likable是什么意思 likable的中文翻译、读音、例句

likable是什么意思 likable的中文翻译、读音、例句






"Likeable"可以用来形容人或事物具有吸引力或受欢迎。例如,一个友好且易相处的人可能会被称为"likeable person" (可爱的人),一件讨人喜欢的服装可能被称为"likeable outfit"(有魅力的服装)。



1. easily likeable: 很容易受人喜欢的;

2. immensely likeable: 非常可爱的;

3. instantly likeable: 一见倾心的;

4. universally likeable: 普遍受欢迎的。



1. to be likeable: 被人喜欢;

2. to find someone likeable: 觉得某人可爱;

3. to make oneself likeable: 使自己受人欢迎;

4. likeable personality: 可爱的性格。






1. She has a likable personality and always makes people feel comfortable around her.(她的个性讨人喜欢,总是让人感到舒适。)

2. The new boss is very likable and easy to work with.(新老板很可爱,与他合作很容易。)

3. It's hard not to find him likable with his charming smile and witty humor.(他那迷人的微笑和机智的幽默,很难不让人觉得他可爱。)




例句:He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me. (他是个胖乎乎的逗人喜欢的小家伙,他的脚不停地爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。)


例句:Besides, your sister was a very agreeable and likable young woman. (此外你妹妹是很讨人喜欢 Besides, your sister was a very agreeable 很可爱的年轻女人 and likable young woman.)


例句:Obama said he regretted his comment to Clinton in that debate that she was "likable enough" had been interpreted as a dig at her. (上场辩论中,奥巴马评论克林顿“足够可爱”,这在后来被诠释成对她的挖苦,对此奥巴马表示道歉。)


例句:To be sweet, innocent, likable... (翻译:是甜的,无辜的, 讨人喜欢... ...)


1. Obama said he regretted his comment to Clinton in that debate that she was "likable enough" had been interpreted as a dig at her. (翻译:上场辩论中,奥巴马评论克林顿“足够可爱”,这在后来被诠释成对她的挖苦,对此奥巴马表示道歉。)

2. To be sweet, innocent, likable... (翻译:是甜的,无辜的, 讨人喜欢... ...)

3. There is no doubt that Astrid is a very likable and precocious girl. (翻译:毫无疑问,阿斯特里德是一个早熟,且讨人喜欢的姑娘。)

4. Of Homer's two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps because it not particularly likable hero. (翻译:在荷马的两部史诗中,《奥德赛》一直比《伊利亚特》更受欢迎,也许是因为它不是特别受欢迎的英雄。)

5. She's likable and she's a mother and she didn't try to cover it up. (翻译:是因为她讨人喜欢 同时是名母亲 并且她从没试图掩盖过此事)

6. I propose that they don't come more everyday and likable than your friend, Elliot Doolittle. (翻译:我建议他们不来 多一天到一天和乐趣 比你的朋友 埃利奥特杜利特尔)

7. He was a bright guy, a likable guy. (翻译:他是一个聪明伶俐、讨人喜欢的家伙。)

8. A recent study at Penn State University found that when you smile, you don't only appear to be more likable and courteous, but you actually appear to be more competent. (翻译:宾州州立大学近期一项研究 发现微笑 不仅能让你更好看,更礼貌 还能让你看起来更能干)

9. Still, she's likable, soulful. Don't you think? (翻译:别停,她很可爱,充满热情 你是这么认为么?)

10. It's a very interesting thing that Kate and William are a very likable, modern, ordinary young couple. (翻译:很有趣的是,凯特和威廉非常地讨人喜欢,他们是时尚又普通的夫妇。)

11. Even if you didn't grow up in the time period, these youngsters are super-likable, surprisingly relatable, and hey, they can act. (翻译:即便你并不是成长在那个年代,这些年轻人看上去还是如此可爱、可信。哦,别忘了,他们还会表演。)

12. Bill Hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a likable genius, was a member of the Chrysler board. (翻译:该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物--比尔·休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。)

13. But then, one summer, a young, likable Lieutenant named Norman Pendleton was recruited to the New Earth Army. (翻译:然而,某个夏日 一个年轻、可爱的中尉 名叫 诺曼 -潘达顿 被吸收到新地球陆军)

14. 'Cause I got to tell you, I have dealt with brutal dictators that were more flexible, and, frankly, just a little bit more likable than you. (翻译:说实话 我和很多残暴的独裁者打过交道 他们都比你好说话)

15. They're all likable, and after all these years, it's easy to understand them like actual friends. (翻译:他们都很可爱,这么多年之后,我们对他们的了解就像对自己身边的朋友一样。)

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