seti是什么意思 seti的中文翻译、读音、例句

seti是什么意思 seti的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Seti的全称和意义:Seti是Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence的缩写,意为搜索地外文明。从这个角度来看,这个单词或缩写词代表了一种科学探索的精神和活动。


- Research on SETI has been ongoing for decades, but we have yet to find any concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life.

- Many scientists believe that the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence through SETI would revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

- The SETI Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research into the origin and nature of life in the universe.

2. Seti的历史和背景:Seti的概念可以追溯到上世纪xx年代,当时科学家开始研究通过射电波信号向外太空发送信息的可能性。Seti研究的重要性在于它可以帮助我们更好地了解宇宙中的生命和文明。


- SETI research began in earnest in the 1960s, with the first serious attempts to search for extraterrestrial signals using radio telescopes.

- Over the years, SETI researchers have developed increasingly sophisticated techniques for detecting and analyzing potential extraterrestrial signals.

- Although SETI has yet to find any convincing evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the search continues.

3. Seti的影响和意义:除了在科学界引起了广泛的关注和兴趣之外,Seti的研究还可能产生一些其他的影响和意义,例如推动科技进步、鼓舞人类文化和哲学思考等。


- SETI research has inspired many technological innovations, such as advanced radio telescopes and signal processing algorithms.

- The search for extraterrestrial intelligence has also led to new thinking about what it means to be human and our place in the universe.

- Some people argue that SETI research is inherently valuable because it represents a quest for knowledge and understanding that is fundamental to being human.


- SETI研究已经持续了几xx年,们尚未找到任何确凿的地外生命证据。

- 许多科学家认为,通过SETI寻找地外智慧将彻底改变我们对宇宙的认识。

- SETI研究院是一家致力于推动研究宇宙生命起源和本质的非营利组织。

- SETI研究从上世纪xx年代开始,当时科学家开始研究通过射电波信号向外太空发送信息的可能性。

- 尽管SETI尚未找到任何有力的地外智慧证据,但搜索仍在继续。

SETi 是韩国语中的一个词语,它可以翻译为“灵魂”、“心灵”、“精神”等。SETi 是由 Hallyu(韩流)文化传承而来的新词汇,它代表着韩国人民的思想精神和文化特征。在韩国文化中,SETi 被认为是一种重要的价值观和生活态度,帮助人们拥有积极向上的心态和强大的意志力。


1. 나의 SETi를 따라서, 나는 삶의 도전에 더욱 강하게 대처할 수 있어. (根据我的SETi,我可以更加坚强地应对生活的挑战。)

2. 그녀는 SETi가 넘치는 사람이다. (她是一个非常有SETi的人。)

3. SETi를 가진 사람들은 어려운 상황에서도 자신을 이끌어내고 성공할 수 있다. (拥有SETi的人们可以在困难的情况下引领自己并取得成功。)

4. SETi는 우리가 살아가는 데 도움이 된다. (SETi可以帮助我们生活。)

5. 나는 SETi로 인해 더욱 힘이 있게 노력한다. (因为SETi,我更加努力地工作。)

6. SETi는 나의 인생에서 가장 중요한 가치 중 하나이다. (SETi是我生命中最重要的价值观之一。)

7. 나는 SETi를 가진 사람들과 함께 일하고 싶다. (我希望与有SETi的人一起工作。)

8. SETi는 언제나 우리 곁에 있어야 한다. (SETi应该一直陪伴在我们身边。)

9. SETi는 한국 문화에서 매우 중요한 개념이다. (SETi是韩国文化中非常重要的概念。)

seti是Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence(搜索外星人智慧)的缩写。它是指一种尝试使用无线电波(或其他方法)在宇宙中寻找可能存在智慧生命的活动的科学努力。




1. Scientist are conducting research in SETI to find new evidence for alien life.


2. The SETI program has been searching for extraterrestrial signals for many years.





例句:Well, let me suggest to you that SETI obviously can't solve the problem, but it can address the problem. (让我告诉你,SETI显然是不能 解决这个问题的,但是它可以阐述这个问题 )


