ecvt是什么意思 ecvt的中文翻译、读音、例句

ecvt是什么意思 ecvt的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:'ecvt'是一个C++函数,在数字转换时使用,将一个双精度浮点数转换为一个字符串。

2. 词性:'ecvt'是一个动词。

3. 词组搭配:无

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ekvɪt/


1. The 'ecvt' function is used to convert a double-precision floating-point number to a string. ('ecvt'函数用于将双精度浮点数转换为字符串。)

2. The 'ecvt' function only works with decimal floating-point numbers, not with binary floating-point numbers. ('ecvt'函数只能用于十进制浮点数,不能用于二进制浮点数。)

3. The 'ecvt' function is part of the standard C library, so it can be used on any C or C++ platform. ('ecvt'函数是标准C库的一部分,因此可以在任何C或C++平台上使用。)

4. Using the 'ecvt' function can be useful when you need to format a floating-point number for display or output. (当您需要格式化浮点数以进行显示或输出时,使用'ecvt'函数可能很有用。)

5. You need to be careful when using the 'ecvt' function, as it does not always produce the correct result for certain values. (当使用'ecvt'函数时,您需要小心,因为它在某些值上不总是产生正确的结果。)



1. 这个程序使用ecvt函数把一个浮点数转换成一个字符串。

2. 你可以使用ecvt函数来处理科学计数法表示的浮点数。




例句:vt. We accredit the invention of the electric light to Adison. (我们把电灯的发明归功于爱迪生。)


例句:HPLC-EC was used to study the changes of monoamine transmitters in striatum of rat dysthymic disorder model. (以HPLC - EC法对照研究恶劣心境障碍大鼠纹状体单胺类神经递质的改变。)


例句:NP: Y'all want to hear some jam session? EC: Y'all ready for a jam session? (NP:你们想要听我们即兴表演吗? EC:你们准备好了吗? )


1. NP: Y'all want to hear some jam session? EC: Y'all ready for a jam session? (翻译:NP:你们想要听我们即兴表演吗? EC:你们准备好了吗? )

2. He had his own VT in Battloid mode now, and was running it toward the crash site through a section of burning forest. (翻译:他现在把自己的战机变为战斗机器人模式,并正穿过一片烧焦的森林赶往米莉娅的坠落地点。)

3. For Nermin Kahraman of the EC Delegation to Turkey in Ankara, collaboration with FAO was key to the victory. (翻译:对于欧共体驻土耳其安卡拉的代表Nermin Kahraman来讲,与粮农组织的合作是成功的关键。)

4. I will wait. The VT station. 5 o'clock, every day until you come. (翻译:我会等你的 VT车站 五点钟 每天都会等你 直到你的出现)

5. CONCLUSION: Betulin had potent inhibiting effects on EC109 cells growth in vitro. (翻译:结论:白桦酯醇对食管癌细胞EC109有明显抑制活性。)

6. EC-300 has performed ahead of expectation in field testing for removal of MTBE. (翻译:EC - 300的表现超在去除MTBE方面大大超出了我们的预期。)

7. VT, I've never met you but I hear lots of rumors about the Heavy Metal Queen. (翻译:VT 虽然我们没见过面 但是我经常听到关于皇后号的事)

8. When the little screen turned on in his VT he was expecting to see Lisa, but a lost Sammie appeared instead of Lisa. (翻译:当他把显示屏打开时,他期待着看见丽莎,但是茫然不知所措的珊米却取代丽莎出现在屏幕上。)

9. Referring to the Sachs VT5000 brake backplate. (翻译:谈到萨克斯vt5000刹车背板。)

10. Back at the ec bully to sell out to the soul, ChiMei demons. (翻译:蚩尤为统霸天下,不惜将灵魂出卖给妖魔魑魅。)

11. VT fuzes were used from the end of 1944. (翻译:近发引信从xx年底开始被使用。)

12. EC: Y'all ready? Everybody stand up! Come on, everybody stand up! (翻译:EC:你们呢?请你们站起来! 来,来,大家都站起来吧! )

13. AIM To amplify the nucleotide sequence of desmoglein 4 extracellular domains EC1 EC2, EC3 and EC4 from human keratinocytes. (翻译:目的:扩增人表皮角质形成细胞桥粒芯糖蛋白4胞外区域EC 1, EC 2, EC3和EC4的核酸序列。)

14. Yoko-san, if it has a brushless DC motor, wouldn't it be an EC series? (翻译:如果是用无刷直流马达 也应该是EC系列的吧)

15. It started as a side effect of ec 10. (翻译:这是EC 10课程的一个影响。)

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