1. 定义:'bindtap'是小程序开发中,用于响应用户点击事件的API,当用户点击触发该事件时,绑定的函数将会被自动执行。
2. 特点:相较于其他事件绑定API,如'bindtouchstart'和'bindtouchend'等,'bindtap'具有以下特点:
- 只在用户点击时触发,不管用户手指是否滑动。
- 适用于大部分常见的点击事件响应,如按钮、链接等。
3. 使用场景:'bindtap'适用于各种需要响应点击事件的场景,例如:
- 用户点击按钮后,弹出提示框。
- 用户点击链接后,跳转到另一个页面。
- 用户点击轮播图导航点时,切换到对应的图片。
1. 点击按钮,呼出日期选择器。 (Tap the button to bring up the date picker.)
2. 点击图片,放大查看。 (Tap the image to enlarge and view.)
3. 点击链接,跳转至商城主页。 (Tap the link to go to the mall homepage.)
4. 点击导航图标,打开菜单栏。 (Tap the navigation icon to open the menu bar.)
5. 点击选项卡,切换至对应页面。 (Tap the tab to switch to the corresponding page.)
'bindtap'的中文翻译为“点击绑定”,读音为“bǐn dǎn bǐng dìng”,例句如下:
1. 在微信小程序开发中,'bindtap'可以绑定用户的点击事件。
( In WeChat mini-program development, 'bindtap' can bind user click events.)
2. 如果你想让按钮响应用户点击事件,你需要使用'bindtap'属性。
(If you want the button to respond to user click events, you need to use the 'bindtap' attribute.)
例句:and he will bind them with ancient logics. (而且他会用古逻辑学烦死他们 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}and he will bind them with ancient logics.)
1. In Cydia, tap Changes, and if any new versions of your jailbreak apps are available, tap Upgrade. (翻译:您的越狱了的应用程序的新版本推出后,Cydia会记录下相关的升级与变更。)
2. The calculate attribute defines the value that you want to bind to the node; in this case, you bind TaxTotal to the product of TaxRate and SubTotal. (翻译:calculate属性定义您希望绑定到节点的值;在本例中,您将TaxTotal绑定为TaxRate和SubTotal的乘积。)
3. They bind the polyether ladder brevetoxins and ciguatoxin. (翻译:它们结合了聚醚梯菌毒素和雪卡毒素。)
4. Ser Jorah, bind this woman to the pyre. (翻译:乔拉爵士, 把这女人绑上火葬台. Ser Jorah, bind this woman to the pyre.)
5. The miser said, "Bind me fast, bind me fast, for pity's sake." (翻译:守财奴说:“快把我绑起来,快把我绑起来,可怜可怜我吧。” )
6. To bind into the service of another by indenture. (翻译:以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务。)
7. The gril is turning off the tap. (翻译:那个女孩正在关水龙头。)
8. Doubt conversation will be on tap for the commute. (翻译:-full. 在旅途中恐怕无法交谈 Doubt conversation will be on tap for the commute.)
9. Now and forever, I bind you to the wolf! (翻译:从现在到永远,我批准你们加入沃尔夫森家族!)
10. Herrick be bind to reject it. (翻译:赫里史肯定会拒绝它。)
11. Dude, last year your dad tap-danced with a cane. (翻译:去年你老爸拿拐杖跳踢踏舞 Dude, last year your dad tap -danced with a cane.)
12. If you have a corpse, you can bind the spirit of a dead person by giving blood to their body. (翻译:How? - If you have a corpse, 你可以通过对他的尸体输血 you can bind the spirit of a dead person)
13. The spinal tap removed some of the fluid, (翻译:之前的检查因抽出部分脊液 缓解了你大脑内的压力)
14. You walk over there, you take this, you tap him on the neck. (翻译:你走到那里 拿着这个 敲他的脖子 You walk over there, you take this, you tap him on the neck.)
15. To promise or bind by a solemn pledge, especially to betroth. (翻译:以誓约约束,允诺通过庄严的誓言来保证或约束,特别是订婚)