1. 词义解释:contradict是一个动词,表示与某事物相对立,相矛盾或相抵触。在表达中,常常用于表述两个陈述相互矛盾或者互相抵触的情况。
2. 用法注意:contradict是一个正式用语,通常用于书面语或者正式场合。在口语中,较为常见的替代用语有"deny"或者"disagree with"。
3. 派生词汇:contradiction (名词,与contradict同源),contradictory (形容词,表示相互矛盾的)
4. 同义词:deny, oppose, dispute, negate, argue against
5. 反义词:agree, corroborate, support, confirm, affirm
1. His words were contradictory and seemed to contradict each other. (他的话很矛盾,好像互相抵触。)
2. The evidence produced by the defense team contradict the prosecution's argument. (辩护团队提供的证据与起诉方的观点相抵触。)
3. His behavior contradicts the image he has carefully crafted for himself. (他的行为与他精心打造的形象不符。)
4. The new research findings contradict the previous scientific consensus. (新的研究结论与之前科学共识相冲突。)
5. I cannot contradict your opinion, but I have a different view on this matter. (我不想反驳你的观点,对这个问题有一个不同的看法。)
1. His statement contradicts the evidence presented in court.(他的陈述与在法庭上呈现的证据相矛盾。)
3. The witness's testimony contradicted the defendant's alibi.(证人的证言反驳了被告的不在场证明。)
例句:John McCain would never ask you to contradict your beliefs, but we expect you to support his positions. (约翰·麦凯恩不会让你摒弃自己的政见 们希望你全力支持他的政见)
例句:If we make a wrong guess, we’ll eventually reach a point where our conclusions contradict each other. (如果我们猜错了, 就会得出互相矛盾的结论, )
例句:Mu Panba not figure it out, but dare to contradict the teacher. (姆潘巴想不通,但又敢顶撞老师。)
例句:I prithee, contradict thyself, and say it is not so. (翻译:请你收回你刚才说过的话 告诉我们没有这么一回事)
contradict一般作为动词使用,如在self contradict(adj. 矛盾的)等常见短语中出现较多。
self contradict | adj. 矛盾的 |
1. Mu Panba not figure it out, but dare to contradict the teacher. (翻译:姆潘巴想不通,但又敢顶撞老师。)
2. I prithee, contradict thyself, and say it is not so. (翻译:请你收回你刚才说过的话 告诉我们没有这么一回事)
3. This seems to contradict the CRUDy anti pattern for SOA. (翻译:这有好像与SOA反模式CRUD是矛盾的。)
4. He would get so crazy if anybody would contradict him. (翻译:如果有人站出来和他对抗 他会变得如此疯狂.)
5. But let us consider precisely this possibility that exists, that in order not to contradict itself, it does not inscribe itself in itself. (翻译:但是,让我们准确地考虑这个存在的可能性:这个分类的目录为了避免跟自己相牴触,它没有将自己铭记在自己里面…)
6. What is wonderful is, at many times, the stories will contradict with each other. (翻译:在许多时候,故事之间相互矛盾, 这正是精彩之处。)
7. You contradict your statements all the time. (翻译:相当多的 同样的,因为它是, - [艾哈迈德] 不,算了吧,我来了。)
8. Of course, releasing her would contradict the basic principles of our faith, because it would suggest that the Church doubts the power of 'The Question'. (翻译:当然,释放她 不符合我们的基本信条 因为这代表教廷)
9. Do you dare to use the word "obviously" when you contradict me? (翻译:我只能亏本卖出 {\3cH202020}I could only sell it at a loss.)
10. Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contradict to avoid anything missing? (翻译:你不觉得应该仔细查抄一下合同,免得遗漏什么吗?)
11. The findings seem to contradict the idea that money is only related to happiness up to the point where basic needs are met. (翻译:这些结果似乎与这个想法相矛盾——钱只与幸福相关到基本需要合适的那个点。)
12. All I know is the DNA results directly contradict the isotope test. (翻译:我只知道DNA比对结果 All I know is the DNA results 和同位素检测结果完全相悖 directly contradict the isotope test.)
13. Let Mr. Darcy contradict it! Besides, there was truth in all his looks. (翻译:不然就让达西先生加以驳斥 再说看他的表情应该没说谎)
14. You contradict yourself, Bob. (翻译:你自相矛盾了 鲍勃 You contradict yourself, Bob.)
15. This seems to contradict the CRUDy anti pattern for SOA. (翻译:这有好像与 SOA反模式CRUD是矛盾的。)