shenyin是什么意思 shenyin的中文翻译、读音、例句

shenyin是什么意思 shenyin的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:发出声音(make a sound)、声音传递(sound transmission)、识别声音(recognize sounds)、声音效果(sound effect)、声音强度(sound intensity)


发音拼写:/shen yin/


1. 他的声音很沙哑,好像嗓子痛了一样。(His voice is hoarse, as if his throat hurts.)

2. 这个音响系统的声音效果非常好。(The sound effects of this audio system are very good.)

3. 老鹰发出的尖锐的声音吓了我一跳。(The sharp sound made by the eagle startled me.)

4. 这篇文章读起来像是一种美妙的音乐。(This article reads like a beautiful piece of music.)

5. 我听到有人在外面大声喊叫,于是我看了一下窗外。(I heard someone shouting loudly outside, so I looked out of the window.)


读音:shēn yīn


1. 我听到一个奇怪的声音,不知道是什么。

I heard a strange sound, but I don't know what it is.

2. 这个音响效果非常棒,听起来非常逼真。

The sound effect is amazing, and it sounds very realistic.

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