1. Definition: 'Encircle' means to surround or form a circle around something or somebody.
Example: The city is encircled by a high wall to protect it from invaders.
2. Synonyms: surround, circle, encompass, engulf, girdle.
Example: The majestic mountains encircle the small town, making it a breathtaking view.
3. Antonyms: disconnect, disentangle, disperse, release, untie.
Example: The protesters tried to break the police line, but they were encircled and arrested.
4. Usage: 'Encircle' is commonly used in military contexts, such as when armies surround their enemies to cut off their supply lines and isolate them.
Example: The enemy troops were encircled and forced to surrender after a long and fierce battle.
5. Etymology: The word 'encircle' comes from the Old French word 'encerceler', which means 'to surround with a circle'.
Example: The students encircled the teacher, asking her questions about the exam.
In conclusion, 'encircle' is a versatile and useful word that can be used in a variety of contexts, from describing natural landscapes to military strategies. I hope these examples and explanations can help you understand the word better.
1. The police encircled the building in order to catch the criminal.
2. The town is encircled by beautiful hills.
3. The group of tourists encircled the tour guide to hear his explanation.
例句:Do not encircle the scabbard with your fingers while drawing out your khukuri. (不要在拔刀的时候用手指整个的握住刀鞘。)
例句:♪ Encircle the front lines ♪ (* Encircle the front lines *)
例句:That they would all be in the kitchen at the same time, because our plan was that while they were in the kitchen we would encircle them. (他们可以同时在厨房里 我们的计划是,他们在厨房的时候)
例句:The second was to encircle the cities. (翻译:第二步是包围城市。)
encircle一般作为动词使用,如在encircle by(环绕,围绕;包围)、encircle with(环绕,围绕:;包围)等常见短语中出现较多。
encircle by | 环绕,围绕;包围 |
encircle with | 环绕,围绕:;包围 |
1. That they would all be in the kitchen at the same time, because our plan was that while they were in the kitchen we would encircle them. (翻译:他们可以同时在厨房里 我们的计划是,他们在厨房的时候)
2. The second was to encircle the cities. (翻译:第二步是包围城市。)
3. The relief of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all. (翻译:它全部的安慰都环抱着地球,一种新的能量会渗透每一件事物并把爱和光带给你们所有人。)
4. Light blue goose to lake lay quietly on the green encircle, like a natural jadeite enchased in a blue gems on. (翻译:淡蓝色的雁归湖静静地躺在绿色的环抱之中,就像是镶嵌在一片天然翡翠上的一块蓝色宝石。)
5. The narrow island of Grande Jatte lies in the middle of the Seine, upstream from Clichy and Asnieres, where the river loops around to encircle the northwest edge of Paris... (翻译:大碗岛位于阿涅埃与克里希上游的塞纳河河段中央,塞纳河的河曲在此沿著巴黎市区的西北边缘流过。)
6. The energy will encircle the globe and effect each of you. (翻译:能量将环绕地球并影响到其上的你们每一个人。)
7. Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love. (翻译:大师们,大家好,同样的我们以一股无条件的爱之。)
8. Furthermore, you'll be so shining that colleagues envy you, and the subordinates respect you, which make you encircle with cheers. (翻译:你光芒四射,同行羡慕你,下属敬重你,你面对的是一片喝彩之声。)
9. The kuomintang across the lawn for the reds to encircle, forces command stone from the enemy, big forces skyshatter go first. (翻译:国民党对红军过草地围追堵截,部队命令石破天阻击敌人,大部队先走。)
10. Jenkins, you take 12 men and encircle to the north. (翻译:Jenkins, 带12个人包围北边 Chambers, 你 ...)
11. Our design for Dalseong-gun Citizen's Gymnasium began with our nostalgia of a place that can bring people together and encircle with Nature. (翻译:我们为达城郡体育馆的设计始于我们的怀旧情结,我们渴望找回那个将人们团聚一起并拥抱自然的地方,这也是一种对自然的向往。)
12. That in turn will fuel Chinese fears that America is trying to encircle it. (翻译:这样的局势反过来又会加重中国人对“美国对中国包围说”的恐惧。)
13. Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love. (翻译:大师们,大家好,同样的我们以一股无条件的爱之。)
14. Mrs. Pryor came; she sat down on the edge of her patient's bed, and allowed the wasted arms to encircle her. (翻译:普赖尔太太过来了,她在病人的床沿上坐下来,听任两只消瘦的胳膊把她搂住。)
15. As regular Russian military forces move in to encircle Radchenko... allied military forces are in a state ofhigh alert. (翻译:由于俄国军队前往包围鲁先科 盟军的军队处于高度的警戒状况)