ghastly是什么意思 ghastly的中文翻译、读音、例句

ghastly是什么意思 ghastly的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:ghastly often collocates with words like “sight”, “experience”, “accident”, “injury”,“murder”,“face”等等。

相关短语:ghastly face(可怕的脸),ghastly smile(可怕的微笑),ghastly injury(可怕的伤),ghastly accident(可怕的事故)






1. The accident was ghastly and left many people injured. (那场事故令人惊骇,许多人受伤了。)

2. The sight of the dead body was ghastly and made me feel sick. (看到那具尸体令人恶心,非常可怕。)

3. The ghastly weather made it impossible to go out. (恶劣的天气让外出成为不可能。)

4. She had a ghastly nightmare last night that scared her. (她昨晚做了一个可怕的噩梦,吓坏了她。)




例句:Well, thank goodness I haven't got to stay with you ghastly so-and-sos. (谢天谢地 我不用和你们这些家伙一起过暑假)


例句:What were they thinking of? (- Ghastly. 他们那时候脑袋里都装着什么 {\3cH202020}What were they thinking of?)


例句:♪ And even in your ghastly visions... ♪ (♪ And even in your ghastly visions...)


例句:And whatever he takes part in is the most ghastly creation that you can imagine. (翻译:任何他参与的抉择 都是你能想到的最恐怖之造物)


ghastly一般作为副词、形容词、动词使用,如在ghastly smile(惨笑)等常见短语中出现较多。

ghastly smile惨笑


1. ♪ And even in your ghastly visions... ♪ (翻译:♪ And even in your ghastly visions...)

2. And whatever he takes part in is the most ghastly creation that you can imagine. (翻译:任何他参与的抉择 都是你能想到的最恐怖之造物)

3. On its walls are lurid murals depicting the Statue of Liberty with a ghastly skull for a face and guns decorated with the stars and stripes. (翻译:使馆的屋墙上画着可怕的壁画:自由女神像的头是一个可怕的骷髅,她手中端着星条点缀的枪。)

4. They pay him an absolute fortune. I'm afraid they're rather ghastly. (翻译:他们付了他一大笔钱 不过我担心他们在打什么如意算盘)

5. Even a ghastly sinner would enter heaven if killed in prayer. (翻译:如果祷告中被杀,即使是罪大恶极的罪人也能进入天堂)

6. Generally speaking, a ghastly place, reeking of virtue's sour smell. (翻译:总的来说,真是一个惨白恐怖的地方 到处充斥着贞节的酸臭味)

7. And yet, it is heroic to go spill guts and blood... in the most ghastly manner in the name of humanity. (翻译:打着人道的旗号 用最恐怖的手段... 让人们英勇地奉献自己的生命)

8. She listened to him playing adagio bemoaning the ghastly deaths and rejoicing over the miraculous survivals. (翻译:他演奏慢板乐章,哀悼死亡的疯狂,祝颂幸存者奇迹似的命运。)

9. A visit from my useless grandson and his ghastly little theater friend. (翻译:我这个没用的孙子和他这个 A visit from my useless grandson 来自可怕的小剧场的朋友来看我了. and his ghastly little theater friend.)

10. The Japanese war of aggression, which inflicted such ghastly damage to the people of Asia and the world, is finally over. (翻译:好 好 这场给整个亚洲和世界人民 带来了无尽伤痛的侵略战争 于今日彻底结束了)

11. My friends, calling this place too ghastly, seldom dared to come to see me in the evening whereas I myself found it quite agreeable. (翻译:朋友们都说这地方阴森可怕,晚上很少有人敢来找我,我则怡然自得。)

12. Can't the Germans take them whenever they feel like it with her uncle and the baby and ship them to some ghastly camp? (翻译:那岂不是说德国人随时都可以把 她和孩子还有她叔叔都送到 可怕的集中营里去?)

13. I was cutting this thing in my little cutting room in Chicago, and it was to use a euphamism ghastly. (翻译:我们都吓坏了。我切割 事情在我的小裁剪房在芝加哥 它是以使用euphamism可怕。)

14. (narrator) Many of the plotters, after prison and torture, were to face a ghastly sham trial conducted by Roland Freisler, the star judge of Nazi Germany. (翻译:许多密谋者,在被关进监狱和经过刑讯之后, 将要面对一场由纳粹德国的明星法官 罗兰德·弗莱斯勒主持的可怕的虚假审判)

15. She listened to him playing adagio, bemoaning the ghastly deaths and rejoicing over the miraculous survivals. (翻译:他演奏慢板乐章,哀悼死亡的疯狂,祝颂幸存者奇迹似的命运。)



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