baloney是什么意思 baloney的中文翻译、读音、例句

baloney是什么意思 baloney的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Nonsense (胡说八道)

- Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense. (别听他的,他在胡说八道。)

- That idea is pure nonsense. (那个想法完全是无稽之谈。)

2. Gibberish (乱七八糟的话)

- I couldn't understand a word she was saying, it was all gibberish to me. (她说的话我一个字也听不懂,全都是乱七八糟的。)

- His presentation was full of gibberish and technical jargon. (他的演讲充满了无意义的话和专业术语。)

3. Bullshit (废话/胡扯)


- He's trying to bullshit his way through the interview. (他试图以胡扯的方式通过面试。)

4. Drivel (无聊的话/垃圾)

- The article was just a bunch of drivel, with no real substance. (这篇文章就是一堆无聊的话,没有任何实质性的内容。)

- I can't believe I wasted my time reading that drivel. (我不敢相信我浪费了时间看那些垃圾。)

5. Nonsensical (无意义的/荒谬的)

- His argument was nonsensical and didn't make any sense. (他的论点毫无意义,没有任何道理。)

- This movie is so nonsensical, it's impossible to follow the plot. (这部电影太荒谬了,根本无法理解剧情。)

英 [bəˈləʊni]

美 [bəˈloʊni]

n. 蹊跷话;胡说;拼肉香肠


1. I think what he's saying is a load of baloney.


2. Don't tell me that baloney; I wasn't born yesterday.





例句:Stoney baloney. Let's check out our next category. (磕多了药瞎捣乱 我们来看看下一个主题是什么吧)


例句:I swear to God, I'm gonna open one of these boxes and find, like, a dead cat and an old baloney sandwich in it. (我发誓,我要打开一个箱子 肯定会找到一只死猫或者发霉三明治这类东西)


例句:So I decided to cut out all of the baloney. (所以... 我决定剪掉... 所有的废话)


例句:Teddy was always gone doing work or probation or whatever you call that baloney. (翻译:总是走了泰迪做的工作 或缓刑或任何 你叫那胡扯。)


baloney一般作为名词、动词、感叹词使用,如在phoney baloney([网络] 伪造的)等常见短语中出现较多。

phoney baloney[网络] 伪造的


1. So I decided to cut out all of the baloney. (翻译:所以... 我决定剪掉... 所有的废话)

2. Teddy was always gone doing work or probation or whatever you call that baloney. (翻译:总是走了泰迪做的工作 或缓刑或任何 你叫那胡扯。)

3. God, if we can't even recruit Baloney Barb, then we can't get anybody. (翻译:天啊 我们要是连香肠胸巴布都拉不到 那我们就拉不到任何人了)

4. Perhaps the hero would swing his sword and reduce the villian to baloney slices, only to have him reappear as if magically rejoined. (翻译:也许英雄会摆动他的剑和减少小人,以baloney片,只有有他出现,犹如神奇的返回。)

5. That's a load of baloney. (翻译:那是鬼话连篇。)

6. Baloney. He's usually in bed by now. (翻译:一般来说,到现在这个钟点,他已经上床睡觉了。)

7. I love this guy. He doesn't take baloney from any of us cadets. (翻译:我非常喜欢他,他从来不听任何学员瞎扯。)

8. And they were trying to fill your mind with so much baloney... that in the end you'd think, "Oh, God, there's so much there. (翻译:还胡说八道一大通 无非是希望你们最终会想 天哪 这么多证据)

9. Common sense is baloney. (翻译:常识是瞎扯。)

10. Just right, you're creative, and yet you don't fall for too much baloney. (翻译:刚刚好,可以很有创意,也不会太容易受骗 )

11. He'll make you big baloney sandwiches... and you'll buy him new socks and a white briefcase. (翻译:他会给你做三文治 你要为他买袜子跟白色行李箱)

12. Jam? You`re not in a jam, sir. People are sick of all the baloney! (翻译:参议员,你现在没有问题 人们厌倦伪君子了)

13. 52 top someone used a chalk painting naked female 1, and speech: Have no bawdry not rich, plus 4 big word: This be the baloney! (翻译:52发现厕所门上有人用粉笔画了裸女一个,并题言:无娼不富,加上4个大字:这是屁话!)

14. "I feel it is my duty to tell you when you're full of baloney". (翻译:我觉得这是我的责任告诉你 当你充满胡扯。)

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