation.


3. As a doorman, he was responsible for the safety and security of the building.





例句:I'm only afraid the doorman may spoil all our fun. If only he lets her in. (我恐怕看门人会扫我们的兴 如果他让她进来的话)


例句:Instead of schmoozing the doorman or checking to see if he's on the guest list, he whips out his wallet and flashes a mysterious card. (他并没有和门童闲聊几句或是查看自己是否在宾客名单上,而是迅速拿出他的钱包,快速出示了一张神秘卡片。)


例句:But the doorman did say that he saw her on her own before he left. (但门卫也说,他 看到她对她自己,在他离开之前)


例句:If I go belly-up, I will no longer be able to tip my doorman when he gets me a taxi. (翻译:若是我垮了,送我上出租车的门童就再也得不到我的小费了。)


1. But the doorman did say that he saw her on her own before he left. (翻译:但门卫也说,他 看到她对她自己,在他离开之前)

2. If I go belly-up, I will no longer be able to tip my doorman when he gets me a taxi. (翻译:若是我垮了,送我上出租车的门童就再也得不到我的小费了。)

3. There's also a doorman on duty from four to midnight here, so you don't have to worry about coming in late. (翻译:他负责免费保管 这里还有个门卫, 值班时间是每天下午4点到12点)

4. - Call down to the doorman. (翻译:- Six. - Call down to the doorman.)

5. I got your number from the doorman, here where your son lives. (翻译:我从门卫那里拿到你的电话号码 你儿子住在这里)

6. Like, the doorman opened the door for anybody, like he'd do today, like he'd done years before. (翻译:比如,门房会为任何人开门, 就像今天他会做的那样, 就像他在几年前会做的那样)

7. “But I am a doorman, ” Kostya said. (翻译:“可我本来就是个看门的,”克斯特亚说。)

8. "First, they made us addicted, and now, they are trying to get money out of us, " said the doorman of a building in West Tehran. (翻译:“他们一开始先让我们上瘾,现在就要收钱了,”西德黑兰一栋大楼的看门人说。)

9. Last time I was really fast I was 16, outrunning a doorman on the Upper East Side. (翻译:xx岁的我跑得飞快, 有一次我狂奔着 想甩掉上东区的一个看门人。)

10. By ditching dorm life for a doorman building, the actress gets to call John Mayer and Keith Richard's daughter Theodora her neighbors. (翻译:抛弃宿舍生活,选择有看门人的大楼,这位演员因此可以把JohnMayer和KeithRichard的女儿Theodora称为她的邻居。)

11. The doorman at the Capitol Towers filed a police report against you. (翻译:国会大厦酒店的门卫 {\3cH000000}The doorman at the Capitol Towers 提交了一份针对你的警方报告 {\3cH000000}filed a police report against you.)

12. There was a doorman at the entrance to the building, but each flat was separate, with its own front door. (翻译:大楼的入口处有个看门人,但每个寓所各自独立,都有个前门。)

13. But Justino Pedro du Silva, a doorman in Bissau, says everyone fears the disruption that such political turmoil brings. (翻译:不过比绍的一位门卫贾斯蒂诺·佩德罗·杜席尔瓦说,每个人都担心这样的政治动荡带来的干扰。)

14. He was arrested that evening when a nightclub doorman found him carrying a knife sheath and alerted the police. (翻译:一名夜总会的看门人看到他拿着刀后报警,当晚Ramsden就被逮捕了。)

15. Your doorman confirmed Kate slept there last night. (翻译:你的门房告诉我们Kate昨晚睡在你家 Your doorman confirmed Kate slept there last night.)



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