messenger是什么意思 messenger的中文翻译、读音、例句

messenger是什么意思 messenger的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 名词Messenger的含义和用法


- 信使、使者:指派遣传递信息、文件、货物等的人员。

- 消息、信息:指传递的口头、书面或电子的信息。

- 通讯、通信工具:指用于传递信息和交流的工具和软件,例如Facebook的Messenger等。


- The king sent a messenger to deliver the message to his allies.(国王派了一个信使把消息传递给他的盟友。)

- I received a messenger from the office saying that the meeting has been postponed.(我收到了办公室的一份通知说会议已经推迟了。)

- She prefers to use Messenger to communicate with her friends because it's more convenient.(她更喜欢用Messenger与朋友交流,因为更加方便。)

2. 缩写词MESSENGER的含义和用法


- Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging:(水星表面、空间环境、地球化学和测距)注:这是美国宇航局的一个水星探测任务的名称。

- Mobile Enhanced Synchronization Environment for Global Emergency Response:(全球紧急响应的移动增强同步环境)注:这是一个国际组织的灾难救援项目的名称。

- Medical Emergency Support Service with Ejoined Network for Ground and Effective Response:(地面和有效响应的紧急医疗支援服务)注:这是一个医疗救援团队的名称。


- The MESSENGER spacecraft was launched in 2004 and orbited around Mercury for four years.(MESSENGER太空船于xx年发射,绕着水星运行了xx年。)

- The MESSENGER project aims to improve global emergency response capabilities.(MESSENGER项目旨在提高全球紧急响应能力。)

- The MESSENGER team provides medical support services in areas affected by natural disasters.(MESSENGER团队在自然灾害影响的地区提供医疗支持服务。)

3. Messenger用作动词的含义和用法


- 传递信息,传送文件:指运送、传递文件、信件、货物等。

- 派遣、调度人员:指安排人员按照指示去执行任务、交付物品等工作。


- He was asked to messenger the documents to the head office.(他被要求把文件传递到总部。)

- The manager messengered the team to the conference room for an urgent meeting.(经理派人把团队调度到会议室开紧急会议。)

- She used to messenger the reports by email, but now prefers to use a messenger software.(她过去通过电子邮件传递报告,但现在更喜欢使用即时通讯软件。)





1. The messenger arrived with an urgent letter.(信使带着紧急信件到达了。)

2. She used to work as a messenger for a courier company.(她曾经在快递公司工作过,做信使的工作。)

3. He sent a messenger to deliver the package to her office.(他派了一个信使把包裹送到她的办公室。)

4. We communicate with each other through messenger apps.(我们通过即时通讯应用来互相沟通。)

5. The messenger of peace delivered the important message to both sides.(和平使者把重要信息传递给了双方。)

6. She received the good news from the messenger.(她通过信使收到了好消息。)

7. The company uses messenger services to send important documents.(公司使用信使服务来发送重要文件。)

8. The messenger bird flew across the sea to deliver the message.(信鸽飞越大海传递信息。)

9. The messenger of God came to deliver the prophecy to the people.(上帝的使者来向人们传递预言。)





1. The messenger delivered the message to the recipient.


2. She works as a messenger for a local courier company.


3. The messenger rode his bike through the busy streets to deliver the package on time.





例句:At a desired depth, a messenger back and closes the bottle. (里边有水温计 金属制的器具滑落下来采取目标海水)


例句:Instead you come here as his messenger. (可你们却反过了头 拿了他的话到我这儿来说三道四)


例句:The messenger seated on a form after taking that refection, had dropped into a doze. (那信使吃完便餐便在长凳上坐下,打起盹来。)


例句:Messenger a bottle of Jameson's to Lana at Page Six with a note saying... (翻译:送一瓶威士忌 给第六页杂志的拉娜... -附上一张纸条)


messenger一般作为名词、动词使用,如在divine messenger([网络] 神圣的使者)、express messenger(专差)、Facebook Messenger([网络] 手机即时通;脸书;脸书手机即时通)等常见短语中出现较多。

divine messenger[网络] 神圣的使者
express messenger专差
Facebook Messenger[网络] 手机即时通;脸书;脸书手机即时通
first messenger[医]第一信使
instant messenger[网络] 即时通讯;即时通信;即时通讯软件
Last Messenger[网络] 最后一位使者
live messenger[网络] 前提是使用最新的;即时通讯工具;聊天软件
main messenger主导电索
maternal messenger母体信使
messenger bag[网络] 邮差包;斜挎包;信差包


1. The messenger seated on a form after taking that refection, had dropped into a doze. (翻译:那信使吃完便餐便在长凳上坐下,打起盹来。)

2. Messenger a bottle of Jameson's to Lana at Page Six with a note saying... (翻译:送一瓶威士忌 给第六页杂志的拉娜... -附上一张纸条)

3. Some say it was commissioned by a messenger from beyond for his funeral. (翻译:有人说 它是委托一个信使从远方带来的 为了他的葬礼)

4. I run a messenger service. (翻译:ﻢﻴﻠﺴﺘﻟﺍﻭ ﻝﺎﺳﺭﻹﺍ ﺕﺎﻣﺪﺨﺑ ﻞﻤﻋﺃ ﺎﻧﺃ .)

5. No, he, uh, said he was just a messenger. (翻译:said he was just a messenger.)

6. I might just be the messenger, but your name is still on my back. (翻译:也许我只是个信使 I might just be the messenger, 但是你的名字现在还在我的背上 but your name is still on my back.)

7. A royal messenger is here. You are summoned to the Royal Painting Office. (翻译:一个皇宫的使者来了 您被征召到皇家画室画画)

8. Let the messenger boys do that. (翻译:让送信小弟去弄吧 Let the messenger boys do that.)

9. This was the New York bike messenger meeting the Tour de France. (翻译:这是纽约自行车递送小弟迎战环法自行车大赛)

10. "Mrs. Sandoval," the messenger said, "the telegram says -". (翻译:“桑多瓦尔太太,”送电报的说。)

11. Into some kind of a messenger for an alien race. (翻译:变成了外星人的信使 into some kind of a messenger for an alien race.)

12. Endogenous carbon monoxide is a gaseous messenger, which is the degration product of heme. (翻译:内源性一氧化碳是一种气体信使分子,是血红素的降解产物。)

13. Were you a messenger from Mrs Hughes? (翻译:你是不是在帮休斯太太传话 Were you a messenger from Mrs Hughes?)

14. The new Brahma messenger is coming from Himalayas and his name is Singh (翻译:新... 任梵天使者将是... 个 来自喜马拉雅山的亚星)

15. I was given the opportunity to be the messenger and I failed. (翻译:我本来有机会可以 成为信息传递者.失败了)



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