'be lost in'是一个表示“沉迷于”、“陷入”的常用词组。以下从语法、用途、注意事项三个方面进行说明:
1. 语法方面
'be lost in'是一个被动式的词组,常用于描述人或物被某种情感、经历或思想所“占据”。通常情况下,该短语后需要跟宾语或介词短语,以说明此时的状态或情感。
2. 用途方面
'be lost in'常用于文学作品、电影、音乐等艺术形式中,描述人物或场景的深刻感受。同时,该短语在日常生活中也被广泛使用,用于表达对某种事物的热爱、迷恋、沉浸等情感。
3. 注意事项
在使用'be lost in'时,需要注意使用时态的正确性,以及宾语或介词短语的适合性。同时,该短语也需要根据语境进行理解,以确保表达的准确性。
1. I was lost in thought and didn't notice the time passing.(我陷入了沉思,没有注意时间的流逝。)
2. The audience was completely lost in the music and didn't want the concert to end.(观众们完全沉浸在音乐中,不想音乐会结束。)
3. She was lost in a world of her own, and didn't hear him calling her.(她陷入了自己的世界,没有听到他呼唤她。)
4. He was lost in admiration for her talent and beauty.(他沉浸在对她才华和美貌的钦佩之中。)
5. The hikers were lost in the dense forest for two days before being rescued.(徒步旅行者在茂密的丛林中迷路两天,才得以获救。)
be lost in的意思是被...迷住;沉浸于...之中;陷入...中。
读音:bi lɒst ɪn
1. He was lost in thought and didn't hear the phone ringing.(他被想法所占据,没听见电话响了。)
2. She was lost in admiration for the beautiful scenery. (她被美丽的风景所吸引。)
3. I was lost in the music, and didn't even notice that the concert had ended.(我被音乐所沉醉,甚至没有注意到音乐会已经结束了。)