anaemia是什么意思 anaemia的中文翻译、读音、例句

anaemia是什么意思 anaemia的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释


2. 成因和症状


3. 治疗和预防



1. The patient's anaemia was caused by a lack of iron in her diet.


2. Chronic inflammation can lead to anaemia over time.


3. The doctor ordered a blood test to check for anaemia.


4. The symptoms of anaemia improved after the patient received a blood transfusion.


5. Eating foods high in iron can help prevent anaemia.



读音:àn xié


1. She felt weak and dizzy, and the doctor diagnosed her with anaemia.


2. Iron deficiency is a common cause of anaemia.





例句:Vitamin B12 is often injected into patients with pernicious anaemia . (他们经常给恶性贫血患者注射维生素B12。)


例句:The result is a progressive haemolytic anaemia. (结果是造成渐进性的溶血性贫血。)


例句:Exsanguine and overmuch anaemia includes acute and chronic and exsanguine anemia. (失血过多的贫血包括急性和慢性失血的贫血。)


例句:CHILDHOOD anaemia is a problem. Around the world, almost a quarter of under-fives suffer from it. And anaemia is not a trivial thing. (翻译:儿童贫血症是一个全球性的问题,将近四分之一的xx岁以下儿童忍受着该病的折磨,使得我们无法忽视它。)


anaemia一般作为名词使用,如在Fanconi anaemia([网络] 范康尼贫血;范科尼贫血综合征;凡科尼贫血)、haemolytic anaemia([病理学]溶血性贫血)、hyperchromic anaemia([网络] 超色素性贫血)等常见短语中出现较多。

Fanconi anaemia[网络] 范康尼贫血;范科尼贫血综合征;凡科尼贫血
haemolytic anaemia[病理学]溶血性贫血
hyperchromic anaemia[网络] 超色素性贫血
hypochromic anaemia[网络] 低色素性贫血
hypoplastic anaemia[网络] 再发性贫血
leucoerythroblastic anaemia[内科] 成白红细胞性贫血
macrocytic anaemia[网络] 巨红血球性贫血;起巨红血球性贫血
malignant anaemia[网络] 恶性贫血
Mediterranean anaemia[网络] 地中海贫血


1. Exsanguine and overmuch anaemia includes acute and chronic and exsanguine anemia. (翻译:失血过多的贫血包括急性和慢性失血的贫血。)

2. CHILDHOOD anaemia is a problem. Around the world, almost a quarter of under-fives suffer from it. And anaemia is not a trivial thing. (翻译:儿童贫血症是一个全球性的问题,将近四分之一的xx岁以下儿童忍受着该病的折磨,使得我们无法忽视它。)

3. HUS is characterized by acute renal failure, haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopenia. (翻译:溶血尿毒综合症的特点是急性肾衰竭、溶血性贫血和血小板减少。)

4. Tea contains a large amount of tannin. Tanin reduces the absorption of iron in the body which can lead to anaemia. (翻译:茶叶中含有大量的单宁,会降低人体吸收铁的能力,从而导致贫血。)

5. Linda told me she's not feeling very well. It might be her anaemia again. (翻译:琳达跟我说 她非常不舒服 可能是因为她又贫血了)

6. The parasite lowers immunity and causes persistent fever, anaemia, liver and spleen enlargement, and is lethal if left untreated. (翻译:这种寄生虫能降低人体的免疫力,导致长期发热、贫血、肝脾肿大,如果不加以治疗可能致命。)

7. Alloimmune disorders of pregnancy anaemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutropenia in the fetus and newborn (翻译:妊娠期同种免疫疾病——胎儿及新生儿贫血、血小板减少症和白细胞减少症)

8. I've got anaemia, that's why I've been fainting, so they gave me some iron and vitamins. (翻译:- 好,我得了贫血 那是为什么我昏倒了 他们给了我一些铁和维他命 和Lance干得怎么样?)

9. BACKGROUND: Recombinant human erythropoietin is commonly used for treatment of anaemia. (翻译:背景:重组体人红细胞生成素通常用于治疗贫血。)

10. Rabbit ATG for aplastic anaemia treatment: a backward step? (翻译:兔ATG治疗再生障碍性贫血:是一种倒退? )

11. For instance if it's caused by anaemia, you can stop hair loss by replenishing the body's iron stores. (翻译:比如说贫血引起的脱发,补充人体的铁含量就可以达到阻止进一步脱发的效果。)

12. Iodine deficiency causes brain damage and iron deficiency is responsible for anaemia in two billion people worldwide. (翻译:缺碘导致大脑损伤,而缺铁导致了全世界20亿人的贫血。)

13. Levels of copper are key diagnostic indicator of diseases such as Wilsons disease, microcytic hypochromic anaemia and bone disease due to reduced collagen synthesis. (翻译:铜含量也是威尔逊氏症病、小细胞低色素性贫血和由胶原蛋白合成减少引起骨髓疾病的关键诊断参数。)

14. A 68-year-old woman presented at the Casualty Department due to collapse, anaemia, fatigue and progressive dyspnoea. (翻译:一位xx岁女子上提出意外险部,由于崩溃,贫血,疲劳和渐进呼吸困难。)

15. A disease characterized by emaciation and anaemia in sheep from surrounding of the Baiyin mining area was described. (翻译:研究了白银矿区周围绵羊以消瘦和贫血为主要特征的疾病。)

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