laught是什么意思 laught的中文翻译、读音、例句

laught是什么意思 laught的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word "laughed" or abbreviation "laught" in at least five aspects as follows:

1. Definition: "laughed" is a verb that means to express amusement or pleasure by making sounds with one's mouth and throat, usually accompanied by facial expressions and movements of the body.

2. Spelling and pronunciation: "laughed" is spelled "L-A-U-G-H-E-D" and pronounced /læft/ in American English or /lɑːft/ in British English.

3. Tenses and forms: "laughed" is the past tense and past participle of the verb "laugh". Other forms include "laughing" (present participle), "laughs" (third-person singular present), and "laughter" (noun).

4. Synonyms and antonyms: Some synonyms of "laughed" include smiled, chuckled, giggled, and snickered. Antonyms may include frowned, scowled, and cried.

5. Usage and examples:

- He laughed at the joke and clapped his hands.

- She laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes.

- They all laughed when the cat chased its own tail.

- The comedian's jokes made the audience laugh out loud.

- He couldn't help laughing when he saw the dog wearing sunglasses.


- 他听到这个笑话,笑了起来,并拍了拍手。

- 她笑得眼泪都出来了。

- 他们都笑了,当猫咪追着自己的尾巴跑。

- 这位喜剧演员的表演让观众大声笑出来。

- 看到狗戴着太阳镜,他忍不住笑了出来。








例句:Don't laugh. Don't smile. Don't even breathe loudly. (不要哈哈大笑 微笑 还有呼吸也不要太大声)


例句:There you could laugh and talk and enjoy the breeze (# 在那里 你可以大笑 说话 享受微风 # # There you could laugh and talk and enjoy the breeze #)


例句:-Do not laugh-It's not a laugh, it's just cemohan (- 不要笑 - 这不是一个笑,它只是 cemohan)、笑

例句:You laugh, but I won $500. (翻译:-pee. 你们笑了 赢了五百美元 You laugh, but I won $500.)


1. -Do not laugh-It's not a laugh, it's just cemohan (翻译:- 不要笑 - 这不是一个笑,它只是 cemohan)

2. You laugh, but I won $500. (翻译:-pee. 你们笑了 赢了五百美元 You laugh, but I won $500.)

3. Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra. (翻译:笑呀,翠鸟,笑呀,翠鸟。)


5. For example and this will make you laugh, Mark. (翻译:举个例 你肯定觉得好笑 马克 For example -and this will make you laugh,Mark)

6. Ulrike tries to laugh, it doesn't work. (翻译:Ulrike 常无缘无故地笑 工作时也是)

7. Of course, that was the lone laugh in the entire play. (翻译:that was the long laugh in the entire play.)

8. Did you laugh with the others? (翻译:你和其他人一起嘲笑她了吧? Did you laugh with the others?)

9. I beseech you... don't laugh that way! (翻译:求你别这么说 - 别这样嘲笑我 太让人伤心了)

10. Be specific, but not memorable. Be funny, but don't make him laugh. (翻译:注视对方 不是盯着他看 引人注目却不能让人记得 要风趣 却不能逗他发笑)

11. OMG, you sell these T-shirts? (翻译:天啊 你们卖这款T恤? OMG, you sell these T -shirts?)

12. I tried to make her laugh. (翻译:我试着哄她笑 I tried to make her laugh.)

13. You laugh, you know? I'm not saying I don't cry. But in-between, I laugh. (翻译:只有笑了,我没说我不会哭 但在哭泣之间,我会笑...)

14. Did you laugh at me together? (翻译:你是不是和他一起嘲笑我? Did you laugh at me together?)

15. As the adage goes if you don't laugh you will cry. (翻译:正如谚语所说,如果你不笑那便会哭泣。)

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