dyslexia是什么意思 dyslexia的中文翻译、读音、例句

dyslexia是什么意思 dyslexia的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:dyslexia是一种语言学障碍,指的是阅读困难或理解书写语言所表达的意思的障碍。

2. 症状:dyslexia可能会导致读写困难、语音交流障碍以及注意力不集中等问题。

3. 常见症状: 阅读速度缓慢、难以读出单词的正确顺序、容易将词语混淆等等。

4. 诊断和治疗:dyslexia需要进行专业的语言学评估以确诊,之后可通过阅读治疗、药物治疗等手段进行治疗。

5. 影响:dyslexia常常会影响个体学习、社交与职业成功,但是对于患者来说,及早的诊断和治疗可以帮助他们克服这种困难。


1. The study found that people with dyslexia often have difficulties with phonological processing.(此项研究发现,患有阅读障碍症的人通常会在语音处理方面遇到困难。)

2. Dyslexia can have a significant impact on a child's academic achievement and social development.(阅读障碍可对孩子的学业成绩和社交发展产生重大影响。)

3. This organisation provides specialist support for people with dyslexia.(该组织为患有阅读障碍的人提供专业支持。)

4. There are a range of strategies that can be used to support children with dyslexia in the classroom.(有多种策略可用于支持教室中的阅读障碍学生。)

5. The dyslexia tutor provided one-to-one support for the struggling student.(阅读障碍导师为那位有困难的学生提供了一对一的支持。)





1. Children with dyslexia may struggle with reading and writing, but they may also have many other strengths and talents. (患有阅读障碍的孩子,可能在阅读和写作方面遇到困难,但他们可能还有许多其他的才华和天赋。)

2. Dyslexia is not related to intelligence or effort. It is a neurological condition that can be supported and managed with appropriate interventions. (阅读障碍与智力或努力无关。它是一种神经系统的疾病,可以通过适当的干预来支持和管理。)




例句:Dyscalculia is just as prevalent in the population as dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (计算障碍在人群中的发病同诵读困难和注意力缺陷性多动症一样普遍,约5%的人受累。)


例句:Because language centers are smaller, and only located in one hemisphere, this puts males more at risk for language disorders like dyslexia. (因为语言中心更小,而且只位于一个半球,这就使男性更容易出现语言障碍,如诵读困难。)


例句:Students with dyslexia, for example, have difficulty understanding numbers in their conceptual form. (有诵读困难的学生 例如 了解有困难 在他们的概念形式)


例句:But it does mean that talk of a "gene for dyslexia" , or genetic screening for personality or ability, is seriously misguided. (翻译:但是它意味着所说的“用于语言缺失障碍的基因”,或检测个性和能力的基因是严重的误导。)


dyslexia一般作为名词使用,如在direct dyslexia(直接型失读症、直接型阅读障碍)等常见短语中出现较多。

direct dyslexia直接型失读症、直接型阅读障碍


1. Students with dyslexia, for example, have difficulty understanding numbers in their conceptual form. (翻译:有诵读困难的学生 例如 了解有困难 在他们的概念形式)

2. But it does mean that talk of a "gene for dyslexia" , or genetic screening for personality or ability, is seriously misguided. (翻译:但是它意味着所说的“用于语言缺失障碍的基因”,或检测个性和能力的基因是严重的误导。)

3. With regard to the second, the data do not at present favor the hypothesis that dyslexia is the result of a magnocellular deficit. (翻译:关于第二个,这些数据目前不支持的假设诵读困难是由于巨赤字。)

4. A small vocabulary at the age of two can also be a sign of other problems, from deafness to autism and dyslexia. (翻译:两岁儿童词汇量小也有可能是患其他疾病的征兆。如,失聪,自闭症和难语症。)

5. They're actually a simulation of the experience of dyslexia, designed to make you decode each word. (翻译:实际上它们在模拟 阅读障碍的感觉, 设计它们的目的是让你给每个字解码。)

6. on the neurological causes of dyslexia in children that I encountered a startling fact that I'd like to share with you all today. (翻译:关于儿童阅读障碍的神经学起因 的博士论文时 我发现了一个令人吃惊的现象 今天我想以此与你们分享。)

7. Research has found that dyscalculia, a learning disability focused around number and math concepts, is as common as dyslexia. (翻译:研究发现,计算障碍和读写障碍同样普遍,主要表现在数字和数学概念上的学习障碍。)

8. One person might have mild dyslexia while the next person has a profound case of it. (翻译:一个人可能会有轻度的阅读障碍, 而另一个人则阅读障碍很严重。)

9. Some children with dyslexia or other learning difficulties, like Hunter Gaudet, 16, of Somers, Conn., have found it far more comfortable to search and read online. (翻译:一些有读写困难或者其他学习困难的孩子,如康涅狄格州Somers xx岁的Hunter Gaudet那样,发现在互联网上,搜索和阅读变得轻松许多。)

10. Dyslexia can also affect a person emotionally. (翻译:语言障碍也能影响一个人的情感。)

11. The truth is people with dyslexia see things the same way as everyone else. (翻译:事实是有阅读障碍的人 看东西的方式和大家一样。)

12. Some children with dyslexia might only have one of these symptoms. (翻译:有的诵读困难者可能只表现出其中的一种症状。)

13. on the neurological causes of dyslexia in children that I encountered a startling fact that I'd like to share with you all today. (翻译:关于儿童阅读障碍的神经学起因 的博士论文时 我发现了一个令人吃惊的现象 今天我想以此与你们分享。)

14. When i got there it was a small building dedicated for students with dyslexia with a sign on the door saying "There are 2 building 45's" . (翻译:等我吭哧吭哧走到了,发现这是一栋为有阅读障碍的学生建的小楼,门上有个小条写着:“这有两个45号楼”。)

15. As many as 20% of all children in the United States suffer from some form of the learning disorder called dyslexia. (翻译:在美国,约有20%的儿童患有某种学习机能失调症,它被称之为读写困难症。)



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