aug是什么意思 aug的中文翻译、读音、例句

aug是什么意思 aug的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 缩写词“August”:缩写为“Aug”,表示每年的xx月份。


- My birthday is in Aug.

- The summer vacation usually starts in Aug.

- The Olympic Games are often held in Aug.

2. 动词“augment”:意为增加、扩大、提高等。


- The company is planning to augment its workforce by hiring more employees.

- They need to augment their savings to be able to afford a new house.

- The new technology will augment the efficiency of the production line.

3. 名词“augury”:意为预兆、预言、占卜等。


- The dark clouds in the sky were an augury of the storm to come.

- The fortune teller's augury predicted that I would meet my soulmate soon.

- The ancient Romans believed that augury could predict the outcomes of battles.

4. 名词“augustness”:意为尊严、威严等。


- The augustness of the royal family was evident in their regal mannerisms and attire.

- The ambassador's augustness could be felt as soon as he walked into the room.

- The judge presided over the court with an augustness that commanded respect.

5. 名词“augmentation”:意为增加、扩大、提高等,与动词“augment”近义。


- The augmentation of the company's profits was a result of their successful marketing campaign.

- The teacher recommended the augmentation of the school's resources to improve the quality of education.

- The athlete underwent surgery to aid in the augmentation of his performance.


1. August (月份名,表示xx月)



例句:My birthday is in Aug. (我的生日在xx月。)

2. augmentation (名词,表示增加、扩大)



例句:The company announced the aug of its production capacity. (公司宣布将增加生产能力。)

3. augmented reality (名词,表示增强现实,一种虚拟现实技术)


读音:/ˈɔːɡməntɪd rɪˈæləti/

例句:The game uses aug reality to create an immersive experience for players. (这个游戏使用增强现实技术为玩家创建沉浸式体验。)





例句:Yet on Aug. 8, 43-year-old Lobsang Sangay was sworn in as the head of the Tibetan government-in-exile. (然而,在xx月xx日,xx岁的洛桑的桑盖作为西藏政府在流放头宣誓就职。)


例句:No process parameter description of thin milling process and no product requirement of molding and vulcanizing process in CP for project LEMA 6062.03 developed on Aug. , 2008. (xx年xx月开发的LEMA 6062.03项目的控制计划中,挤出工序没有过程参数的描述,硫化工序没有产品要求的描述; )


1. Kyle B. Richards, 21, is in the Macomb County Jail awaiting sentencing Aug. 2 in a bank robbery case. (翻译:现年xx岁的Kyle B . Richards现在是马科姆县监狱的一名在押犯人,他正在等待xx月xx日对他关于一起银行抢劫案的判决。)

2. Image taken by Landsat 5 on Aug. 9, 1984. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日由陆地卫星5号拍摄。)

3. "Management Team Faces Task of Keeping Momentum, " by By Yukari Iwatani Kane and Nick Wingfield, The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 25, 2011 (翻译:“面对保持动力的管理团队”,YukariIwataniKane和NickWingfield说,《华尔街日报》,2011.8.)

4. ADBC: New medium and long-term loans rise in Jan-Aug. (翻译:农业发展银行:xx月至xx月,新生中长期贷款持续增长。)

5. He said the prophecy in the box, and locked in public, said the Aug. 13 open test his prediction is accurate. (翻译:他说,预言就在箱子里,并当众锁好,表示xx月xx日可以打开检验他的预言是否准确。)

6. This film is for Capt. Christian Caron killed on duty Aug 31, 1989. (翻译:谨以此片纪念xx年xx月xx日在行动中牺牲的 Christian Caron 上校)

7. "Management Team Faces Task of Keeping Momentum," by by Yukari Iwatani Kane and Nick Wingfield, The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 25, 2011. (翻译:“面对保持动力的管理团队”,Yukari Iwatani Kane和Nick Wingfield说,《华尔街日报》,2011.8.25。)

8. A young man dives off the wall of the Galle Fort into the Indian Ocean, in Galle, Sri Lanka on Aug. (翻译:一名年轻男子跳水弃入印度洋的加勒堡墙加勒,斯里兰卡,在xx年xx月xx日。)

9. But Aug. 10, 1984, was no ordinary night in the City of Angels or across America. This was the moment U. (翻译:但xx月xx日,对于天使之城洛杉矶甚至是整个美国都是一个不平凡的夜晚。)

10. Here, a tourist looks at Caminito Street from a window on Aug. (翻译:这是xx月xx日一名游客在从窗口向外张望卡米尼托的街景。)

11. Here, a tourist looks at Caminito Street from a window on Aug. 18. (翻译:这是xx月xx日一名游客在从窗口向外张望卡米尼托的街景。)

12. Nilza and Claudemir Pires de Souza, of Brazil, strike a pose during the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009. (翻译:尼尔扎和Claudemir皮雷斯德索萨,巴西,罢工期间对探戈舞的第七届世界锦标赛的预选赛在布宜诺斯艾利斯,星期二,xx年xx月xx日发子弹。)

13. The oldest man is listed as Emiliano Mercado Del Toro, of Puerto Rico. He was born Aug. (翻译:世界上寿命最长的男性是于xx年xx月xx日出生于波多黎各的EmilianoMercadoDelToro。)

14. The Bank of Japan called an emergency meeting Aug. 30 to pump more liquidity into the economy, also an attempt to curb the yen's rise. (翻译:xx月xx日,日本央行召开紧急会议向经济体注入更多流动性,目的也是为遏制日圆升值。)

15. Chad Houle and Matt Woods jump into the Hoosic River from the Buskirk covered bridge in Buskirk, New York on Thursday, Aug. (翻译:乍得霍尔和马特伍兹进入胡希克投河从巴斯柯克涵盖巴斯柯克,新上周四,xx年xx月xx日纽约的桥梁。)

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