词义:'userdel' 是一个 Linux/Unix 系统内置命令,用于删除系统中的用户账户。该命令可以删除用户的账户及其相关的文件、目录、邮件等。
1. 使用 'userdel' 命令可以删除指定的 Linux 用户账户。
Using the 'userdel' command can delete specified Linux user accounts.
2. 如果您错误地使用了 'userdel' 命令,可能会永久删除您的用户账户及相关文件和数据。
If you mistakenly use the 'userdel' command, it may permanently delete your user account and related files and data.
3. 在 Linux 系统中,使用 'userdel' 命令是删除用户账户的标准操作。
In Linux systems, using the 'userdel' command is the standard procedure for deleting user accounts.
4. 要删除一个用户账户,您需要以管理员身份登录系统,并使用 'userdel' 命令执行删除操作。
To delete a user account, you need to log in to the system as an administrator and use the 'userdel' command to perform the deletion.
5. 如果您想保留用户数据并只删除账户,您可以使用 'userdel' 命令的 '-r' 选项。
If you want to keep user data and only delete the account, you can use the '-r' option of the 'userdel' command.
6. 'userdel' 命令不会删除系统中的其他文件或目录,只会删除与指定用户账户相关的数据。
The 'userdel' command will not delete other files or directories in the system, and only deletes data related to the specified user account.
7. 要执行 'userdel' 命令,您需要拥有足够的权限。否则,您将无法删除用户账户。
To execute the 'userdel' command, you need to have sufficient permissions. Otherwise, you will not be able to delete user accounts.
读音:yòng hù shān chú
1. 使用'userdel'命令可以轻松地删除Linux系统中的用户账号。
(Using the 'userdel' command can easily delete user accounts in a Linux system.)
2. 在管理Linux系统用户的时候,我们要谨慎使用'userdel'命令,以免误删重要信息。
(When managing users in a Linux system, we need to use the 'userdel' command carefully to avoid deleting important information by mistake.)
例句:Delicious is a social bookmarking service. (Del.icio.us是一个社会书签服务。)
例句:In the following example, the Set-User command is used to set the display name for user Ted Bremer. (在下面的示例中,使用Set-User命令来设置用户TedBremer的显示名称。)
例句:The screen name was blackflagbaby, (and there was this one user... 他的网名是黑旗宝贝 The screen name was BlackFlagBaby,)
例句:The UPN is the logon name for the user and consists of a user name and a suffix. (翻译:UPN是用户的登录名,由用户名和后缀组成。)
userdel一般作为名词使用,如在Userdel([网络] 删除用户;删除用户帐号;删除用户账号)等常见短语中出现较多。
Userdel | [网络] 删除用户;删除用户帐号;删除用户账号 |
1. The screen name was blackflagbaby, (翻译:and there was this one user... 他的网名是黑旗宝贝 The screen name was BlackFlagBaby,)
2. The UPN is the logon name for the user and consists of a user name and a suffix. (翻译:UPN是用户的登录名,由用户名和后缀组成。)
3. Semeiology; User's task model; User's concept model; User's thinking model; traditional culture. (翻译:符号学;用户任务模型;用户概念模型;用户思维模型;传统文化。)
4. If the current user is not in the primary users list, per-user admin pinning will not occur for that user on the current computer. (翻译:如果当前用户不在主要用户列表中,则不会为当前计算机上的该用户进行每用户管理固定。)
5. Del Conte found a family willing to give it a try. (翻译:Del Conte找到一家愿意尝试一下。)
6. She is Lisa del Giocondo, wife of Florentine businessman Francesco del Giocondo. (翻译:她是佛罗伦萨商人弗朗西斯科•德尔·乔贡德的妻子丽莎•德尔·乔贡德。)
7. DEA Agent Talia Del Campo, this is Special Agent Kensi Blye. (翻译:缉毒署探员Talia del Campo 这位是Kensi Blye特别探员)
8. Tagging was pioneered by Delicious and Joshua Schachter. (翻译:此功能首先由Del.icio.us发明人Joshua Schachter推广开来的 )
9. Tagging was pioneered by Delicious and Joshua Schachter. (翻译:此功能首先由Del.icio.us发明人Joshua Schachter推广开来的)
10. Semeiology; User's task model; User's concept model; User's thinking model; traditional culture. (翻译:符号学;用户任务模型;用户概念模型;用户思维模型;传统文化。)
11. Delicious is a social bookmarking service. (翻译:Del.icio.us是一个社会书签服务。)
12. Mostly user ratings, uh... (翻译:大部分用户评分... Mostly user ratings, uh...)
13. Adding payrolladmin to User RunAs role. (翻译:添加payrolladmin到user RunAs角色。)
14. If no username is supplied, it will default to an uppercase version of the environment variable USER or LOGNAME in that order. (翻译:如果不提供用户名,程序会使用环境变量USER或LOGNAME的大写形式。)
15. Using the DB2 import command, we then populate this new table with data contained in the large del file: import from staffdata.del of del modified by chardel coldel, decpt. insert into newstaff. (翻译:然后我们使用DB 2 import命令,用大型del文件中包含的数据填充这个新表:import from staffdata . del of del modified by chardel “ ” coldel, decpt . insert into newstaff。)