mesh是什么意思 mesh的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesh是什么意思 mesh的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义

'mesh' 可以作为名词或动词使用。名词 mesh 意为“网孔,网格”,动词 mesh 则指“相互衔接,相互配合”。


- The mesh on the screen door keeps bugs from entering the house.(屏门上的网孔能够防止虫子进入房子。)

- The cogs of the gears must mesh perfectly in order for the machine to function properly.(齿轮的齿必须完美地相互衔接,机器才能正常运转。)

2. 技术领域中的应用

'mesh' 在技术领域中有广泛的应用,例如计算机网络、医疗领域等。在计算机网络中,mesh 意为“网状结构”,指由节点和边组成的非层次化的拓扑结构。


- The mesh network allows each device to act as a relay for other devices, creating a resilient and flexible network.(网状网络允许每个设备作为其他设备的中继,创建出有弹性的网络。)

- The mesh implant was designed to provide greater support and stability after surgery.(网状植入物的设计旨在手术后提供更好的支持和稳定性。)

3. 缩写词

'MESH' 也是一个缩写词,代表“医学主题词库”(Medical Subject Headings),是美国国家医学图书馆(National Library of Medicine)用于标注和分类医学文献的标准词汇。


- The MESH term for this condition is 'hypertension'.(这种病症的 MESH 词汇是“高血压”。)

- Researchers used MESH to identify relevant studies on the topic.(研究人员使用 MESH 标注相关主题的研究。)

4. 艺术领域中的应用

'mesh' 在数字艺术、3D 建模等领域中也有应用,代表一种网格结构,可以用于建立三维物体的外形。


- The 3D modeler used a mesh to create the shape of the car.(3D 建模师使用网格来创建汽车的形状。)

- The digital artist used a mesh to animate the movement of the character's clothing.(数字艺术家使用网格来制作人物服装的动画效果。)

5. 成语和俚语

'mesh' 出现在一些英语成语和俚语中,例如“mesh with”(相互衔接)、“run like a well-oiled machine”(运转如轮机油脂般流畅)。


- The company's departments need to mesh with each other to achieve the project's goals.(公司各部门需要相互衔接才能实现项目的目标。)

- Our team worked together so well that we ran like a well-oiled machine.(我们的团队合作得很好,像轮机油脂般流畅地运转。)


- 网格的大小和形状取决于所需要的应用场景。

- 这个网状结构的设计能够提高系统的稳定性和可靠性。

- 我们需要学习和掌握 MESH 术语来更准确和有效地进行医学研究。

- 这位数字艺术家使用网格来创建出高度现实的景象和角色。

- 他们的协作默契度很高,像一个紧密结合的机器般愉快地工作着。





1. This fence is made of metal mesh.


2. The mesh of the fabric is too tight to allow air to circulate.


3. The computer network uses a mesh topology.





例句:The mesh of the bedstead gave me 15 metres of strong flexible wire. (支撑床板的铁网线 提供给我40米长的坚固铁丝)


例句:Shrink Wrapping: Projecting a mesh using the Shrink Wrap Deformer. (收缩包裹:使用收缩包裹变形器投影网格。)


例句:I like to think of it as a mesh of civilizations, in which the strands of different cultures are intertwined. (我想把它当作文明的大杂烩, 不同的文化相互交织。)


例句:I am not sure that you and Olivia really mesh well together. (翻译:我不太确定你和奥莉维亚 真的配得上一对 你明白么? 我是说)


mesh一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in mesh((齿轮的齿)啮合的)、mesh with((齿轮)啮合;一致;适合;符合)、not in mesh([化] 不啮合)等常见短语中出现较多。

in mesh(齿轮的齿)啮合的
mesh with(齿轮)啮合;一致;适合;符合
not in mesh[化] 不啮合
dual mesh[计] 二重格网, 对偶格网
discrete mesh离散网格
emerging mesh[水产] 露网
element mesh单元网
Expanded Mesh[网络] 扩张网;钢板网
field mesh场网


1. I like to think of it as a mesh of civilizations, in which the strands of different cultures are intertwined. (翻译:我想把它当作文明的大杂烩, 不同的文化相互交织。)

2. I am not sure that you and Olivia really mesh well together. (翻译:我不太确定你和奥莉维亚 真的配得上一对 你明白么? 我是说)

3. Again, all mesh-enabled. Monthly communication cost: zero. (翻译:值得强调的是,所有的多跳网络,每月的成本都是零。)

4. They mesh-enabled 300 buses and they speak to these smart terminals. (翻译:人们将300辆公交车用无线连接起来。人们可以和那些智能终端对话,)

5. Mesh underlays for breathability and comfort. (翻译:网状透气性和舒适衬垫。)

6. And that was really critical. The mesh network, it'll become commonplace. (翻译:这点真的很重要。多通网网络会变得更加普及。)

7. The mesh structure is particularly obvious on the Internet. (翻译:网络结构在互联网上尤为明显。)

8. Description Apply to a MESH. Activates or Deactivates a specific Channel of the Mesh. Activate Channel. cmo (翻译:其分类描述适用于模型网格结构触发或取消激活网格的一个特殊通道)

9. Into a round rate of over 80%, sieving mesh accurate, reflective effect. (翻译:成圆率达到80%以上,筛分目数准确,反光效果好。)

10. They mesh-enabled 300 buses and they speak to these smart terminals. (翻译:人们将300辆公交车用无线连接起来。人们可以和那些智能终端对话, )

11. High wire mesh mesh size, can achieve a clear patterns of the edge, at the request of lines quite strickle. (翻译:丝网纲数矮,能到达图纹边际纯晰,线条挺刮的给求。)

12. Dr. Altman, Can I do the mesh repair of the diaphragm? (翻译:Altman医生 我能做横膈膜网片修复吗)

13. The improved mesh generator can be applied in initial mesh generation and remeshing for the rigid-plastic FE… (翻译:实例表明该方法适用性强,可以用于有限元网格的初始划分和网格重分。)

14. Conclusions: Wrapping the kidney with a Vicryl mesh is feasible for repair of lacerated kidneys. (翻译:结论:可吸收聚羟基乳酸网包裹肾脏是修复多发深层肾裂伤的有效方法。)

15. Trap mesh breaks it right up. (翻译:到这儿时早就成糊状了 管道的滤口就在这儿)



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