jangle是什么意思 jangle的中文翻译、读音、例句

jangle是什么意思 jangle的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Jangle 可以作动词或名词,作动词时表示发出刺耳的金属撞击声或嘈杂的声音,也可以指拨弄琴弦等发出不和谐和刺耳的声音。作名词时表示刺耳的嘈杂声或不协调的声音。

词性:Jangle 是一个动词或名词。


1. jangle of keys:钥匙的叮当声

2. jangle of nerves:紧张不安的声音

3. jangle with:与...咔嗒响

4. jangle off-key:音调不准

5. jangle somebody's nerves:使人焦虑不安

6. jangle free:无线受干扰

7. jangle in the pocket:口袋里咔嗒响


1. jangle one's nerves:使人焦虑不安。

2. jangle up:把某物纠缠在一起或弄乱。

3. jangle somebody's chains:激起某人的情感或情绪。

发音拼写:Jangle 的音标:['dʒæŋɡl]


1. The jangle of keys in his pocket was a constant reminder of his responsibilities.(口袋里钥匙的叮当声始终提醒着他的责任)

2. The sound of the wind chimes jangled in the breeze.(风铃的声音在微风中清脆悦耳)

3. She nervously jangled the keys in her hand as she waited for the elevator.(她焦虑地在等候电梯时把钥匙扭来扭去)

4. The guitar strings jangled as he played the wrong chord.(他弹错和弦,吉他弦发出刺耳的声音)

5. The jangle of the doorbell interrupted his concentration.(门铃的嘈杂声打断了他的专注)

6. The jangle of the phone woke her up in the middle of the night.(电话的铃声在夜深人静时把她吵醒了)

7. The keys jangled in his pocket as he walked down the street.(他走在街上,口袋里的钥匙发出咔嗒声)





1. The sound of the jangle of keys woke me up in the middle of the night.(钥匙碰撞发出的噪音在半夜吵醒了我。)

2. The constant jangle of the phone was driving me crazy.(电话不停地响声让我快疯了。)

3. The jangle of their argument could be heard throughout the entire house.(他们的争吵声传遍了整个房子。)




例句:Few things jangle German nerves more than nuclear insecurity and the idea of military forays abroad. (几乎没有什么事情比核危机以及海外军事行动更能触动德国人的神经。)


例句:You know... "jingle-jangle." (- 一直很兴奋, 但是有点虚弱,摇摇摆摆的.)


例句:Storms raged around an anguished Lear; the jangle of slot machines must be clanging in Mr Ho's head. (痛苦的李尔王在肆虐的暴风雨中挣扎,而何鸿燊脑海里此刻响起的,一定是老虎机的叮铛声。)


例句:I didn't feel it at the time, my nerves were too jangle, but we were lucky. (翻译:我当时并没有感觉到,可能是我的神经太焦虑了,们却是幸运的。)


jangle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在jangle pop([网络] 和谐噪响流行乐;争吵流行;铿锵流行曲)等常见短语中出现较多。

jangle pop[网络] 和谐噪响流行乐;争吵流行;铿锵流行曲


1. Storms raged around an anguished Lear; the jangle of slot machines must be clanging in Mr Ho's head. (翻译:痛苦的李尔王在肆虐的暴风雨中挣扎,而何鸿燊脑海里此刻响起的,一定是老虎机的叮铛声。)

2. I didn't feel it at the time, my nerves were too jangle, but we were lucky. (翻译:我当时并没有感觉到,可能是我的神经太焦虑了,们却是幸运的。)

3. My name Jangle Leg, Jangle Leg. (翻译:My name Jangle Leg, Jangle Leg.)

4. You could hear it in every jangle of the bell. (翻译:你可以从一下下刺耳的钟声中听见它; )

5. The slightest irritation made my nerves jangle and my head want to explode. (翻译:稍有点不如意,就会使我极度烦躁,脑袋也像要裂开似的。)

6. (Keys jangle) Staff sergeant best took custody of the suspect in the Sally port, then handed him off to you. (翻译:警长应该是先拘押了暗门那儿的嫌疑人 然后再交给你处理)

7. The three men jangle over trifles. (翻译:这三个男人为了小事而争吵。)

8. And you can hear the chains a-jangle as you go about and reach for the other buoy. (翻译:甚至在他们调转船头到达另一个浮标处时,他们仍然能听到那铁链发出的当啷声。)

9. Jangle Leg? -Jangle Leg, Jangle Leg. (翻译:- Jangle Leg, Jangle Leg)

10. The policy may jangle inflationary nerves but it is in fact designed to combat deflation, the new bogeyman. (翻译:这项政策可能会挑动对通货膨胀的紧张,但这实际上是设计来应对通货紧缩这个新的恶魔的。)



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