buv是什么意思 buv的中文翻译、读音、例句

buv是什么意思 buv的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:'buv' 可以作为名词、动词、形容词、副词等多种词性出现。在不同语境下,'buv'可能会有不同的意义和解释。


- Noun: "BUV is an important research field in physics."('BUV'是物理学中的一个重要研究领域。)

- Verb: "I'm going to buv some groceries later."(我稍后要去买点杂货。)

- Adjective: "The new fashion trend is very buv."(这种新的时尚趋势很时髦。)

- Adverb: "He drove buv to get to the airport."(他驾车快速地去机场。)

2. 可能的含义:虽然'buv'没有一个明确的词义,但是根据上下文可以推断其可能的含义。'buv'可能表示快速、高效、时髦、前卫等含义。


- "She finished the task buv." (她迅速地完成了任务。)

- "The new gadget is very buv."(这个新设备很先进。)

- "He has a very buv haircut."(他的发型很时尚。)

3. 缩写词:'buv'可能是某个团体、机构、公司、品牌、产品等的缩写词。具体缩写含义需要根据上下文进行推断。


- "I'm going to attend the BUV conference next week."(我下周要去参加BUV会议。)

- "BUV is a popular cosmetics brand."(BUV是一个很受欢迎的化妆品牌。)

4. 异体拼写:'buv'也可能是某个词的异体拼写。例如,'buzz'拼写错误为'buz',也可能被写作'buv',但这种情况极为少见。


- "The bee's wings were buzzing."(蜜蜂的翅膀发出嗡嗡声。)

- "The machinery made a loud buzzing noise."(机器发出刺耳的嗡嗡声。)









例句:The ink is dried in a non-UV process to form a storable film on the carrier web. (油墨在非-UV过程中干燥以在载体坯料上形成可储存的膜。)


例句:The contents of Polydatin and Emodin of Huzhang tablet are measured by UV. (采用紫外分光光度法测定虎杖片中白藜芦醇甙和大黄素的含量。)


例句:In addition, OPAS also other special application requirements for the development of specialty UV glue. (除此之外,OPAS也针对其他特殊应用需求开发特用UV胶。)


例句:As a result of UV glazing technology do not use solvents and solvent air pollution problems. (翻译:由于UV上光技术不使用溶剂,故无溶剂挥发带来的空气污染问题。)


1. In addition, OPAS also other special application requirements for the development of specialty UV glue. (翻译:除此之外,OPAS也针对其他特殊应用需求开发特用UV胶。)

2. As a result of UV glazing technology do not use solvents and solvent air pollution problems. (翻译:由于UV上光技术不使用溶剂,故无溶剂挥发带来的空气污染问题。)

3. But I couldn't speak to Mr. B-b-b-blaylocke (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}没法再问布――布――布雷洛克了)

4. Look at some of the major latitudinal transgressions: people from high UV areas going to low UV and vice versa. (翻译:注意那些横跨大量纬度的移动。人们从高紫外线辐射的地区 前往低紫外线辐射的地区,反之亦然。)

5. Look at some of the major latitudinal transgressions: people from high UV areas going to low UV and vice versa. (翻译:注意那些横跨大量纬度的移动。人们从高紫外线辐射的地区 前往低紫外线辐射的地区,反之亦然。)

6. Synthesis and Characterization of a Quick UV-Curing Starburst Molecule (翻译:一种紫外光快速固化的星形化合物的合成与表征)

7. If A equals B, then b equals a... (翻译:- 如果A等于B 那么B等于A - 对称性)

8. A CT scanner, UV lights, but something is missing. (翻译:一台CT扫描仪,紫外灯, 但是好像少了点什么。)

9. The contents of Polydatin and Emodin of Huzhang tablet are measured by UV. (翻译:采用紫外分光光度法测定虎杖片中白藜芦醇甙和大黄素的含量。)

10. The semismooth function is applied to UV-decomposition by using finite convex functions UV-decomposition. (翻译:利用UV-分解理论,将半光滑函数应用到UV-分解中。)

11. The resistance of Bombyx mandarina Moore to UV was similar to pesticide. (翻译:野桑蚕对紫外线的抗性与对农药的抗性相似。)

12. The UV spectrum most resembled that of the aromatic tropylium ion. (翻译:紫外光谱与芳香族对苯二酚离子的光谱最相似。)

13. If we have "A" and "B" intersecting. And "A" and "B". (翻译:如果有集合A和集合B,两者相交 以及这个集合A和集合B)

14. Is this UV? Is UV good or bad? I forget. (翻译:是这个紫外线灯吗 紫外线有益还是有害的,我已经忘了)

15. Hydraulic characteristics of the UV disinfector was investigated by tracer experiment. (翻译:采用示踪实验研究紫外线消毒器的水力特性。)

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