cur是什么意思 cur的中文翻译、读音、例句

cur是什么意思 cur的中文翻译、读音、例句

CUR 是一个单词,主要指"现在的"、"流行的"或"短暂的",是一个形容词。此外,CUR 还可以作为单词的词根,表示"跑"或"流"。以下是一些 CUR 作为形容词的例句:

1. The cur fashion trends always change too quickly. (现在的时尚潮流总是变化太快。)

2. They are not interested in cur events, they only care about the past. (他们不关心现在的事件,只关心过去。)

3. The cur generation is often criticized for their lack of respect for traditions. (现在的一代人经常因为缺乏对传统的尊重而受到批评。)

CUR 还有一些常见的词组搭配:

4. Cur rent affairs: 当前事务

5. Cur rent events: 现在的事件

6. Cur rent situation: 当前的情况

7. Cur rent trend: 现在的趋势

作为词根,CUR 还可以构成一些单词,如:

1. Cur rent: 流通的,现存的

2. Cur sive: 有流动性的

3. Con cur rent: 同时发生的,一起发生的


'cur' 不是一个具体的语言,而是一个英语单词,可以表示“狗”,“卑鄙的人”,“小偷”,“劣质的物品”等含义。

这个词语可以当作名词使用,例如:“He's a cur.”(他是个卑鄙的人。) “The dog was a cur.”(这只狗是一只杂种狗。)也可以作为形容词使用,例如:“He sold me a cur dog.”(他卖给我一只劣质的杂种狗。)


1. My grandfather used to say that a cur dog never barks for nothing.(我祖父曾经说过,劣质的狗从来不会无缘无故地叫。)

2. He's such a cur, always trying to take advantage of people.(他是个小偷,总是想占人便宜。)

3. I don't want to buy this, it's nothing but a cur product.(我不想买这个,这只是一件劣质品。)

4. The farmers had a pack of cur dogs to protect their livestock from coyotes.(农民们有一群杂种狗来保护他们的牲畜不受郊狼的侵扰。)

5. That cur stole my wallet!(那个小偷偷了我的钱包!)

6. She was afraid of the cur dog barking at her.(她害怕那只杂种狗对着她叫。)

7. He's not the kind of cur that would betray his friends.(他不是那种会背叛朋友的卑鄙之人。)

8. The store owner was accused of selling cur products at a high price.(店主被指控以高价出售劣质货。)

9. I've never seen a cur dog with such beautiful fur before.(我以前从来没有见过毛发这么美丽的杂种狗。)


1. 走狗;杂种狗

2. 卑鄙小人;下流人



1. That cur is always barking at people.(那条杂种狗总是对着人叫)

2. He's a real cur, always trying to undermine his colleagues.(他是个真正的卑鄙小人,总是试图破坏他的同事)

cur的中文解释是"恶狗 、光标",还经常被翻译为野狗,单词读音音标为[kә:],cur常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到33个与cur相关的句子。



例句:The file scaling_cur_freq lists the current scaling frequency that the governors are using. (scaling_cur_freq文件列出调控器当前使用的扩展频率。)


例句:Your anger at the cur's impudence will disguise your desire to kill. (你对那个狗杂种的愤怒 能很好的掩饰你的杀机)


例句:Game Controls: cursor control keys cur direction to push screen boxes, boxes with the backlog screen to the ball. (游戏操作:用光标键控制小人的方向,去推画面中的箱子,用箱子去积压画面中的球。)


例句:Game Controls: mouse control cur direction, the left red box said curs of the power of serving size, the more red, The greater strength. (翻译:游戏操作:鼠标控制小人的方向,左边的红色空格表示小人发球的力量的大小,红色越多,力量越大。)


cur一般作为名词使用,如在rev cur(abbr. reverse-current 反向电流)等常见短语中出现较多。

rev curabbr. reverse-current 反向电流


1. Game Controls: cursor control keys cur direction to push screen boxes, boxes with the backlog screen to the ball. (翻译:游戏操作:用光标键控制小人的方向,去推画面中的箱子,用箱子去积压画面中的球。)

2. Game Controls: mouse control cur direction, the left red box said curs of the power of serving size, the more red, The greater strength. (翻译:游戏操作:鼠标控制小人的方向,左边的红色空格表示小人发球的力量的大小,红色越多,力量越大。)

3. Even the cur is wary of the door it's kicked out of (翻译:即使贱狗在它曾被踢出去的门面前也会小心点.)

4. This cur rent will gradually decay to a steady value. (翻译:该电流将逐渐衰减至一个稳定值。)

5. Yet did not this coldhearted cur... shed one tear-- (翻译:可是这个铁石心肠的... ...不流泪...)

6. I want them to map every square klick of this mud ball and set charges to force that son of a cur into the open. (翻译:我要它们记录下这一个泥球上的每一寸土地 并设置炸弹把那个混球给逼出来)

7. Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. Is that "car" or "cur"? (翻译:加里・格兰特和黛博拉・范儿 是儿还是尔?)

8. Switch cards or modules are designed to plug into a mainframe that supplies drive cur rent for the relays and various control signals. (翻译:开关卡或模块设计用于插入到可为继电器提供驱动电流及各种控制信号的主机中。)

9. They say every dog has his day, but this one ain't gonna be yours, you flea-bitten cur! (翻译:他们说每只狗都有得意的时候 但是今天你不行 你这狗杂种)

10. However, the leakage cur rent is dependent on the applied voltage, so this technique cannot be used for voltage sweeps. (翻译:然而,漏流与施加的电压有关,因此该方法不可用于电压扫描。)

11. The numerical results reveal that the temperature increment is mainly due to the eddy cur-rent loss in the solid thrust disk. (翻译:研究表明,造成系统温升的主要原因是推力磁轴承实心推力盘的涡流损耗。)

12. A cur barking at the sun cannot detract from its glory. (翻译:狂犬吠日,无损于太阳的光辉。)

13. She could have barged me all night , telling me I was a cur and a coward . (翻译:她会整夜地骂我,说我是个坏蛋,是胆小鬼。)

14. "You've heard of a woman's glory being spent on a downright cur." (翻译:常有女人的尊荣 虚掷在无赖身上 你写的吗)

15. A wild cur flung itself at him with bared fangs and slashed a rent in his overcoat. (翻译:一只恶狗张牙舞爪猛地朝他扑来,撕破了他的上衣。)

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