horses是什么意思 horses的中文翻译、读音、例句

horses是什么意思 horses的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. She loves to ride horses in the countryside. 她喜欢在乡村骑马。

2. The rancher has a herd of 50 horses. 牧场主拥有一群50匹的马。

3. The jockey trained the horses for the race. 骑师为比赛训练了马匹。




例句:Horses were replaced with small tractors, and loggers began to use gasoline-powered chain saws. (马匹被小型牵引机所替换,伐木工开始使用汽油驱动的链锯。)


例句:Horses on the bus sing. Neigh! Neigh! Neigh! (马在公共汽车上唱歌。嘞!嘞!嘞! )


例句:Instead of causing infection, bacteria can be reprogrammed to carry cancer-fighting drugs, acting as Trojan Horses that target the tumor from within. (这样的细菌不但不会引发炎症 还可被重编程, 使其自身携带抗癌药物 犹如特洛伊木马, 从肿瘤内部展开攻击。)


horses一般作为名词使用,如在the horses(马群)、draft horses([网络] 驮马)、draught horses([网络] 挽马)等常见短语中出现较多。

the horses马群
draft horses[网络] 驮马
draught horses[网络] 挽马
dray horses(拉马车的)挽马,役马
farm horses[网络] 劳役马\n(farm horse 的复数)
female horses雌马\n(female horse 的复数)
gift horses作为礼物的马
high horsesn. 傲慢的态度
hobby horsesn. 木马;竹马;摇动木马


1. Instead of causing infection, bacteria can be reprogrammed to carry cancer-fighting drugs, acting as Trojan Horses that target the tumor from within. (翻译:这样的细菌不但不会引发炎症 还可被重编程, 使其自身携带抗癌药物 犹如特洛伊木马, 从肿瘤内部展开攻击。)

2. Horses are pasturing there. (翻译:马儿在那边吃草。)

3. Horses have degenerated to the tame animals in the zoo, as well as zoetic toys in children's eyes. (翻译:马的嘶鸣,也依稀销匿。马蜕化为动物园里的宠物、儿童心目中活动的大玩具。)

4. Anyway, Lady Rose says he doesn't even like Lord Sinderby. (翻译:他一直想照顾动物 {\3cH202020}He always wanted to work with animals. 就想伺候马 {\3cH202020}Horses really.)

5. Horses on my right, men with money in their pockets on my left. (翻译:马在我的右边... 怀揣钱财的男士们在我左边)

6. Horses were bred for pace or for the plough. (翻译:马匹被繁育配种用来训练步法 或用来拉犁耕田)

7. Horses need to be exercised regularly. (翻译:马需要有规律的训练。)

8. Horses were good enough for my father and his father before him, and they were always good enough for me. (翻译:我爸爸骑马 我爸爸的爸爸也骑马 我们只骑马,不骑毯子)

9. BWP is the studbook of the Belgian Warmblood Horses. (翻译:BWP是比利时温血马的血统登记协会。)

10. Well, I'm saying it's the Coach Horses, but it's never gone anywhere, has it? (翻译:当然,我身体好吗! 我哪里都可以去,你们不相信吗?)

11. We appreciate your help, Mr. Miller. (翻译:Miller. 让我先把这些马交给警长大人 let me get these horses over to the sheriff.)

12. WE must now return to Aravis and the Horses. (翻译:现在我们必须回过来说说阿拉维斯和马儿们了。)

13. Horses used to be used to pull cartloads of crops to the market. (翻译:过去总是用马把一车车的庄稼拉到市场去。)

14. Horses which are well nourished before starting on such a sortie seldom can withstand exertion of such kind. (翻译:这些马匹营养充分开始之前就这么出击很少能承受这样一种消耗。)

15. Horses are the only animal species in which natural infection of HeV has been reported, with a case fatality of approximately 75%. (翻译:马是据报天然感染亨德拉病毒的唯一动物,病死率约达75%。)



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