gpa是什么意思 gpa的中文翻译、读音、例句

gpa是什么意思 gpa的中文翻译、读音、例句

gpa 是“平均绩点(Grade Point Average)”的缩写,用于学生的学业成绩评估。



词组搭配:high/low GPA(高/低平均绩点)、calculate/compute GPA(计算平均绩点)




1. You need a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be considered for this scholarship.(申请这个奖学金需要至少有2.5的平均绩点)

2. His GPA dropped this semester due to the heavy workload.(由于负担沉重,他这个学期的平均绩点有所下降)

3. The university requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 for admission.(该大学要求申请者有至少3.0的平均绩点才能入学)

4. She was concerned about her GPA and spent extra time studying for her exams.(她对自己的平均绩点感到担忧,因此花费了额外的时间学习)

5. Your GPA is an important factor in determining your academic standing.(你的平均绩点是确定你学术地位的重要因素)

6. The school offers tutoring services to students struggling with their GPA.(学校为平均绩点低的学生提供辅导服务)

7. His high GPA and exceptional essay earned him a spot in the honors program.(他的高平均绩点和优秀的论文让他获得了荣誉项目的参加资格)

gpa是英文“grade point average”的缩写,意思是平均学分绩点。


读音:[dʒiː piː eɪ]


1. My gpa is 3.5, which is pretty good.


2. In order to maintain my gpa, I need to study hard and focus on my courses.





例句:I worked in my uncle Cam's clinic for about five summers now, and I like it but I have to get at least a 3.5 GPA if anybody's even gonna look at me. (我曾在我的 叔叔凸轮的诊所 现在大约5个暑假, 我喜欢它,一定要得到 至少3.5的GPA)


例句:Somebody had the highest GPA. (“最优秀毕业生”在美国是 绩点最高的学生啊, )


例句:Twenty-two twenty combined SAT. 4.2 GPA (第二十二条20 合并SAT。4.2的GPA)


例句:We had an agreement that she had to maintain at least a 3.8 GPA. (翻译:我们有过协议 她的绩点必须保持在3.8以上)


1. Twenty-two twenty combined SAT. 4.2 GPA (翻译:第二十二条20 合并SAT。4.2的GPA)

2. We had an agreement that she had to maintain at least a 3.8 GPA. (翻译:我们有过协议 她的绩点必须保持在3.8以上)

3. But if I fail, you win by beating my GPA, by earning it in the eyes of everyone else. (翻译:但是如果我不及格,你就能超过我的GPA平均分, 正大光明在大家面前打败我.)

4. Why our average GPA has dropped three times in as many years? (翻译:为什么我们的后进生这几年 已经落水三次了?)

5. Your academic record is spotless, 4.0 GPA. (翻译:你的学业记录 是一尘不染,4,0的GPA。)

6. Looks here like your GPA is-- What, 2.5? (翻译:来,看这里,你的平均成绩是 -- 什么,2.5?)

7. Indeed, but believe it or not... the best GPA doesn't get you laid. (翻译:喔 那个没错啦, 但是不管你相不相信... 好成绩对找女人来说 是没啥用的.)

8. He graduated with a GPA of 3.8. (翻译:他毕业时各科成绩的平均积分点为3.8。)

9. To extend the measurement range to 100 GPa, a new type of manganin gauges was prepared by thin film technique. (翻译:为拓展锰铜传感器的高压测试上限,本文采用薄膜技术研制了一种新型的锰铜传感器。)

10. Counselors, friends all say Hannah is a good girl... no trouble, smart, high GPA, doesn't date. (翻译:无论是辅导员还是她身边的朋友 都说她是个好女孩儿... 容易相处 脑子灵光 成绩优异 还不早恋)

11. Well, next summer, if you get that GPA up, you can stay and go to league camp. (翻译:下个暑假吧 如果你的平均分能提高 我就让你留下来去棒球夏令营)

12. But on a range of issues Mr Mugabe ensures that his prime minister is often kept out of the loop, in blatant defiance of the GPA. (翻译:但是在很多事情上,穆加贝先生是把他的总理留在局外的,例如明目张胆挑衅《全球政治协定》。)

13. They need to know they matter to us as humans, not because of their GPA. (翻译:他们需要知道, 他们本身对我们很重要, 而不是他们的学习成绩。)

14. Yeah, you guys have had the best GPA the last 50 years. (翻译:嗯, 你们的平均成绩. 在过去xx年里是全校最高的)

15. If your roommate is at the top of the grade- point distribution you'll tend to be about 5 per cent better than average. (翻译:如果你室友的GPA成绩位于分布图顶端,你的成绩往往会比平均水平大约高5%。)



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