lonsdale是什么意思 lonsdale的中文翻译、读音、例句

lonsdale是什么意思 lonsdale的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:Lonsdale Road(朗斯代尔路),Lonsdale Brand(伦斯代尔牌)


发音: ['lɒnzdeɪl]



1. The Lonsdale brand is known for its quality products. (伦斯代尔牌以其优质的产品而闻名。)

2. She lives on Lonsdale Road, which is a busy and popular street. (她住在朗斯代尔路上,那是一条繁忙而又受欢迎的街道。)

3. Lonsdale is a town in Northern British Columbia, Canada. (伦斯代尔是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省北部的一个城镇。)

4. The famous boxer, Hugh Lonsdale, was born in London in 1911. (著名拳击手休·伦斯代尔于xx年出生在伦敦。)

5. The Lonsdale Quay Market is a popular tourist destination in North Vancouver. (朗斯代尔码头市场是北温哥华的一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。)



1. Lonsdale的历史悠久,是一个充满魅力的小城镇。

2. 我们将在Lonsdale的市中心见面。

3. Lonsdale是一个美丽的海滨小镇,吸引了许多游客前来度假。

4. 这家咖啡馆位于Lonsdale的主要街道上,是一个非常受欢迎的聚集地。

5. 我们计划在Lonsdale购物中心里度过一个愉快的下午。




例句:Toward morning Lonsdale woke the girl up, and persuaded her to leave. (快到早晨的时候,朗斯代尔唤醒了那个姑娘,劝她离开。)


例句:Leaf Table by John Lonsdale definitely falls under the latter category. (由JohnLonsdale设计的树叶餐桌绝对是属于后者。)


例句:Central City Business Association manager Paul Lonsdale said the music had helped residents and retailers reclaim the mall. (市中心商业协会经理保罗?隆思戴尔表示,播放这种音乐帮助市民与零售商挽救商业中心。)


例句:Most of the recent cases have come from the State of Victoria and the town of Point Lonsdale. (翻译:大多数最近病例来自维多利亚州和波因特·朗斯代尔镇。)


lonsdale一般作为名词使用,如在Lonsdale(朗斯代尔(姓氏))、Kirkby Lonsdale([地名] 柯比朗斯代尔 ( 英 ))、Lonsdale Belt([网络] 朗斯代尔奖带)等常见短语中出现较多。

Kirkby Lonsdale[地名] 柯比朗斯代尔 ( 英 )
Lonsdale Belt[网络] 朗斯代尔奖带
Morecambe and Lonsdale[地名] 莫克姆和朗斯代尔 ( 英 )
point lonsdale波因特伦斯代尔


1. Central City Business Association manager Paul Lonsdale said the music had helped residents and retailers reclaim the mall. (翻译:市中心商业协会经理保罗?隆思戴尔表示,播放这种音乐帮助市民与零售商挽救商业中心。)

2. Most of the recent cases have come from the State of Victoria and the town of Point Lonsdale. (翻译:大多数最近病例来自维多利亚州和波因特·朗斯代尔镇。)

3. Lonsdale said the best anti-crime music blended into the background and had no noticeable beat. (翻译:隆思戴尔说,最好的反犯罪音乐能融入背景,且没有明确的节奏。)

4. Someone told Rowan that you took Greats at Lonsdale. (翻译:有人和Rowan说 你以前在Lonsdale读古典人文)

5. The first time Lonsdale received a message, Bill Collins was unable to decipher it. There was no indicator group in the traffic. (翻译:朗斯代尔第一次接收信息时,比尔柯林斯未能将其破译出来,因为这份电讯中没有密码指标组。)

6. About halfway there, I pulled into the parking lot of the gas station and store at Lonsdale. (翻译:大约在半途,我把车开进了朗斯代尔的加油站兼商店的停车处。)

7. Houghton , Lonsdale , and presumably also the Krogers would all be blown by the defection . (翻译:霍顿,朗斯代尔,大概还有克罗格夫妇,都会由于这次叛逃而暴露。)

8. About halfway there, I pulled into the parking lot of the gas station and store at Lonsdale. (翻译:大约在半途,我把车开进了朗斯代尔的加油站兼商店的停车处。)

9. 44 Brewer Street. 1530 Carpenter Avenue. 220 Lonsdale Road. (翻译:Brewer街44号 Carpenter大道1530号 Lonsdale路22号)

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