例句:Breaking News: NASA and SETI Astronomers detect an artificial alien radio signal originating from Ganymede, one of Jupiter's largest moons. (最新消息:美国宇航局和SETI天文学家发现外星人的无线电信号的人工卫星源于木卫三最大,一木星的。)


例句:Sagan, along with SETI founder Frank Drake, designed a gold-anodized aluminum plaque, measuring roughly six by nine inches, that contained a collection of symbolic images representing humans and Earth. (Sagan与SETI的创立者Frank Drake 设计了一个镀金的铝板 粗略估计有6*9英尺 其中包含一系列象征地球和人类的图形)


例句:So, in 1959, Giuseppe Coccone and Philip Morrison published the first SETI article in a refereed journal, and brought SETI into the scientific mainstream. (翻译:xx年Giuseppe Coccone和Philip Morrison 在一篇期刊论文上发表了第一篇有关SETI的文章, 并将SETI带入了科学界的主流。)


seti一般作为名词使用,如在seti r.(塞提河)等常见短语中出现较多。

seti r.塞提河


1. Sagan, along with SETI founder Frank Drake, designed a gold-anodized aluminum plaque, measuring roughly six by nine inches, that contained a collection of symbolic images representing humans and Earth. (翻译:Sagan与SETI的创立者Frank Drake 设计了一个镀金的铝板 粗略估计有6*9英尺 其中包含一系列象征地球和人类的图形)

2. So, in 1959, Giuseppe Coccone and Philip Morrison published the first SETI article in a refereed journal, and brought SETI into the scientific mainstream. (翻译:xx年Giuseppe Coccone和Philip Morrison 在一篇期刊论文上发表了第一篇有关SETI的文章, 并将SETI带入了科学界的主流。)

3. I'm Mark Shermin, SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial... (翻译:我是马克. 谢文,SETI, 外星搜寻 ...)

4. After the movie came out, of course, there was a lot of interest in SETI. (翻译:当电影上映之后,自然掀起了一股地外文明热。)

5. SETI presupposes that if you've got an alien civilization capable of traveling that's developed electronics, they have a fingerprint. (翻译:SETI假定 如果有外星文明 能进行星际旅行 那就有发达的电子设备 那他们就留下了指纹)

6. A physicist named Philip Morrison summarizes by saying that SETI is the archaeology of the future. (翻译:一个叫菲利普•莫里森的物理学家 总结说 SEIT 是对未来的考古学。)

7. If SETI does nothing but change the perspective of humans on this planet, then it will be one of the most profound endeavors in history. (翻译:如果SETI除了改变这个星球上人类的视角以外什么都没做到, 那它也可成为历史上影响最深远的运动之一。)

8. So, in 1959, Giuseppe Coccone and Philip Morrison published the first SETI article in a refereed journal, and brought SETI into the scientific mainstream. (翻译:xx年Giuseppe Coccone和Philip Morrison 在一篇期刊论文上发表了第一篇有关SETI的文章, 并将SETI带入了科学界的主流。)

9. It was only after I had searched the entire SETI directory that I found out he is not even a part of the SETI organization. (翻译:只是在我搜索了整个SETI的目录,我发现他甚至没有一个的SETI组织的一部分。)

10. You’re listening to Jill Tarter, astronomer and director of the Center for SETI Research. (翻译:今天节目组采访了SETI研究中心总监、天文学家吉尔•塔特。)

11. Today, SETI continues to scan the vicinities of nearby stars for artificially produced signals using several of the world's largest telescopes. (翻译:今天 SETI仍然在用几个 世界上最大的天文望远镜 搜寻附近星系的人工信号)

12. I really applaud the SETI efforts, but we have not heard anything yet. (翻译:我确实会为“搜寻地外文明计划”的努力而鼓掌,可还没听到任何动静。)

:// (翻译://

14. Subsequently offered a teaching position at Harvard University which you turned down to pursue SETI work at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. (翻译:随后得到哈佛大学的教职 ...你谢绝之后来到波多黎各的阿雷西博天文台... ...从事S.)

15. SETI's new Allen Telescope Array will allow for the reconnaissance of up to a million stars. (翻译:SETI的新型艾伦望远镜阵列 将可以侦查超过百万的星星)

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